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Gyrusens+ [v1.8.6]

Alien reptile race from distant lands, and more! (No longer requires Airless Dungeons!)

  1. Getting the tedium out of modding

    Right, so, remember those Auromero blocks? No? Don't blame you. Anyways, making themed furnishing for said blocks has been on my list for far too long, and finally finished making a basic set.

    We got a door, torches, a bed, bookshelf (doubles as storage), table, chair, platforms, and a banner decor item.

    The item set also comes in white,
    and classic.

    Due to this new furnishing, some color palettes will be revisited, mainly the Classic color scheme. Really not digging how the colors blend with one another so well, but that's for another day. Done and done.


    Thanks for tuning in, have a good one!
    Feathery Dust likes this.
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