Expanded Attack

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Sarzael, May 5, 2012.

  1. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    1) Combos.
    Basically, when you do certain attacks in certain order whit certain weapons, you make a combo, that is stronger than a normal attack, as higher range, or causes an debuff to enemy/buff to user.
    Two Handed Weapon:
    Attack, Attack, Jump, Attack (while Falling, and you will fall whit the sword beetween legs slashing anyone under you whit big damage)
    Or, Two One Handed Weapons:
    Weapon 1, Weapon 1, Weapon 2. (Will deal two normal damage whit first weapon and a higher damage whit second)
    Weapon 1, Weapon 2, Weapon 1, Weapon 2. (Causes you to spin while hitting for 5 seconds, slashing all enemies around you whit an fair amount of damage, and you can move at 75% speed during this combo)
    Or whit two guns:
    Gun 1 Gun 1 Gun 2 Gun 2. (Will fire whit both same time at 50% faster rate for 5 seconds, but can change direction.

    2) Shields can be a weapon.
    Basically, while holding a shield, if you press the Use button, it will attack, real low range, big knockback, low damage, and stuns for a few seconds.
    Shields attack kinda like the Shortswords of Terraria (The first ones, not Light Bane)
    This can also allow for some combos, like:
    Whit Sword and Shield:
    Sword, Shield, Sword, this would cause no knockback by the Shield, but increase stun by a few seconds, giving more time to attack.

    3) Who said offensive cannot be defensive?
    Basically, imagine, a bullet gonna hit you, then you put sword in middle, and stop it, or even repel it, and make it hit opponent.
    Basically, if two swords hit each other, attack will be blocked, dealing no damage. Maybe, during some attacks, if swords hit each other, the one who press certain button more time in a few seconds, deals 50% of the damage to opponent, and takes no damage.
    This would also add some tactic, since, enemy cant defend while you re behind him, so people would try to hit opponent from behind.
    Also, some combos can break the defense of an opponent, disallowing him to attack nor defend whit swords for X seconds.

    And, if during gun battle, two bullets hit each other, they will explode, dealing no damage to no one, unless they re very nearby. Maybe even a gun that haves automatized mode, and automatically fires to opponent bullets?

    4) Expanded Movement.
    Yes, it would be cool to tumble, moving a fair distance at fast speed to certain direction, maybe pressing S and movement key while in earth?
    Also in air, you could do a kick, falling in ground at fast speed, and dealing damage if you hit anyone. Useful to hit ground enemies, or to avoid some gun that bothers you.

    5) Air protecting from Swords.
    Something that bothered to me in Terraria, was that some of my favorite weapons were disabled agaisnt enemies whit wings, who would simply fly spamming bullets everywhere, making it impossible to hit them whit sword.
    Maybe Air Combos, that can make you get close to opponent fast, or even hitting them whit feet, and kicking you both agaisnt ground, dealing fair amount of damage to opponent, (Not to you) and sending you both to ground.

    Thats all for now (Waits for replies and thinks about replies of replies i will make)

    See also:
  2. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    i think combos have alredy been mensoind but i dont know if its true
    same with shelds used as weapons
  3. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    I know there will be shields, but i didnt find anywhere being able to attack whit them.
  4. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    i think it was on irc, i forgot if it was pushing them with shelds or attacking or both =p
  5. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    It was probably an suggestion of someone waiting for the game that never had thread till now.
  6. Disreputable Dog

    Disreputable Dog Void-Bound Voyager

    I disagree about the air-sword combos, Especially considering the feel of the game, i don't think air combos would be appropriate. And using weapons for defense also seems impracticle. The idea of shields having offensive uses is good though. maybe some would have weapon-parts so they can deal damage.
    mht03110 and NiosDark like this.
  7. Kamoda

    Kamoda Sandwich Man

    I like the idea of using shields as a way to stun/knock back enemies. Not such a fan of the air combos, it would seem a little out of place.
    Also it is "with".
    NiosDark and Sarzael like this.
  8. Force2Reckon

    Force2Reckon Phantasmal Quasar

    Combo's huh? While yes it would be a fun mechanic I would rather see this excluded from Starbound, it's not a rapid pace action game, it's an action adventure game, it's about travelling, exploring and growing, if I'm worrying about different complicated combo's... well there's a reason I don't like Street Fighter and Co. If they could find a way to add simple combo's I would be all for it. I have the same feeling about the blocking with swords (by swinging) with the reflecting of projectiles, yeah, but the idea of swinging sword on sword... It just seems pointless to me, I'd like to see some sort of blocking with swords because I'd like to dual wield but if you were to do swords blocking when they swing into each other, well thinking about it now it's not a horrible idea, but you'd have to have some way of overcoming that eventually. I just have seem problems that I could see coming from it, like two players never actually hitting each other. However attacking with shields, like a shield bash, awesome idea.
    Expanded movement... yes... just yes I'd love to see some sort of wall running/jumping and some other cool forms of movement.
    Air combat was never a problem for me in terraria, never had trouble fighting any ranged enemies, the Gastropods and demons weren't that bad, I don't think this game needs that, especially since I can see a LOT more ranged weapons and ranged combat options in this game.
    NiosDark and Sarzael like this.
  9. Treeman4

    Treeman4 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Otherwise know as a parry
    Good idea tho
  10. SneakyMe

    SneakyMe Star Wrangler

    Lovin' the idea of combos and chaining together moves, combat would be a lot more interesting and varied, as well as maybe even more tactical.

    Also, more mobility and freedom of motion'd be great, it would help with combat and exploration a lot. Being able to zoom around, dodge attacks, climb walls, and use different types of movement in combos sounds awesome.
    Sarzael likes this.
  11. TehEpikMonk

    TehEpikMonk Spaceman Spiff

    Shields have been confirmed as being able to push back enemies.

    Anyway, the idea does have some potential, but needs tweaking.

    I, for one, like the idea of combos, but the way you've came up with doesn't seem like it will work well to me.
    For example, the air combo idea seems like it wouldn't fit with the ingame combat. Also, the button mashing for shields isn't very good either.

    Still, I'd love to see combos implemented. I just don't know if you have the best way of doing it.
  12. DJFlare84

    DJFlare84 Spaceman Spiff

    I like all this, especially Expanded Movement. I kinda have my own thread about something like that!

    Edit: Wait, yes. I even have something about varying weapon attacks!

    I love the idea of deflecting attacks with timed sword-swings. Although I think the timing should be made strict to avoid sword-spammers from just having an impenetrable barrier of slash.

    Also, when you mentioned Shields being used as weapons, I couldn't help remembering the first Kingdom Hearts, at the very beginning when you pick a sword or a wand or a shield... I went with the shield. 83
  13. Tahu

    Tahu Void-Bound Voyager

  14. OmniGeoff

    OmniGeoff Weight of the Sky

    In balancing Shield bashing, If you happened to miss the action, you would take probably 50-75% damage yourself and stunned slightly.
  15. KaosC57

    KaosC57 Phantasmal Quasar

    I like the idea but i think it should also have an even better way of doing it. Any of you who have played No More Heroes (Wii game M rated) will know what i am talking about. How about a High and low stance for swords, axes, hammers, etc? and you can change stances in combat with the f key then with each change you would get a different look to each slash. and the frequecy of changes in stance would also affect the look and effect and range of slashes
  16. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    That would be an nice way, however, it would be hard to move and jump while changing stance while controlling mouse.
  17. Platipus

    Platipus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I like the idea of combos, however there should be a way for weapons to qualify for it. Perhaps assign a sword a type or skill value.

    For example, Sword A has 1 as a skill value and Sword B has a skill value of 2: The user can use double combos with a skill value up to the amount of 2 whereas the highest value sword takes control.

    This could also go as the lowest sword value (which in my opinion makes more sense) such that a person must have 2 swords of the same value to perform double sword skills of that value, or else the lowest value of the two takes control.

    Another is the combined value of the two- which I do not prefer, however could apply well to dual wield guns which makes sense due to how guns don't exactly need "skill wielding" in a sense (not to mock the art of gun-wielding).

    Of course, these combos are held into different categories: fisticuffs (plausible), single-handed sword, two-handed sword, dual wield sword, single-handed gun, double-handed gun, dual wield gun, single-handed shield, double-handed shield?, maybe even dual wield shield. This goes as far as a gun and sword, or a shield and sword not having their own categories (explained after this). This could perhaps go further on into types of guns(rocket launcher, pistol), swords, etc. This is in which, a gun of skill value 1 has only 1 part of the combo, and the gun of the same combo branch has skill value of say 4 has the additional 3 parts of that combo.

    And the chains could go over in a smooth motion: lets say gun 3, has 3 parts of a combo (gcombo). and a sword 5 has 5 parts of a combo (scombo)
    It will play out as so: gcombo1, scombo2, gcombo3, scombo4, scombo5. This is in which the person may choose how they want to combo a move, and being able to switch between uses.

    Along this note, I do like the ideas of doing things such as a Parry

    This may stray from minecraft or terraria style we many seem to be expecting and are used to (single moves and gunshots), but it's an interesting thought nonetheless. If I can recall Tiy said combat was like Castlevania (which I have yet to play :c), but the verified info known so far is that if a shield were to block an attack, the crit chance of the next move will go up. So I guess Starbound heads less into a hack and slash kind of thing (at least as far asthe mass genocide of weak enemies with late-game content)
    Sarzael likes this.
  18. Mastaf

    Mastaf Big Damn Hero

    I'd like to see some combos like:
    1.Swords - Left Click + Up = Uppercut
    Left Click + Down = Slash
    Left Click + Front = Thrust
    Left Click + Back = Rotation Hit
    (in the air) Left Click + Down = Slash from above
    2.Spears - Left Click + Front = Spear Throw (kinda nonsense, but still)
    3.Shields - (after succesfull block) Right Click = Stunning Hit
    4.Shotguns, Pistols - Hold Left Mouse = Charged Shot
    5.Rocket Launchers, Sniper Rifles - Double Left Click = Reload (next shot will be more powerfull)
    6.Two-Handed Weapons - Right Click = Special Attack (would be awesome)
    Also, every melee weapon will dispose a charged attack by holding left mouse button. If there are more types of weapons, sorry for considering them in this post.
    P.S. In this post, Left is implictly ascribed to main weapon slot, while Right is credited for shields and as a free slot in Two-Handed.
  19. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    Idea for combos is for them to be very simple, something you could be using whole game without even triying to do them, something that just happens while you fight, without intentionally pressing X buttons to do it.
    They would add variety to the battle (Unlike Terraria, and, overall, Minecraft) without being something you must be triying to do to win.
  20. Mr. Mistah

    Mr. Mistah Phantasmal Quasar

    I like the combos idea but i don't want them long and flashy, i want them simple but still cool. As for the air combos it should really just be one hit, and the shield bash should be added but will of course have a cool down (maybe there will be a stamina bar).
    Heres a list of combos for a specific weapon:

    Light Weight Sword: downcut, uppercut (little knock back), left slice, and hit hard with a right slice (regular knock back) This weapon has regular delay, but little weapon block.

    Heavy Sword: left slice, right slice (little knock back), slam down (High knock back+Stun). This weapon will have more delay compared to other weapons but, will deal more damage and knock back each hit. The slam attack may sometimes break a shield block but will certainly break a weapon block. This weapon will also have the highest weapon blocking. This weapon is two handed, so you won't be able to use your other hand for another weapon.

    One knife: slice, slice, stab, rip out (stun). Fastest delay, but gives little weapon block and no knock back. However you will be granted with the ability to evade+ a quick counterattack. You can also grapple your opponent and stab them for lethal damage (if you can get close enough ;D). You will lose these abilities if you hold a shield.

    Dual knife: Same attacks (but different animation) and characteristics as one knife but no grapple ability. Instead you get more damage from the combo.

    Dual Swords: left slice right weapon, right slice left weapon , consecutive spin slash (little knock back), X slash (High knock back) This weapon has regular weapon block and has high delay like the heavy sword.

    Spear: stab, stab, swing (regular knock back) Faster delay but will have little weapon block. However you may have a shield in your other hand or you can lose the shield and have a dash back instead. Of course this weapon will have a longer reach.

    Left click to shoot and right click to focus if you don't have a shield, if you do, then you won't be able to focus. When you focus, your accuracy will be better, at the cost of movement speed, you will also use your sights (screen moves with the cursor) if available.

    All stuns will last for half a second. This way players may have a chance of getting out of the way if they are quick enough. Any weapon blocks that have been broken will make the player become stunned. Weapon blocks are also different from shields. Shields can block all damage but some damage may affect the player if he or she uses a weapon block.

    To do a dash back just press back twice quickly (there will be a delay if you just tap the button so it will give you a chance to press again to activate it). If you use a shield, you will not be able to dash back. Dual wielding weapons is allowed.

    To do an evasion, press right click with good timing (right before the attack animation is completed) to evade and press attack to counter. The evasion will either be a roll or slide behind the enemy, or it will look like a dodge. In some attacks your evasion will not work, for example, when a giant enemy is going to stomp on you, your evasion will not work however if its something like a monster is going to charge you, you may dodge that like side stepping (i think it would be better if you just jumped, just saying).

    When it comes to shield bashing it should knock the opponent back to give some space and stun them, also it should have a cool down or drain your stamina bar (if there is one). To shield bash, you may click the right mouse button twice quickly or you may press it with good timing.

    Thats all i have for now, i may do some tweaks with the ideas and also add some more to it by editing my comment, so if some quotes look different it might be an old comment. Feel free to share some weapons or ideas related with this.

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