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Bug/Issue [XB1]Geodes only giving one type of mineral

Discussion in 'Support' started by fireball2020, Dec 23, 2016.

  1. fireball2020

    fireball2020 Intergalactic Tourist

    I've ran into a potential bug when breaking open geodes. I had a stack of magma geodes that I took to Clint to break open, and all 3 gave me Fire Opals. I figured it was just random chance that I got 3 of the same all in a row, so I thought nothing of it at first.

    A few days later, I loaded the game up and I took a stack of 7 magma geodes to break open, and all 7 gave me Neptunite. This is what made me think it was a bug. So to be sure, I quit the game without saving, then reloaded it up, and again, all 7 gave me the same mineral as whatever the first one opened was.
    • Igsfire

      Igsfire Seal Broken

      Did you check your luck that day with the fortune teller?
      • fireball2020

        fireball2020 Intergalactic Tourist

        Yes, the first time was a bad luck day, and the second time where I repeated quiting without saving was a neutral day
        • Igsfire

          Igsfire Seal Broken

          So probability was against you
          • _PandorasBox_

            _PandorasBox_ Sandwich Man

            I've done geodes on good days, great days, neutral, bad, and terrible days. That affects if you get clay and stone from them, or opals and ancient drums. It doesn't affect how many you get, because each geode, except Omni but it has the chance of giving you anything from the other types, has various items it can give. I've had like 30 frozen ones at once, and it was rare that I got the same thing, mineral wise, twice.

            That's definitely a bug. What kind and how to fix it? I'm not sure, sadly. Maybe something in the files and code of what it's supposed to give is messed up? Usually with little things like that, it is from a file messing up for one reason or another
            • Chrislocalboy

              Chrislocalboy Seal Broken

              I've seen this also.... It seems to happen specifically with magma geodes, cant remember the exact mineral (red thing with a pointy top) and I got 8 of them in a row.... I've also seen this happen on different days like the original poster and seen 4-5 fire opals in a row.... Theres definately something wrong with it.
                Redstorm18 likes this.
              • Redstorm18

                Redstorm18 Space Hobo

                I didn't even think about this being a glitch. I used 12 magma geodes and I got 9 basalts in a row. Freakin 9. And this only happened with the magma ones. Super annoying
                • Katzeus

                  Katzeus Chucklefisherman Chucklefish

                  Thanks for the reports guys, I've passed these details along for investigation. Please continue to share any more instances you may see for this one.
                  • HoSDonJon

                    HoSDonJon Space Hobo

                    In my experience what the geode holds is already decided before you take it to be opened, I've reset my day (before update because of freezing) with 30 geodes and got exactly the same items.

                    I'm assuming its decided when you pick them up. I could be wrong though.

                    Also I seem to get multiples of the same thing from Magma Geodes too. Usually 5 or 6 out of 10 will be the same, just got used to it and grab a few more.
                    • Lofwyr

                      Lofwyr Intergalactic Tourist

                      I'm resurrecting this thread because I'm trying to complete the museum and I am only missing Bixite. But unfortunately I am always getting obsidian out of the magma geodes.

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