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Pixel Your Pixel Art!

Discussion in 'Art' started by B|eak, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. muxaun

    muxaun Subatomic Cosmonaut

    not satisfied because it is ugly. The only thing I am happy with is that clew.
  2. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    But there is hue shifting. Maybe I used too little saturation...
  3. muxaun

    muxaun Subatomic Cosmonaut

    you probably did, but you did it the "safe" way. Hue shifting is not a formal thing that differs good art from bad. You shall understand how it influences the work - try hue-shifting colors further from the initial color and you will see where to stop.
    Here's a quick example
    Dark green here is actually blue and light green is actually yellow.
    I did not apply hue shift to brown color though.
    Mianso likes this.
  4. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    Wow. Kay then, I'll try. Probably I should also change the light source angle.
  5. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    Did I got any better?
  6. muxaun

    muxaun Subatomic Cosmonaut

    better, but I guess applying more shadows to tree crown will make it look less flat.
    Gloss effect will disappear when you will apply texture later.
    Mianso likes this.
  7. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    Yeah I see how It can look flat.
    What do you mean when you say texture?
    Gosh I remember you posting in the beginner pixel artist thread. Kids grow fast.
  8. Fusix

    Fusix Void-Bound Voyager

    Ju 87 R-2 resized.png Although i don't do pixel art to often, ive made quite a few guns and such for various games that i used to work on. (small games that i always started and within a week got bored of and abandoned) my latest one is of one of my favourite WWII German planes. I usually shade my drawings to a degree, but i liked this one without shading. any opinions on it is helpful.
  9. muxaun

    muxaun Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I meant some low-level detalization.
    Here's a rude pix to demonstrate what I mean.
    I would have still posted there if you didn't forbid it :)

    That's a pretty good. Did you try to animate it?

    Attached Files:

    Mianso likes this.
  10. Fusix

    Fusix Void-Bound Voyager

    Hmm, i never really thought about animating it... i used paint to draw it. :unsure:
  11. Bughunter

    Bughunter Spaceman Spiff

    hmm well... maybe i should post something here.. :V
    Shield.png Sword.png
    The shield was my first attempt at dithering.. i say its not too bad.
  12. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    You should've seen it as a week ban. Go back and post on that thread again. You're so inspiring.I mean, you walk in and say "Hey I made this with paint".
    Edit: Did you use google to translate the pic name? :)
  13. Fusix

    Fusix Void-Bound Voyager

    Decided to roll with a WWII theme and made this to go along with the plane. Although together the are not to scale with each other, i might fix that later. A Mercedes Benz 770, the car Hitler and many of his higher ups used. Mercedes Benz 770 W07 Landaulette resized.png
  14. B|eak

    B|eak Void-Bound Voyager

    If it's ugly then I must be terrible o_O
  15. BlastRed

    BlastRed Spaceman Spiff

    I haven't posted in a long time here :wut:
    Well. here we go.
    I made myself in a starbound way
    Then i made my best friend
    And this was a risk of rain sokina
    kinda messed up on the head
    This is me, in a sporty fashion
  16. beebot83

    beebot83 Big Damn Hero

    Just a simple isometric test: Isometric_Test.png
  17. B|eak

    B|eak Void-Bound Voyager

  18. beebot83

    beebot83 Big Damn Hero

    Thank you!
  19. B|eak

    B|eak Void-Bound Voyager

    On the risk of rain sokina, whats up with the random top layer or light gray pixels at the top?
  20. FreshSheet

    FreshSheet Pangalactic Porcupine

    The only differently sized pixels on the starbound characters are the ones in the logos above each sprites head, which is fine as it is not part of the sprite itself. Although I will agree that it doesn't look as good as it would if it was all the same size.
    As for me I'm trying a style of sprites that draw influence from the ones in Scott Pilgrim vs the World
    8 color club.png
    Still undergoing refining and tweaks.
    Oh almost forgot, the goal of these sprites are to not exceed 8 colors. 8 color club ftw
    First edit of many:
    8 color club.png
    Second Edit:
    8 color club.png
    Third Edit:
    8 color club.png
    Evangelion likes this.

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