Wyrd Order of Furries, ACT III

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Jonesy, Dec 8, 2014.

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  1. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova


    It's all as I feared, even worse than I thought.

    I really am a MESS.
    Phlosioneer likes this.
  2. Khuur

    Khuur Pangalactic Porcupine

    You might be acting facetious, but even those two statements are written kind of melodramatic and self centered. Yours seems like something overcome with work, experience, and perspective. Most people I know are messes who prefer to deal with it their messes in private, or have worked hard to overcome them.
    1. You first have to acknowledge that there is a problem.
    2. Identify areas within yourself that you can work on to improve it.
    3. Actively work toward that goal by keeping it in your mind as you go about your day to day.
    4. Continue to analyse your thoughts, behaviours, and interactions with other people.
    5. Modify your short term goal or your methodology to remain in line with your long term goal of self improvement.
    6. Repeat steps 2-5 forever.
    7. Work toward becoming a rationalist so you can reason more rationally, set more realistic goals, and work out more practical methodologies.
    8. Become a technological transhumanist and dream about transcending your evolutionarily hindered human frame of reference.
  3. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Well, I think maybe I just lost a good friend because I'm too neurotic and clingy.

    Just the morale boost I needed.
  4. Mystic_Wulf

    Mystic_Wulf Existential Complex

    Trust me, I'm probably more annoying, Right guys?
    Not to me.
    Probably more frequent from me.
    I fool around a lot, I'm pretty sure no one really takes me seriously, unless I'm saying I'm serious.

    Am I right guys?

    P.S, I half-ass a lot. (serious)
    Phlosioneer likes this.
  5. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    I just had someone block me on steam because I was too clingy and my depression was a bummer to him.

    I think I know the answer now.

    Though I'm almost tempted to say their name and show what they did...
  6. Khuur

    Khuur Pangalactic Porcupine

    Looking for or focusing examples which specifically support your opinion can lead to a confirmation bias-based positive feedback loop. I would advise against such tactics (e.g. your last line) as they will only harm you.
    Phlosioneer likes this.
  7. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    I'm aware, I'm also aware of what I was explicitly told previously.
  8. Honestly, yeah, I do see you as a bit self-centered (in the sense that you focus on yourself a lot, not that you're a selfish person) and somewhat melodramatic.

    I will say though, while I feel like you tend to bring a lot of attention to your own issues it has never come across to me as being really narcissistic or 'attention whore-y' (to use a very technical term). From my perspective, it always seemed to me to come from a place that shows you genuinely want to work on what you see as an issue with yourself.

    The problem is, you can be a bit... grating about it. Lately it's almost like the only thing you talk is how miserable you feel all the time. We've already established you feel this way and a lot of people have offered to help as best they can. Imagine how it feels to them when they see their friend completely miserable, only to be blown off and turned away while their friend continues to go on and on about how miserable they are. People only have finite patience; it makes it look like you don't actually want the help, and you're just looking for something to whine about.

    There's a time and a place for everything and such, and self-introspection isn't really one of those everyday, casual conversation topics. The important thing to remember above all else is these things do not make you a bad person. Everybody has their own flaws, the difference is in how they deal with them.
  9. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    i want to talk about fluffy things ^u^
    *hugs marx*
    Marxon, Mystic_Wulf and Jonesy like this.
  10. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova


    Okay it's hard to be sad right now.

    *hugs back*

    (Yay I'm fluffy!)
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2015
  11. Alxetora

    Alxetora Phantasmal Quasar

    Well the new update got pushed. I gotta say I'm glad they finally added custom signage to the game but survival features are still of being very deads. :V
    Phlosioneer likes this.
  12. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Oh, so it's actually working now? Seems they were having issues and were working to fix them.
  13. Alxetora

    Alxetora Phantasmal Quasar

    I dunno if it's working now. I just read about the update on Steam, I assume it'll be fixed today or tomorrow.
  14. Phlosioneer

    Phlosioneer Pangalactic Porcupine

    It's working. Ish. Selectively.
    Jonesy and Alxetora like this.
  15. Mystic_Wulf

    Mystic_Wulf Existential Complex

    @Jonesy I'm probably going to work on the commission this weekend, because I never let school touch my weekend.

    I've barely have fitted time, so I only have a small portion done.
    Jonesy likes this.
  16. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    A wild Typhlosion has appeared!

    Marxon uses Tacklehug!
  17. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Go for it. But I must admit, my weekends were my main time for working on schoolwork. That allowed me to play games most school days, since I left assignments and that until the weekend.
    Marxon likes this.
  18. Mystic_Wulf

    Mystic_Wulf Existential Complex

    So about my 40 sketches for art class.
    Apparently I was the only person who did it.
    Everyone else either didn't do it, or just traced and/or drew 500 eyes.
    She liked how I did something and not just did it at last second.
    Seajun_, Tleno, ImmortalFrog and 6 others like this.
  19. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Stay gud.
  20. Terwin94

    Terwin94 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Guys, I upset some furries on reddit and started snoogate. Pls help
    Marxon likes this.
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