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Outdated Skip Tutorial Upbeat Giraffe

Skip the tutorial

  1. MooseDuff
    If you don't like doing the tutorial quests at the start of the game with new characters. This mod makes it so you don't have to do the tutorial quest and you are able to skip them.

    What the Mod does.

    What the mod does is after getting the flash light form the locker, changes the follow up quest to the last one were you need to collect the 20 core fragment ores, but you'll also be given the core fragment ores so you don't have to mine for them.

    How to Install the mod

    Place the mod folder "Skiptutorial" into you're Star Bound mod folder.
    The Mod folder Location for Starbound Stable.
    The Mod folder Location for Starbound Upbeat Giraffe.

Recent Reviews

  1. MrRatboy2000
    Version: Upbeat Giraffe
    It skiped to the last mission like its suppose to but it didnt give me the crystals what should I do?
  2. DimasCR
    Version: Upbeat Giraffe
    Not working for me
    1. MooseDuff
      Author's Response
      In what way is the mod not working? So I can try and help.
  3. MonsterBounder2015
    Version: Upbeat Giraffe
    I needed this so bad for every time I wanna start over with a friend.
  4. Jahhirr
    Version: Upbeat Giraffe
    THANK YOU, SO MUCH LOVE IT, YOU HAVE GOD POWER! *god: power of morgan freeman*
  5. tomasraven
    Version: Upbeat Giraffe