You cant beat everything.

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Sarzael, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. Necrovore

    Necrovore Pangalactic Porcupine

    Lil Jimmy isn't pulling his weight, we have to boot him from the server so the rest of us can beat this boss...yeah, that would go over well for multiplayer games.
    ArmouredPixie and Auraknight like this.
  2. Casca

    Casca Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    In regards to the HP bar, it could be set up like WoW, where anything that is too high a level for you to DREAM of killing has a ??? level. Instead of an HP bar, it could simply say ??? or !!! to signify just how massively powerful the creature would be.
    ArmouredPixie likes this.
  3. Auraknight

    Auraknight Weight of the Sky

    lil jim can just go to a different planet when the big boys kill the boss back home.
  4. Sabreur

    Sabreur Pangalactic Porcupine

    That's the problem. This kind of multiplayer changes the nature of the game - it separates people by skill level. That's fine in a competitive game or an MMO, but I'm not sure it has a place in a cooperative building/exploration game.
    Necrovore and Auraknight like this.
  5. Auraknight

    Auraknight Weight of the Sky

    and I agree.
    I was saying that if it HAD to be in that way,
    that there was a potential alternative.
  6. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    Its confirmed that its going to be like that.
    Also planets separate people by skill level. A new player cant go to a level 100 planet, while a good player would show little interest on a level 1 planet.
    Auraknight likes this.
  7. cvnvnasdf

    cvnvnasdf Industrial Terraformer

    Non-quest-related colossal beasts should have a finite HP, while quest-related colossal beasts should have infinite HP until the quest is activated. This way, you won't kill a quest monster, and... Make the quest cannot be completed or unacquirable.

    But yes, this is a good suggestion. I like it.
    Jarrad338 likes this.
  8. XRiZUX

    XRiZUX Spaceman Spiff

    Or, the quest monster would spawn after you activate the quest, I think that would be a better solution. Either that or there are many monsters that respawn, and the quest would be involved with either of the monsters.
  9. Jarrad338

    Jarrad338 Aquatic Astronaut

    I love this idea of having "unbeatable creatures" it would add a nice level of horror to the game, after you had encountered one you would be nervous about finding others because of course you don't want to die. However I do understand where the people who oppose it are coming from but I think that they are looking at this the wrong way, these creatures aren't so much bosses as they are roadblocks. Using the example of the dungeon guardians from Terraria, they insta killed you if you so much as touched them, the only way to stop this was to kill Skeletron. I think these creatures should be something like that. They should have an infinite amount of health, do a lot of damage, and stop you from exploring past them, (hence the roadblock) BUT they only guard their territory (like what Sarzael said in the first post with the ocean monster) you can escape from them. HOWEVER I agree with the people saying that you shouldn't have an unkillable monster because it does take the fun out of it. So there should be either a quest for the monster, also like what Sarzael said with the eel thing getting caught in the net and suffocating, or you should be able to kill it with a trap (not man-made) so maybe making it fall into a volcano or collapsing the ceiling onto it.

    Also a bit of lore for these monsters would be great, maybe the product of a disastrous genetics experiment by the guys who gave the Avians their technology.
  10. ArmouredPixie

    ArmouredPixie Subatomic Cosmonaut

    a few of these problems could be solved if you were morally obligated to not kill the super mega giant thing e.g. uhh sir our princess has been stole by the *insert evil thing* and they spliced her into super mega giant thing if you could please lure her into the genetic splicer we would be much obliged also please don't kill her
    this means no matter how high a level you are or what weapon you have you arn't going to kill the best
    Of course this won't work for ever situation youll need another ides for that because i imgine you would quickly get bored of this type of mission
    DeadlyLuvdisc likes this.
  11. OmniGeoff

    OmniGeoff Weight of the Sky

    There would have to be a way to kill anything. *COUGHNuketheplanetCOUGH* But there are certain situations where you would
    HAVE to run away, as you have a disadvantage. I see where you are going with this, but I want to catch-- I mean-- kill them all!
    Sarzael likes this.
  12. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    I guess that each one of these creatures should have an quest, and though the course of the quest you find hints about how to kill it.
  13. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    Way to necro a thread that is over four months old.

    Anyway, check this out:
    This is darn good quest material. Instead of killing the dangerous foe, you are forced to lure it towards some sort of device as part of a quest. This way you have to deal with the danger without being able to harm it.

    Maybe instead you have to heard some number of a specific type of mob into a holding pen. This could be done by forcing passive mobs to flee towards the pen, or by tricking aggressive mobs into chasing you into the pen.

    An alternative might be that locals need you to collect data on the hunting behaviors of a local beast by fighting it for over five minutes or something, so you can't kill it until after the quest is completed.

    I'm sure I could think of more but I really don't have the time right now.
    Maw and ArmouredPixie like this.
  14. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    Hey, its my thread, i necro it when i want!

    Also i guess that there will be a way to defeat (Not necesarily kill) all creatures, but though unconventional ways.
  15. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    Monster hunter capture mission kind of defeat?
    FrozenOrange likes this.
  16. FrozenOrange

    FrozenOrange Phantasmal Quasar

    would be damn awesome
  17. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    Now that I think of it, you can pet monsters. So maybe you need to gift this ultra pet to the friendly village or something.
    ArmouredPixie and FrozenOrange like this.
  18. Zeklo

    Zeklo Heliosphere

    Eh... I'm kind of on the brink with this one, I see how cool and even semi-atmospeheric it could be but also how annoying it could be. Personally I think having to leave get better gear and come back would be better, but I also like the idea. So I'm just gonna say its undecided for me. Good idea non the less.
    ArmouredPixie likes this.
  19. ArmouredPixie

    ArmouredPixie Subatomic Cosmonaut

    maybe on the higher tier levels you find/buy/build a thing that lets you bypass these missions and make them...essentially mortal (would still be a tough fight though)
  20. Ryokozen

    Ryokozen Orbital Explorer

    I would like it if they had certain enemies that couldn't be beaten unless you fulfilled a certain requirement and (Like Skeletron in Terraria) would just kill you instantly if you tried to enter their dungeon/come too close etc....
    ArmouredPixie likes this.

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