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Outdated Iron Grappling Hook Upbeat Giraffe

Create Grappling Hook at Wooden Crafting Table

  1. thespookdanger
    It seemed ridiculous to me that this tool wasn't available much earlier, when it's most useful. A grappling hook can now be crafted at a wooden crafting table for 5 iron and 4 ropes. This gives you some time where the ropes are still worth using.
    Wulfens and Razordrake like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. GaTo_e36
    Version: Upbeat Giraffe
    I agree. You want this item in the first tier planet. Perfect mod. That's all!!!!
  2. nin10_doh
    Version: Upbeat Giraffe
    Awesome mod works well!
  3. Razordrake
    Version: Upbeat Giraffe
    I agree. This tool should certainly be available sooner. Never understood how you can have a tool that can manipulate matter, but a simple grappling hook was far and beyond more sophisticated. Great mod. Thanks.