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Outdated Lightdrones Continued 4.0.0a (Upbeat or Higher)

The amazing mod Lightdrones by Synit, Continued Officially!

  1. More Medical Drones!

    Yeah! More medical drones! Thanks to user Blahgobb for help with the v2 and v1 medical drone sprites.

    -Added v1 Medical Drone, which has no light and low health regen.
    -Added v2 Medical Drone, which has a small light, comparable to the v1 light drone, and a faster health regen, comparable to last version's health regen. (At least, I think it does. Might be higher/lower, but it's pretty darn close)
    -Changed v3 Medical Drone, upgraded it's light to be comparable to the v2 light drone, changed name, which unfortunately had the bad effect of destroying current medical drones, so you must use /spawnitem medicaldronev3 to get a new one.

    Anyways, please let me know if any breaks violently and kills stuff.
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