RELEASED WONDERFUL FARM LIFE. [SMAPI] version updated 7/2, now with grandpa's memorial! MAKE YOUR FARM SICK!

Discussion in 'Mods' started by taintedwheat, May 23, 2016.

  1. Jinxiewinxie

    Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

    The patio was made smaller and moved to the right per popular opinion in the thread.
    • RisingManes

      RisingManes Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      So it's working as intended? I wanted the shop to be directly to the right of my house. :c Oh well.

      Also, this is happening when I drop things at the not-shipping bin.

      • Jinxiewinxie

        Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

        You can use the .xnb version and then edit the map so its closer to the house.
          Rosalie likes this.
        • Jinxiewinxie

          Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

          Head being cut off? There isn't a good way around that. Fixed in an update! I was wrong, Tainted knew how to resolve it ^_^
            Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
          • taintedwheat

            taintedwheat Master Astronaut

            So you can still ship from that side of the container if you don't like try to stand up on it. .__. i really don't want to change the size of the stall for something that can be avoided by how you choose to approach the front tiles of the store/shipping bin.

            Argah, can someone plzzz do a simple farm edit for me? I want it similar to boffos ( in the sense that he made the cliff walls on the perimeter all uniform by pushing protruding places/cliff sides on the west and south walls back to be straightened out, but I want everything else from the vanilla farm area to remain vanilla (e.g. the north and west sides).

            (on his map he pushes the stuff on the north and west / up and down too far out and it actually does not look good on this smapi version at all (the fence is all weird))

            Optional: But I also wouldn't mind if you nixed the fence on the east/right (and north too, if you wanted) side so people could their own fencing along that perimeter since the season_outdoortilesheet wooden fence doe not match the player's placed wooden fences in game anyway.

            I don't mind not using the .xnb replacement but I really hate not having an evened out plot (also i have a sprinkler stuck on a cliff now)
              Last edited: Jun 6, 2016
            • cera12sim

              cera12sim Subatomic Cosmonaut

              omg this is so good! tainted wheat and Jinxiewinxie You guys rock! :D
              • taintedwheat

                taintedwheat Master Astronaut


                Update to come:

                Jinxie is awesome and I loved the arch way so I wanted to at least use the small one in the least evasive way possible to put this into the SMAPI mod w/o using the whole grandpa shrine idea to get it together.

                Also, using @eemie 's tree that I changed up to match the seasons/and the arch way I hope this would look super sick:

                also, she made me a farm map like i asked for! So if you want a map like mine where the cliffs are evened out, no small pond and the gate is removed on the right so you can put your own consistent fencing, have at the farm.xnb below <3
                (looks great with the smapi mod i tell you what)

                  Attached Files:

                • taintedwheat

                  taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                  HEY @RisingManes !



                  Attached is the updated SMAPI mod and the farm.xnb I mentioned in my last post. IT'S SUPER CUTE AND SIMPLE AND LET YOU USE YOUR OWN FENCE ON THE RIGHT. eeeee. it will be so fun to play again, whenever that is. hahah.

                  farm layout:

                    Attached Files:

                    Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
                  • RisingManes

                    RisingManes Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    Excellent work.

                    I, uh, was afraid to ask... but what's the TFE mod? I tried Googling it, but I came up with nothing. ._.
                    • taintedwheat

                      taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                      Sorry, I meant TSE, Tego's Stardew Expansion <___>;;; to me they're pretty interchangable. But it's that huge modded farm map.
                      • Hitgirl911

                        Hitgirl911 Pangalactic Porcupine

                        Hello! I absolute love your mod! It's so pretty and it makes my farm actually feel so homey and really beautiful <3

                        I decided to move to the SMAPI version and it's great. However I wanted to remove the arch in front of the greenhouse, since I use a greenhouse mod, I wanted to see the look of the green house.

                        So I changed the config file and set it to false.

                        Config file.JPG

                        However when I ran the game the arch was still there.

                        greenhouse arc.JPG
                        • taintedwheat

                          taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                          Strange.... but at least it matches?
                          • Jinxiewinxie

                            Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                            That's my boo-boo. Here's an updated mod file for you.

                              Attached Files:

                            • Hitgirl911

                              Hitgirl911 Pangalactic Porcupine

                              Thanks! It works perfectly now :D

                              I was walking around my farm and noticed this:

                              something wrong.JPG

                              The arch is broken for some odd reason. Also some parts of the left side of the telescope area aren't passable.

                              Also the mod becomes buggy after events taking place in the farm:

                              After events.png
                                Last edited: Jun 13, 2016
                              • taintedwheat

                                taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                                Great! Not that this issue happened but the fact that you were trying to use the xnb version and the smapi one at the same time.

                                They're not suppose to work in tangent together. I also made a warning prior too. But I wanted someone to test it.

                                Yeaaah, this is going to happen, particularly because the way jinx has the smapi version set up on her end -- the tilesheets are not in the exact space as to the xnb replacement.

                                I dont know if I want to rework everrryyyyyyything of the xnb version to try to lock on with this one. Not only would it require rework of the sheets but then it would require tIDE to be open up again to replace everything because the tiles were changed. Again, idk if this will solve the problem.

                                So basically the xnb version is for people who cant run smapi because of computer performance issues

                                I have been waiting for someone to let me know how it was working together, so thanks.

                                If you really want the arches on the smapi version, Jinx will consider it.
                                • Hitgirl911

                                  Hitgirl911 Pangalactic Porcupine

                                  Oh! I see :rofl: I didn't notice that I was using both versions at once (I just literally added this in and forgot to remove the xnb).

                                  I have a question, will switching to the SMAPI version dramatically change my farm? I sorta added stuff in odd places and I might have to remove them before switching :rofl:
                                  • taintedwheat

                                    taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                                    Nah it shouldn't be a problem. We basically made the same farm.xnb but with only vanilla tiles to accomadate for the smapi version which was coded to overlay perfectly over that version, if youre concerned. Its also attached to the OP, lets you make all your gates on your farm match as we removed the fence on the right.

                                    It works with most player chosen farm.xnb's tho

                                    The only thing this version doesnt have are the big archways or grandpa's area
                                      Hitgirl911 and Jinxiewinxie like this.
                                    • Hitgirl911

                                      Hitgirl911 Pangalactic Porcupine

                                      So I can keep both for now? I wouldn't mind waiting for a fix if ever.

                                      (I really love grandpa's memorial and I made it into my fruit tree and flowers area)

                                      Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
                                      • Jinxiewinxie

                                        Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                                        I'll work on adding Grandpa's memorial stuff to the SMAPI version.
                                          taintedwheat and Zalkyria like this.
                                        • Zalkyria

                                          Zalkyria Existential Complex

                                          So I think I found a bug.... Screenshot_1.png

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