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Outdated Izku and Dark Izku races with bonus features 5.1

2 Races with evoled form techs, light pets, npc spawners, custom ship, tiered armor weapons/ dungeon

  1. Ore work around

    This update is for all of you out there with mods like Frackan Flora or moarore or any other mods with ore overwrite commands to the ore distribution file, if you have any of these my wonderful living ore may not spawn for you and that ruins your end game. So heres a work around, the best way to get these ore are still to remove other mods while you need to hunt for ore then put them back in but that can be a pain so now you can smelt 10k voxels to craft 10 living ore , if you think this is to pricy let me know it's been awhile since I hunted for pixels lol but this should hopefully alleviate all the conflict issues. When the devs change how merges are done I may be able to make a better solution but for now this is the best option available.
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