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Outdated DragonBound 2.4

Dragons and other stuff from the How To Train Your Dragon franchise.

  1. Toothless's alpha powers update.

    -If anybody didn't see the second movie yet, there will be minor spoiler for you.
    -Added Toothless's "Alpha mode" (I don't know how to name it correctly, but if you saw the second movie you will understand me).
    -This mode can be activated for 1 minute by pressing "W" and then it will "cooling down" for 40 seconds.
    -Plasma blasts in this mode are stronger, but they consume energy. Fire rate is faster too.
    -If you fly down on a Night Fury with fast speed (diving), plasma blasts will be stronger too (even in the non-Alpha mode).
    -All dragons now can breath fire while flying up.
    -Added Zippleback's backFly animation.
    -Nadder's spikes now poison enemies.
    -Slightly rebalanced dragon's damage and fire rate.
    SkullKronos and Junglebear like this.
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