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Gyrusens+ [v1.8.6]

Alien reptile race from distant lands, and more! (No longer requires Airless Dungeons!)

  1. Doongeon changes!

    Eiloh fellow starbounders!

    Right, so to wrap dungeon generation in itself I made some slight changes and additions to how this is going to work out:


    Gyrusen's Home

    Fairly simple setup, a house for a gyrusen or two. Nothing too fantastic in it aside from some loot you might get from the chests. They come in Deluxe (like the picture) and regular sized.

    Anomaly #434
    There will be some random special spots where a contraption will spawn, nicknamed Anomaly #434, that is capable of taking you to unknown distant dimensions. However, for now, the machine is broken and is currently unable to do so. Maybe one day...


    The following dungeons have been moved to microdungeon status to improve spawn rate and not hog the spot for an actual dungeon:

    > GSF Abandoned Base
    > Gyrusen's Home
    > Gyrusen Mini Temple 1 & 2
    > Anomaly #434 spots

    That is all, good luck and have a good one!
    Feathery Dust likes this.
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