You cant beat everything.

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Sarzael, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. Sabreur

    Sabreur Pangalactic Porcupine

    I agree strongly with this statement. In general, there should always be something to challenge the player. But, realistic or not, a truly unbeatable foe is just obnoxious.
  2. SrsBznz

    SrsBznz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm all for having very tough enemies and a challenging game but having truly unbeatable enemies just sounds a bit dumb to me. Let's give it a "Batman system". Some enemies can be seemingly unbeatable, but with the right gear and preparations it's not impossible.
  3. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    To clear up... There WONT be controllable giant sized mechs, as far as i know. Tiy stated that due to their massive size, it would be hard to incorporate them, and they would be hard to navigate. Thus as far as i know, some of the earlier posts refering to using Giant Sized Mech to beat bosses...

    I think a big ship would work though, since there wouldnt be ploblems with terrain (Since it would fly).
  4. I like the Idea of there is things we can't beat, that we must RUN AWAY!

    Still, you can beat everything with Bacon. ^^ :proper:
    Auraknight likes this.
  5. Ruin

    Ruin Existential Complex

    I really disagree with this idea. Maybe as an optional mode, but otherwise I can only see frustration. I don't know what has been going on recently when it comes to difficulty in video games, with it's odd shift in the direction of "RAGE QUIT INDUCING EYE BLEEDYNESS". (See also: Dark Souls)
    I for one do not like a large amount of difficulty in games, because, to me, if I wanted to be challenged, I'd go do some long division. Games are about the exploration, the story, and even the senseless violence, at least to me.
    ArmouredPixie likes this.
  6. Qader

    Qader Void-Bound Voyager

    Ya this would prove you aren't god unlike when playing terraria and every lifeform and peice of ground was yours to command!
  7. Teih

    Teih Sandwich Man

    I really like this idea.

    However, I would prefer if there was some way to beat them. It would just have to be INSANELY difficult, and not depend on your gear.

    I'd like to see it as a very difficult challenge that few would be able to complete.
    ArmouredPixie likes this.
  8. Omega-9124

    Omega-9124 Industrial Terraformer

    This is a great idea in my opinion, however, they should not be invincible, just difficult.

    Some enemies should require certain weapons or gear to kill them.

    Alternetly there could be a enemy that is immune to all damage unless you hit it's weak spot.
  9. flippitydip

    flippitydip Big Damn Hero

    pretty cool idea but rather than unbeatable how about just impossibly hard? Seeing as a server is only limited by its hardware maybe it would take 20 ppl to even have a chance to beat it whereas 1 person trying to beat it would be a joke.
  10. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    I dont like the idea of a creature being able to be beated by 5-20 people but not by 1. The more people, the harder thats it. Either 1 person beats it or no number beats it. Else is plain unfair for people who dont want/cant play multiplayer.
    ArmouredPixie likes this.
  11. Sabreur

    Sabreur Pangalactic Porcupine

    Agreed - sort of. I wouldn't mind special ''multiplayer only" challenges, so long as I don't have to bother with them in single player. I don't want to run into a 25-man raid boss while I'm out soloing, in other words.
    ArmouredPixie likes this.
  12. flippitydip

    flippitydip Big Damn Hero

    ahhh true, hadn't thought about that
  13. Witness

    Witness Giant Laser Beams

    I recall such thing from Diablo II and to be honest, I am not sure I like it. Think now about possibility of someone, one day, wanting to set up multiplayer server for, say, 30 people (if the game can actually handle it). Now, the bosses will be either really unbeatable or require whole server's population to show up at one location and start battling - with a load like that, I suspect you'll have bullet storm worse than in touhou, if it won't crash the game altogether.

    I'd rather have creatures strong, but depending on player's skills and items - manageable. In addition to my suggestion of creature resistances, it may be nice to add creatures you need particular way to defeat (oldschool 'hit its eye when it's open but don't let it hit you with it's web as when you'll be incapicated it'll slash you for very high damage!') may make friends certainly helpful, but if you are really good and you'll get decent equipment, you'll have a chance by yourself (from example above - friends may be useful in shooting the thing's eye when it tries to web you, but decent weapon and skill may allow you to do the same, albeit with more difficulty, while decent armor will allow you to survive a hit of two from creature's special attack should you fail to miss it).

    Certainly, though, I'd rather avoid unbeatable stuff.
  14. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    Honestly some times i feel like people never read though comments O_O.
    Come on, its just 5 pages. I have read the whole Darkbound thread...
  15. Witness

    Witness Giant Laser Beams

    I suspect it's more like discussions in discussions. For example, I was right now regarding suggestion of people just above, including yours. Consider quoting should someone go completely off-topic.
    Auraknight likes this.
  16. Taitinator

    Taitinator Big Damn Hero

    For those who played terraria you may recall a dungeon guardian- 9999health and 1 hit kill, obviously it shouldn't be as op as this but extremely difficult to kill and when you do there was no reward in terms of item drop. They just acted as a deterent to the dungeon before beating skeleton king (boss) who could be soloed with fairly decent gear. Starbound could have similar things to this and fit it in alongside the lore. The oceans may be protected by a God like Poseidon or a creature like the kraken, so you can explore the depths but take the risk of running into these, or find away around these (quest? Item?). There would be "guardians" like these for various different areas that are of course extremely difficult to kill but there are ways around it.
  17. Auraknight

    Auraknight Weight of the Sky

    You could have it so that the ammout of people required to beat is is equil to the number of people on the world at the time of it's spawn (if it was to be done like that)
  18. Bulldogie00

    Bulldogie00 Void-Bound Voyager

    I dont know if this has been said, but It could be cool, if the boss would have a huge amount of health, example Destroyer in terraria, 80,000 HP (terraria reference) BUT, the point would be that you could actually escape him, what you could not in terraria.
  19. PidgyEdits

    PidgyEdits Orbital Explorer

  20. nimblethom

    nimblethom Master Chief

    well... let's be "realistic". We are playing a game about space exploration and if the sci-fi genre has taught us anything its that sometimes you hide in an asteroid and sometimes that hiding spot is actually inside a giant asteroid worm's belly. I definitely agree with the people here, that yes it sucks not to win, it's boring to have your options predefined (running away only), but that we all crave that experience of simulated danger that pushes us to a limit and causes us to be creative, use skill, find friends, or look for the 1-use quest related uber-bomb (or use as you please Master Sword). It definitely has to be done carefully, but it could produce such huge rewards in terms of feeling like a boss that you actual find yourself telling your aged parents, who have no clue whatsoever what you mean, that you just decapitated the world-munching-crapped-my-pants-to-see-it-super-boss-came-the-hell-out-of-nowhere porcupine and it was damned hard to do. I think we all want that, despite what gear we gain.

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