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Outdated Construction Squared 0.9.426

Build Stuff!

  1. Making it faster!

    1) Small update that let's the structure finish building up to 50% sooner.
    Previously the mod would place all the tiles, then loop through the entire structure backwards as a way to help deal with the game not having a way to force tile placement. That's why many times it would seem that the structure was finished building and nothing was happening, it as actually going through the entire structure again and trying to place the tiles in case any had failed. Now when it loops through everything the first time it checks if the placement was successful or not, so when it loops through it the second time it only tries to place tiles that failed to be placed during the first loop. So if the structure builds completely after the first loop, the second one is skipped entirely which let's it finish 50% faster than before.

    2) The downside is that this makes makes previous structures incompatible with the mod.
    3) The upside is that to make them compatible again all you have to do is load/save them in StructureGen.
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