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Outdated [Outskirt Mods] Tech Vending Machine 1.3

A vending machine for techs! Wait, what?

  1. OutskirtMods
    Mod Name: OS_TechVendor 13

    Author: Outskirt Modding


    1.3: Corrected the ReadMe file and simplified installation.

    Description: Tired of depending on the random number generated gods to get tech? Well worry about your bad luck no more! OS_TechVendor 1.3 adds vending machines that dispense tech to the game! When you start a new character you'll find your Tech Vendor waiting inside of your shiplocker, ready to be placed and used.
    What's that? You don't want to start a new character and lose all of your precious progress? Amateur! No worries. For people like you've we included the Tech Vendor in your crafting menu. Press C as soon as you load up your character, and it'll be there for a measly cost of 1 pixel considering new players get it free. The trade off to this, and to have a vending machine for techs at all, though, is that each tech requires a certain amount of pixels depending on the tier it's usually found on. Dash tech for example is a mere 2500 pixels. Pretty cheap considering how hard they are to find sometimes. Morphball tech on the other hand doubles the cost, being 5000 pixels. And the human mech is 7500!
    So word of advice to those trying to get techs on the higher end of the scale: Don't die. Depending on how the mod's received, these prices might be tweaked. Make sure to give us a review on what you think!

    More info inside the readme.txt

    [Warning: This mod does make use of the player.config file, so if you want to run another mod that does the same you'll need to add our recipes to the player.config or the vice versa. Our mod doesn't overwrite anything, though, so you shouldn't have to worry about backing your game up.]

    If you have any issues at all with the mod, post them here and we'll get to them as soon as we can.


    Blue Hair
    mindbound and Skitz like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. WingofTech
    Version: 1.3
    I like this mod and hope it may be updated if you aren't already ;P
  2. Myou
    Version: 1.3
    Awesome mod ^_^