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Gyrusens+ [v1.8.6]

Alien reptile race from distant lands, and more! (No longer requires Airless Dungeons!)

  1. More things to kill things with! And a special announcement!

    Got into the throwing items scene and made some interesting items you guys might enjoy!


    New Crafting Table: Mini Rocket Dispenser


    Yep, you read right. You can create mini, throw-able, exploding rockets! The panel is available at Tier 2 as well as the first Mini Rocket; once crafted these can be then upgraded to any other Tier if unlocked (so a T2 rocket can upgrade to a T7 rocket if you have the proper blueprints and materials unlocked). Don't fret though, this item is 2x2 blocks and anchors to the background so it'll fit mostly anywhere!

    Mini Rocket & Foam Dart

    The Mini Rocket is the primary throwing weapon crafted by Rocket Dispenser. It has the physics of a bullet (so it doesn't arc like an arrow) and creates an ample explosion upon contact with a block or an enemy, dealing double damage if you both hit your target with the missile AND the explosion. Hitting anything by either contact or explosion will result in half damage, so practice your aim! They come from Tier 2 to Tier 11.

    The Foam Dart is the harmless version of the Mini Rocket; it delivers absolutely no damage or explosions but retains the same physics and speed of them. Throw them at the wall or at a passive enemy and practice your aim before using the real thing! These throw-able items are Tier 1 and can be crafted at the Wooden Crafting Station and/or the Rocket Dispenser.


    Tweaked once more the Voidum generation rates, still attempting to find a suitable spawn rate for 'em.

    A small special announcement:

    I'd like to thank the Starbound community, you guys, for supporting this project of mine for so long. Nearing 500 downloads is quite a feat in itself, and while wishing it had many more, I'm more than thankful for the great feedback I've been receiving these past months from y'all! It's been a dream of mine to be able to expand these species as a whole and because of this, I've been able to do so in ways I never imagined I would! So once more, thank you all for your support and I'll try my best t bring you all a quality mod!

    And speaking of quality modding, I believe I'm nearing a sort of "mod completion" due to the amount of content it has, however I'm not even done! Next up on the list is probably creating full villages with their fancy shmancy decoration items and more codex books. And yes, I haven't forgotten, I will redo and fix as many sprites as I can to make them look better (but that's for later, it's quite some work)! Afterwards once I get all the big stuff out, I'll be fixing up the quest line, change the respawn to not be human, and maybe even add an intro!

    Dyemod compatibility has been lingering around and I'll attempt to add it once I start to clean up the sprites and their files, as well as more clothing items.

    Thank you all so much for sticking around and giving the mod a try! My partner and I are very happy to see such a positive feedback from y'all!

    As always, stay safe, and have a good one.
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