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Outdated Arcane Add On 1.9.02 DROPBOX

Interesting Tiered Magic, Balanced for the Game.

  1. Magi Tech and More Angry Koala

    Huge update here. This is when I introduce to you all magiTech. This was born of a need to create summoning spells and me wanting to spice up how combat is done in Starbound. I hope with everyone's input and feedback we can make this an awesome new style of combat.

    So first, I have still kept all the old guns and moved them to the Tabula Rasa if you still wish to use them. I will update them for balance and such as I update the magiTech. However the magiTech is the main focus as I can do summons and so much more with them.

    MagiTech what is it and why am I so excited?

    MagiTech is a tech you equip that turns you into a mage. You right click to go into casting mode and from there can cast all your known spells using the direction keys. It's really fun and adds a lot to combat.

    You now get spellbooks. These spell books unlock the next tier of spells, and improve the power of previous spells. Merely have the latest one equipped (in your hand) and you can cast your spells.

    Your spells now level with you. Magic arrow will not be useless on a Tier10 planet.

    Whats left now?

    This was rushed out the door tonight, mostly because my family and friends can only do so much testing. There is a lot left for the art assets wise, and the special effects need work. Sound is just a single sound effect...

    Also need to finish the summons to balance them and get them not crashing my server.

    Status effects are still liquids, but I might have found a work around on that one.

    I will be making the crafting of the spell books based on adventure. Finding Avian symbol of Kluex, a Glitch Kings bed, etc as ingredients to make it more fun.

    Adding a codex per spell book explaining in lore of why the button combinations are the way they are.

    Adding animation to the casting mode, make it look like you are casting a spell.

    Why now?

    Well I think this is a perfect time to get it done before the character wipe. Then do the rest of the updates after the wipe and correct whatever the wipe breaks.

    This concept came about much deliberation from fans of this mod. I want to give a special thanks to TinyTiger, and Zero Infinity. You are all awesome. Keep giving me the feedback!
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