You cant beat everything.

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Sarzael, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    Save+Quit option = teleport to base. The Magic Mirror in Terraria was a nearly useless item, except for a few boss arena exploits.
    Placing blocks takes <.1 seconds, you hit the hotkey and click-drag your mouse.
    I don't think that running away is as fun as fighting. Fighting games are an entire genre, and so are shooting games. Are there any running games?
    Survival/Horror seems like it is a genre that works best in 3-D, not 2-D.
  2. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    I do want a few UNBEATABLE enemies as in, they won't die.
    @ deadlyluvsisc there are plenty of running games and some are very popular


    What just happened? Where did that word on my screen come from?
    Anyway I also think that the titans should only become beatable,
    simply for fairness, once you claim that planet as a homeplanet.
    I also want to beat that feeling that everyone here has just shown
    of wanting to beat everything... go ahead, look for it -------------------------------------^
  3. Necrovore

    Necrovore Pangalactic Porcupine

    Technically most platformer games are running games, or at the very least include a few levels where that is what you are doing. Most often in the form of some enroaching wall of fire, or boulder, or rising laval lake, and if nothing else, a level timer. If you only consider the unbeatable enemy chasing you down, I remember a particular section of Metroid Fusion where you can do nothing but run away from the SA-X and find a place to hide. :p
  4. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    Dino * Run
    Yeah... most platformers...
  5. Bombzero

    Bombzero Giant Laser Beams

    I like the idea on the basis that they are killable eventually.
    And, that they are not special bosses that you have to summon. I hated this in Terraria, it makes no sense to have functionally optional bosses as that defeats the purpose of having a boss.
    fkjac, §hifter and DeadlyLuvdisc like this.
  6. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    In platformer games that force scrolling, I never really feel very afraid of the time limit or auto scroll.
    I thought the SA-X was a creative concept, but when I actually played the game I don't think it added that much.

    Slender is Survival/Horror, and is 3-D. First Person View allows scary things to sneak up on you.

    I guess I just think this isn't like some movie where you have a cinematic chase-scene.

    This I agree with. A surprise boss that is far beyond that player's power level or whatever seems fine.
    §hifter likes this.
  7. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    Actually, not all are unbeatable.
    If you see the quest idea i gave, you will see that you actually BEAT the... eel? Just not by common means.
    Also, i dont want to convert this into a running game, since finding one of them is quite rare, so you will have one every maybe 1000 fights.

    Imagine this quest:
    An giantic fliying creature is attacking towns in planet every day, so they develop an machine to beat it. You gotta help by going into the cave where it lives and then get some resources, then run away for it not to eat you.
    Then the town will develop an airship that you will have to help drive and fight it back in an epic battle.


    Note: I didnt base this idea in Final Fantasy X, i just was searching for an image that would look like what i was saying and this came up.

    There still are some that are unbeatable, but those will be easy to avoid.
    Also, maybe the Exiting Server way changes? Because it should, it was very unfair O_O
    §hifter likes this.
  8. Force2Reckon

    Force2Reckon Phantasmal Quasar

    I agree with what most people seem to be saying, I would hate having something in the game that I can't beat, maybe something I can't beat by normal means but I defeated the skeletal guardian in Terarria before I even knew you could, just cause I HATED having something I can't beat, I'd prefer things that are either A: Ridiculously tough or B: Can't be defeated by CONVENTIONAL means, someon on the front page suggested the ability to suffocate the given example giant fish monster by draining an area of water, or leading it into a cavern and collapsing it onto it. I don't want the endgame to be easy, I still want it to be a pain in the butt so I have to work myself raggid just trying to beat a small swarm of tough creatures even though I have the best gear possible. Anyway ya, tough monsters that you have to beat with skill and intelligence not just brute force, yes, invincible monsters that just ruin the game (for me, maybe not for others), no
    fkjac, Bombzero and Necrovore like this.
  9. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

  10. Relkofizz

    Relkofizz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think "Unkillable" Enemies are a good idea but there should also always be ways to get rid of or avoid them, quests as suggested above, trapping them or even just waiting till they are asleep (if they don't despawn they have to sleep). As this game will have lots of exploration elements I think having to keep away from certain areas Forever is a bad idea. Also I believe truly "Unkillable" enemies as suggested here will be impossible in this game due to the orbital strike.
    DeadlyLuvdisc likes this.
  11. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    If I can't kill it with enough rockets or nukes, then it doesn't make sense and I would even mod the game to remove it.
    Nothing in real life is invulnerable. If you get attacked by a tiger you run because it is dangerous, not because it can't be beaten.
    You hunt tigers later, when you've survived and can come back more prepared.
    This is what exploring higher threat level worlds might be like.
    Arcstone and fkjac like this.
  12. Necrius

    Necrius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Unbeatable creatures are even more unrealistic, I think. There is always some sort of weak points. If the creature is huge, you can kill it from inside.
  13. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    Actually, i dont know about sleeping, but idea was for them to move around, so you can come later, once it went to some other zone.
  14. Fluffy Arsonist

    Fluffy Arsonist Cosmic Narwhal

    i dunno, i kinda like the idea of a monster so insanely unkillable that i have to remove the planet to kill it. imagine it, a giant beastie, tearing apart everything in it's path, pulling apart mountains. a nuke won't kill it, so what do you do? use a bigger one. and if that doesn't work? rip the very planet apart, tear up the continental plates and fling them into the sun. and if that isn't enough? the universe is done. go down in a blaze of glory, sending every star into a supernova, an explosion so big that it tears apart the universe itself. if you can't kill it, then it doesn't get to exist any more!
    nimblethom likes this.
  15. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    Or... You can just wait till it goes away :.P
  16. Fluffy Arsonist

    Fluffy Arsonist Cosmic Narwhal

    it doesn't go away, though. it can fly through space, it requires no air to breath. it's the perfect being.
  17. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    Trying to escape strong enemies is the funniest thing to do in Skyrim,even if you could just fus ro dah them down the hill.
    Now,escaping is cool,but unbeatable things aren'r.Let's say 30 players would be enough to beat them?
    fkjac and DeadlyLuvdisc like this.
  18. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    And what with people who play singleplayer? Or servers who cant afford so much people? No.
  19. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    Borderlands much?The more pepole are on the server the stronger is the monster?
    Arcstone and fkjac like this.
  20. Half-Mod35

    Half-Mod35 Space Penguin Leader

    Im sorry but you sir "Sarzael" little known fact... every creature has a weakness and most can be easily dominated with a bullet using gun. A player using several bombs made for underwater "property" damage could easily kill it.

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