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Outdated Construction Squared 0.9.426

Build Stuff!

  1. lots of changes!

    1) Undo is mostly functional. The reset buttons still aren't supported, but everything else should be.
    2) The "Switch Layers" button has been renamed to "Foreground"/"Background", the one currently displayed is which layer you're in.
    3) Did the same thing to the "Below" button, the button's text now displays whether you're building above or below the surface. Also removed the label that was displaying this information previously.
    4) Turned every 5th grid line blue and added text on the sides displaying column/row number.
    5) Fixed a bug that would make the apexshipdetails tile disappear when adding a row to the top or a column to the right.
    6) Went through the icons and made sure that the icons were actually associated with a non-icon image. So there may be a couple fewer objects now, but they also are more likely to work.
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