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Gyrusens+ [v1.8.6]

Alien reptile race from distant lands, and more! (No longer requires Airless Dungeons!)

  1. 500 downloads! (And an important poll!)

    Thank you all so much for the 500 download milestone! This is quite the spectacle really! Thank you all for your continuous support! Right now I'm taking a light break from a few things, as well since I moved to another workstation, but expect me to work back ASAP!

    Since I do still have a few things to do before I deem the mod complete, I want you guys to pick what I should complete and upload next! Feel free to leave an answer at the discussion thread; here are the options:

    A] "VIllage"
    Procedural "village" dungeon along with codex books and proper decorations (banners, signs, lights, paintings, etc etc). Will contain, quite literally, a full village (NPCs, farming areas, houses, food/medic shops, entertainment stadium, crafting depots, etc etc).

    B] "Sprite Revisit"
    Entire sprite revisit and/or overhaul, attempting to make the visuals as appealing and Starbound-y as possible while retaining that "gyrusen" feel. This will also include animation and item/object file revisit to get rid of useless data, unused image files, and fix any errors encountered and submitted.

    C] "Cinematics & Quest"
    Intro, Quest, and Respawn integration/fix. Add an introduction along with music, slideshows, and so on forth, along with an entire quest revamp to make it less of the vanilla one and more original. Will also attempt to make a fairly unique respawning animation so it doesn't look like the human one.

    Thank you all for your time and the lovely 500 downloads!

    As always, stay safe, and have a good one!
    Feathery Dust likes this.
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