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Closed Wooden support beams, Toxictop crops

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Oberic, Dec 14, 2013.

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  1. Oberic

    Oberic Spaceman Spiff

    I don't seem to be able to rotate the wooden support beams.
    Not sure if they use a special key to rotate, but no other furniture/decoration does. so... yeah.

    Also, toxictop plants don't seem to grow when attempting to farm them..
    I was able to harvest rice/wheat/diodia like six or so times and the toxictop plants were still in the just-planted phase.
    Shoyru likes this.
  2. eks311

    eks311 Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah, I was having the same issue with the beams. Other objects would switch directions when you press A or D, but that one wouldn't.
  3. jackd23

    jackd23 Void-Bound Voyager

    Support beams will automatically rotate if the game finds a ceiling and wall that it deems "valid" to attach them to, so if you move the mouse cursor around a bit, it will automatically flip if it finds a valid wall and ceiling. I think you need at least 5 blocks vertical/horizontal (9 blocks total, +1 being the shared block where they meet) or so.

    Toxictops and a couple of other seeds never grow, but it has been repeatedly reported in the general bugs thread. I hope they'll fix it in a patch, soon, it's probably not as high a priority as other bugs.
  4. Shoyru

    Shoyru Void-Bound Voyager

    My oculemon, toxictops and neonmelons don't grow either, which is strange cause they grew just fine earlier in the beta.
  5. jackd23

    jackd23 Void-Bound Voyager

    They did? I specifically remember toxictops and neonmelons to not grow, and the one that "tastes like copper". I can't remember the name : -)

    Maybe they only grow in certain biomes or on certain planets instead? I'm certain it has been mentioned as "never growing" in the general bug thread, so either it hasn't been fixed yet or it's not a bug then.
  6. Shoyru

    Shoyru Void-Bound Voyager

    Toxictops were my main source of food for a long time earlier in the beta, and they grew just fine, its in a somewhat more recent patch where they dont grow anymore. I have diodia(copper things) growing just fine in my farm at the moment, and my oculemons wont go past their second stage of growth, as well as my neonmelons never changing from their first stage of growth. All of these plants I have farmed and harvested just fine some versions ago in the beta
  7. infinitetech

    infinitetech Big Damn Hero

    not sure how to fix it, but I would recommend trying to get the "meat and marrow" recipe, its supper cheap and it has a MASSIVE regen buff along with full hunger restore

    also, I found that sometimes crops grow faster atleast in certain biomes or on certain types of soil
  8. Mr_Bluee

    Mr_Bluee Void-Bound Voyager

    Banana Bread is good (It unlocks straight away as Apex). Not sure if its meant to but it gives you a regen buff, a burning buff and obviously fills hunger. The burning doesn't matter because the healing counteracts it.
  9. infinitetech

    infinitetech Big Damn Hero

    meat and marrow comes with the florian race, also found a rare recipe in the castle spawn that give you glow, regen, insta heal, speed, and jump boost, plus full fill, but it is insanely hard to get the stuff for it
  10. Oberic

    Oberic Spaceman Spiff

    I figured out the support beam issue, you have to actually click it into the absolute corner of whatever piece of the structure you want to place it. I don't see why it's like that, but it is.
    That said, it's better than not being able to place them properly at all, I like support corners :)
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