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RELEASED xan-union-corvette-release 1.0

The Xan Union Corvette for stable Release

  1. sashyme

    sashyme Phantasmal Quasar

  2. KregisAurelius

    KregisAurelius Intergalactic Tourist

    So i downloaded. changed my ship to this ship. the only problem now is i have a storage locker where my fuel hatch should be and cant access my fuel hatch to put fuel in for transporting my ship. any help with a solution?
  3. sashyme

    sashyme Phantasmal Quasar

    I have a look - which race btw lol
  4. KregisAurelius

    KregisAurelius Intergalactic Tourist

    Novakid. I solved the fuel hatch problem easy enough by placing a new one. But I still have a really out of place storage locker I can't scrap.
  5. sashyme

    sashyme Phantasmal Quasar

    I checked all license steps and it is working as intended, there is no problem for me.
  6. Valkeir

    Valkeir Void-Bound Voyager

    Any chance of getting this with Viera/other race support?
  7. sashyme

    sashyme Phantasmal Quasar

    will check, can take some time

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