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Outdated FPSFix 2.0.2 [Enraged]

Removes particles that seriously impact Starbound's FPS, especially on lower-end computers

  1. Fixed FPS issues with glowing rain

    • The particles emitted by glowing rain have been disabled.
      NOTE: This mod needs to be installed on the server if you want to fix FPS issues caused by weather in multiplayer. (If installed on the server, clients do not need the mod installed unless they want to remove the tile splash particles.)
  2. Emergency bugfix

    • Fixed a typo that crashes the game whenever a storm weather event begins. (Funny that I haven't crashed yet.)
  3. Reduced number of all weather particles

    • Download link has been moved to Dropbox for now.
    • The spawn rate of weather particles has been reduced (in the case of sand, snow and hail storms, drastically). These weather particles are a major cause of FPS issues.
    • Lighting has been altered slightly to slightly increase FPS. (That is, many light sources will now cast soft shadows, because that, oddly enough, reduces the load on the lighting engine.)
  4. Disabled some particles that arise from cutting down trees

    Hopefully, that should fix the issue with the particles caused by trees.
  5. Fixed more crashes

    Turns out I managed to overlook some of the crashing explosion projectiles. This time, every explosion projectile has been checked and double-checked for errors, so there should be no more issues with crashes.
  6. Fixed crash when almost any gun is shot

    Hopefully, this should fix all the bugs.
  7. Removed sparks from all projectiles

    Hopefully, these sparks shouldn't appear when projectiles land on tiles.