I'm surprised no one has made a mod to make the pigs look like the pigs in Zelda Windwaker. I don't know the first thing about modding but I can do pixel art to a degree and would be willing to help work on it on that end. I included a quick pixel I did of the general idea.
Yess! I would love this! These guys were awesome. I spent more time playing with them than on the rest of the game. xD
I've never really done this before. I can probably make up the stills. Do I just need walking and digging? Do the proportions matter? I have no clue how to mod but if you let me know what you'll need I can sprite it up.
First Draft Dig animation for right facing? Probably needs more of the 'dig' frames. [Edit] I made a longer version.
These might help you - they are the sprite sheets for the Baby Pig, and the Adult Pig. So it'll give you an idea of what frames you need to make them work.
I'd also like to see an update, but seeing this thread is now over a year old without a reply from the OP, I can only assume the OP has lost interest.