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Bees! v:Unstable/Pre 1.0

A massive addition to Starbound centered around Beekeeping! +Armor, Blocks, Furniture, and tons more

  1. All bees as now mobs, caught with a bug net!

    Craft the bug net at the bee crafting station. It's a weapon.

    Normal Apiaries sometimes spawn Red and Strong drones, catch them!

    (Note: Red Apiaries not yet implimented!)

    Boring Apiaries sometimes spawn Exceptional flying drones! Catch them!

    All apiaries spawn their own drone types! Catch them!

    And.... apparently a WIP bee boss (wasp X 6) got mixed in. Only try it in tier 10 armor please, i haven't balanced it either. It's spawned with the giant hive.
    puffintoast likes this.
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