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Outdated Elemental Scrolls e-s: 1.2

Embrace the power of the elements!

  1. Elements Matter!

    -Fixed a bug with matterblock not working properly : Thanks user "Falling Moon" :)
  2. Compatibility Patches

    Adds compatibility patches for Vitsot-U and LiquidGuns
  3. Enraged Koala - Extraordinary Elements

    I decided to work on this in my spare time some more. I know nightly's are changing and all that but I still play stable. Here is a list of updates!

    -Scroll Art Updated and Improved!
    -Craft Essence at the "Alchemy Table"
    -Craft Scrolls at the "Scroll Altar" with essence and leather
    -New Tier 1 Scrolls: Dark and Light
    -New Tier 2 Scrolls: Inferno, Boulder, Tsunami, Tornado, Heal, and Poison
    -4 Basic Element Armors: Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth
    -Added some dolls for decoration (and maybe something...