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Outdated Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Suits 1.52

Power Ranger suits from the TV show

  1. Soude
    This mod adds the six suits and helmets of the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, or Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger, as a "modder's resource" to the game. They are not currently implemented in a balanced way so that is why I have decided to call this mod a "resource."

    Currently, the items are only obtainable using Tabula Rasa. This will be changed in the future, sorry if this is a problem.

    Installation should be as simple as extracting the .zip into your Starbound's mod folder.


    Big thanks to Kawa for creating the original Super Sentai suit mod, on which the art for this mod was based, which can be found HERE.
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.

Recent Updates

  1. Tiny fix
  2. Enraged Koala
  3. Green Ranger/Tabula Rasa Update

Recent Reviews

  1. KingKaor
    Version: 1.52
    This is a really good mod, and the suits all look accurate to the show (as much as they can in the Starbound art style). While as actual armor, it's nothing special, being only slightly better than the Copper Armor set, it still makes for good vanity gear.

    The biggest downside is that the mod doesn't include the weapons. What's the point of cosplaying as TyrannoRanger if I can't use his weapons?

    If in a future update you add each ranger's weapons, and possibly a playable Dragon Dagger Flute, then this mod will truly be great.
  2. jfe2
    Version: 1.1
    I love these sprites. The helmets are awesome!
  3. shinobi1027
    Version: 1.1
  4. CoryStarkiller
    Version: 1.1
    The only way to improve this is by adding the Green and White Ranger outfits and the weapons for all the Power Rangers(including the rarely used blaster pistol). A playable Green Ranger flute would be amazing.
  5. Baron Solace
    Baron Solace
    Version: 1.0
    Would it be possible to update this to the drag and drop format? i had a hell of a time installing it.
  6. jimbawbs
    Version: 1.0
    Although i found this very difficult to install as it was my first mod, it was totally worth it, as a guy born in 1990 i literally grew up with the mighty morphin' power rangers. PLEASE BRING IN THE GREEN RANGER AND WHITE RANGER!!! and weapons or zords if possible?? The green rangers flute would be awesome as an instrument!!
  7. JarlBallin
    Version: 1.0