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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Ariexe

    Ariexe Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ill pass
  2. Earl Asplund

    Earl Asplund The Number of the Minibeast

    I think there's a bit of overlay that's leaving some individuals confused as to whether they want to introduce a 'Pet' system, or simply leave it at taming and capturing. I'm also fairly new, so I don't have all the details to...the C&T, but for the sake of discussing I'll try and be logical with my conclusions. Pets should be something along the lines of a simpler tamed creature, either given at the start with no benefits or, later on down the line, giving some simple benefits to the owner after they've gone through a couple/numerous planets, so they're not being given any strategic advantage in the early game. They'd also, I guess, serve a nostalgic value for people used to playing games with a passive follower around them, meowing/barking/making whatever nose their pet's species makes.

    I'm very interested in the capturing and taming aspects, and will probably be spending the next few hours looking into what they've said about that. I think pets would be a nice little stretch addition, but not for an extensively substantial amount of money. Maybe like, pushing for $800k, but I think something more grand than cosmetic creatures (Like being able to terraform non-planet locations, such as Diners/Forts/Towns in empty space?) would be preferable for the $1mil goal.
  3. Quixotic

    Quixotic Big Damn Hero

    A starter pet that does nothing is... well... not very useful. We'll already get the ability to get pets that actually do something. Three of them, even! If the pet worked like an MMO pet, where it was a buff whore or had other passives (in games, automated money pickup is normally a good one. But this game has that already, so...) then it might be worth it, but right now it's just a bit... useless? Most cosmetic differences are, but this game is *going* to hit one million dollars.

    A one million dollar stretch goal is no laughing matter. I understand doing a goal that the team probably wants to do, like space warfare, is too much to guarantee no delay date but I feel like the goal could be something that enhances the game more.
    Just my 2c. Great work on the game so far.
  4. andySp

    andySp Sandwich Man

    Tyto, Ariexe and Freekill like this.
  5. Alenonimo

    Alenonimo Void-Bound Voyager

    Well, about pets… I love pets! But the impression I have is that they would be in the game anyway and that the stretch is to make an option to just start with one, which wouldn't justify all the money needed to reach it. Maybe the page should change to take this into account and explain better what will happen.

    If I were to suggest an addition to the game, what if there was a mini-pokémon system? Like, there are monsters that you can catch and tame and collect? Like a specimen collection.

    Maybe there could have different kinds of pets that would do different kinds of stuff. One which would fight enemies on the screen, other that would light the path, other that would grab items on the floor, other that would use items on you, other that would point to the direction of a nice item, other that's dumb and would dig on the floor and get trapped… And you would equip them to bring with you on exploration.
  6. Flevalt

    Flevalt Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'll re-post some core thoughts that've been shared on this topic already, some who've partly been commented on by molly.

    1. The early part of the game collides with the idea of having optional starter pets with useful interaction or abilities.
    Since people who'd decide not to take a starter pet would be in the disadvantage.

    2. Starter pets without any real presence in the game aside from following you was excessively, repeatedly mentioned not to be a desirable goal.
    Adding useful parts to the pets as later part of the game is therefore the solution that comes to mind, since they shouldn't give an advantage early on.

    3. Many people have mentioned other ideas aside from pets. The most well-received ones include:
    Further (well-received)comments from myself and KirasiN have taken the idea a step further into fusion,breeding and overtaking of traits of the parents.

    The cyan marked ideas in this one were repeatedly mentioned afterwards again.

    Also many people are confused by the misleading voting which doesn't clarify that there already is or if there already is an existing pet system and how or if this and the suggested starter pet systems are related to each other.
    Furthermore it was also pointed out that the poll is misleading in the way that it gives a wrong vibe of "do you want new content? yes/no?" which wasn't the intention of the staff.

    See also further well-received ideas:
    Livonia's idea
    Kieranrees's idea
    Parfelians were mentioned
    wataru, PureWillkuer and Freekill like this.
  7. haincha

    haincha Master Chief

    This seems a bit extreme... Over a race you don't even have to play. I think it would be interesting to add this type of thing. Or maybe make it something every race could get. A status rather than a race. Something you can get infected with by wolves or other lycan baddies.
  8. Crioll

    Crioll Void-Bound Voyager

    Actually "when it's ready" is something that pisses people off. I mean they say 2013 but that in my eyes means that I have to wait another 10 months.

    It's a beta, it's supposed to be broken. I mean who wants a beta á la Blizzard, a glorified demo. Watching bugs disappear one by one with updates is something I like to see, it really shows that things are happening. And look at Minecraft, how many copies didn't they sell before they closed the Beta.

    I'm telling you, there is no way this game could go anywhere remotely close to failure. Even if Chucklefish went home to Totalbiscuit and slapped him, he'd still praise the game and the sales will rocket into the next dimension.
    Alenonimo likes this.
  9. Alenonimo

    Alenonimo Void-Bound Voyager

    An idea for a new $250000 stretch? What about a new race? A race of buffoons and harlequins and stuff? They don't need to be half animal or anything. Like… just jesters, looking cool. :p
  10. Tyrindor

    Tyrindor Space Kumquat

    We don't need a pet system on top of a pet system. The game is already a little too pokemon, not everyone is into that and collectible pets are already there for the people that are into that.
  11. raTTy

    raTTy Void-Bound Voyager

    Tyto likes this.
  12. R3dRoost3r

    R3dRoost3r Void-Bound Voyager

    Pets would be cool!
  13. tvremote

    tvremote Void-Bound Voyager

    Pets in this game would be kinda dumb. This would be the first stretch goal for a game I'd actively root against.
    I feel like this game is taking a 90 degree turn into maple story territory, definitely should have waited before dropping $500 lol.
    Bacon likes this.
  14. Forever

    Forever Phantasmal Quasar

    Silverforte and Mianso like this.
  15. Ferosprime

    Ferosprime Void-Bound Voyager

    If the pets are give boosts to stats or abilities or they can be capture/tamed(pokemon style), I'm all for it. If not, meh. Others will be happy with the addition.
  16. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    Why not I guess. Oh yeah, I know why, cats.
  17. Eric

    Eric Existential Complex

    I like this idea, because it lends to the lore very well, the kinds of pets each race would keep would paint a much better picture of their homeworld
    RedScarWolf likes this.
  18. I will Leave the Topic Now. I wont agree with this being worthy for a Goal for what Starbound is about to reach. :confused:

    And Hope DEVs will Impress us with another thing, because this were already Confirmed (post-launch) and Leaked Time ago. ;)
    Ariexe likes this.
  19. Ariexe

    Ariexe Pangalactic Porcupine

    I got an Idea!

    how about as stretch goal 3 the develpoers release some indepth lore for everyone!
  20. DakoShark

    DakoShark Pangalactic Porcupine

    I wouldn't mind the choice for a starter pet, but as long as there's a choice to NOT have one. I mean, a starter pet would be nice but at the same time, I'm a bit... Iffy about purely vanity pets and the like. It's cool, but I'd like them to have at least some sort of use. But either way, it would be cool, but I personally wouldn't start with one. I like the whole monster taming part later in the game.
    PureWillkuer likes this.
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