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Outdated Cayote's Weapon Refinery 0.2

Refine your weapons, shields and guns for a flat rate of pixels.

  1. Cayote
    Hello guys, my first mod of hopefully many!

    I've always been bothered that after running trough a lab or an apex settlement that I had so many weapons that I could do nothing with but destroy, so I decided a mod that allows you to refine those weapons.

    this will allow you to refine your weapons shields and guns for a flat rate of pixels.

    150 for a Weapon
    200 for a shield and
    250 for a gun.
    EDIT: added inferior brain to the table, which can be refined for 20 pixels


    Unpack contents into your: steamapps\common\Starbound\mods

Recent Updates

  1. .
  2. Offended Koala fix (NOT 100% TESTED!!)
  3. better install

Recent Reviews

  1. BwBxHoods
    Version: 0.2
    I like it for the simple fact that it creates so much more space in chests. However, really sucks that this site is stupid with downloads.
  2. yk999
    Version: 0.2
  3. Blazerer
    Version: 0.2
    This has bothered me so much, thanks for uploading!