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Mousqutaire b1.32

A race of exiled musketeer mice. With almost every feature of a vanilla species and more.

  1. Tier 2, Villages & Treasure, Further Character Creation Custimization

    Hey all, sorry this update took so long.

    We move into Tier 2 weapons and armors. The T1 helmet was swapped to T2 as well and a new T1 helmet made to more match the set.

    Villages have been seen popping up on planets scattered among the stars. Right now they are a little empty and basic, but Mousqutaire treasures do await those that search.

    Added a Grey fur color and fixed/changed up some colors palettes.

    Finished the secondary color options for the starter equipment. Select from multiple colors of all combinations for your personal Mousqutaire avatar. Enjoy the variety, there's quite a bit of it.

    Several other small changes and fixes that aren't important.

    Also, did some work for the Racial Crossover Mod and am glad to announce the Mousqutaire's arrival in an upcoming update sometime soon.

    Working on many more things for the coming updates, so look forward to more updates soon.


    1. mousqutairevillage1.png
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