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Outdated StarMount 5.1

StarMount - 150 Mounts - Pleased Giraffe

  1. Major update - Upgrade-able transforms

    -With this new update you can upgrade your transform mounts from tier 1 to tier 11.

    -Do that by buying Upgrade station, putting the right ingredients inside it and upgrading transforms, its as easy as that.

    -So for example if you would like to upgrade your tier 1 transform to tier 2 you would use Tier 1 transform chip + Inferior brain + 10 Steelbar + 10 Monster DNA, or from tier 1 to tier 4 you would use Tier 1 transform chip + Inferior brain + 10 Durasteelbar + 20 Monster DNA, and you on.

    -All the recipes can be found on Upgrade station.

    -I wish there was another way of upgrading techs, but unfortunately there isn't any, at least not that I know of. So for now you will have 11 different versions of the same transform, which is overcrowding tech station, but as I said there is no other way, it would be great if tech could be deleted.

    -For now only visual difference between transform tiers will be their gloves, each colored according to its tier. As I said this is for now, in future I may change that and difference between tiered transforms will more noticeable (suggestions are welcome as always, as long as it's not something to complicated that would take 1 year to make ;) ).


    PS - who doesn't like the idea of upgrading transforms or how they look with their gloves, can just avoid downloading this update, because everything else is the same as in update 2.1
    Bill Cipher and sosmic like this.
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