RELEASED WONDERFUL FARM LIFE. [SMAPI] version updated 7/2, now with grandpa's memorial! MAKE YOUR FARM SICK!

Discussion in 'Mods' started by taintedwheat, May 23, 2016.

  1. Jinxiewinxie

    Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

    SMAPI version!

    - Compatible with ALL and TSE
    - Comes with a config so you can set which edits you'd like
    - Known issue: if you leave your house and an event happens, the map might look bad. Just exit to the bus stop area and come back, or the house and come back
    - Does not include the ground edits near the Grandpa shrine (because I'm lazy, but if people really want them I'll add 'em)
    - Does not include the white arches (because I'm lazy, but if people really want them I'll add 'em)

    Works best if you have a default farm.xnb and/or some other modded one. I don't recommend using the .xnb version Wonderful Farm Life and the SMAPI version at the same time. So if you already have the .xnb version, make sure to switch your farm.xnb back to the base-game one or some other that you like.

    Installation: Just stick it in your Mods folder (either the one in appdata or the one in the GoG/Steam Stardew folder)

    Edit: replaced the zip folder attached to this post to reflect a change with the doghouse tiles. (10:15pm, June 4th Pacific Time)

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
      zayselaya, foghorn, Advize and 2 others like this.
    • KittyCas

      KittyCas Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      Ahhh this is absolutely perfect! :D Thank you jinxie. I just wish that little path in front of the shop would go away like in the xnb version T^T Just gonna have to wait for Vii's grassy version :nod:

      Also this really doesn't matter but I'm just pointing it out incase anyone else might have a problem with it. My head goes through the doghouse roof xD But other than that, everything else I've checked out is perfect.

        Attached Files:

        taintedwheat likes this.
      • taintedwheat

        taintedwheat Master Astronaut

        I let her know about the headshaving thing on discord.

        Its the map that you switched back to that has the gravel path 0:
        Although I did mention if there is away to just get rid of it with the mod.
          KittyCas likes this.
        • AfrokingJ

          AfrokingJ Pangalactic Porcupine

          which reminds me i kinda go through my farm with a mega bomb and the little patio by the greenhouse... not sure if it's this mod or another. Kinda ... blows up with it. just pieces though if the item spawner has the tiles i'll fix it but the picnic area and everything else survived
          • taintedwheat

            taintedwheat Master Astronaut

            That patio is frm the .xnb version of the farm and on the whateverseason_festivals tilesheets

            I think like a simple, fresh sweetly looking farm makeup is in order. Or someone to freshen/style up boffo's sanitized map.

            TSE's extended growing area at the bottom of the original farm map is pretty cool but I don't need or want all the other features. Like that abandoned looking cellar x.x
            • KittyCas

              KittyCas Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              Yesh I know Dx I switched back to the base game farm file :cry:
              & okie thank you :)
              • AfrokingJ

                AfrokingJ Pangalactic Porcupine


                Thank goodness for that shrub because... well with certain mods this would have been an embarrassing screenshot as you can see though i blew it up
                • taintedwheat

                  taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                  Oooh lolol yeah, thats because some of the ground I purposely made like that so grass could grow through the cracks xD

                  Hmmm.... i wish there was a way to make ingame floor tiles to emulate what I was doing for the patio near the shrine and how I have it in the greenhouse. I wish there were more floor and fence options u.u

                  I really love my planter floors ;_;
                  • AfrokingJ

                    AfrokingJ Pangalactic Porcupine

                    How could you anticipate some psycho with 999 megabombs would choose to rush through the farm trying to make space to begin their massive farm don't blame yourself it looked beautiful and then i blowed it up.
                      taintedwheat likes this.
                    • sheetcakeghost

                      sheetcakeghost Weight of the Sky

                      Besides, a hit with a pickaxe should fix it right up. d:
                      • AfrokingJ

                        AfrokingJ Pangalactic Porcupine

                        Well i'll be darned!
                        • AfrokingJ

                          AfrokingJ Pangalactic Porcupine

                          I am loving smapi 4.0 i've got my beautiful farm with picnic area, telescope, patio for hanging out near grandpa's shrine, the stalls bridge over the lake and pretty archways. and then off to the left i've got a whole secret farm. So right now i'm spawning seeds and fertilizer making my secret farm the "things that go into my fridge and not my bank account. Because i eat up profits otherwise and i don't sell anything grown on the secret farm it's purely for stocking my house. Then i go picking herbs or fishing to get money to buy seeds to plant on my actual farm to sell to raise money. So it's still a challenge but I also get to have cosmetic fruits and vegetables in my house for my eventual family since Stardew Produce never goes bad.
                          • taintedwheat

                            taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                            Wait, so are you able to use the farm.xnb i made with this smapi version, without any problems?
                            • AfrokingJ

                              AfrokingJ Pangalactic Porcupine

                              I'm using the farm the instant grow trees mod, the farm expansion mod from nexus valley, the friendship enhancer which is getting a little messy might turn it off, pierre's general store mod, cjb cheats and items, and spouses room, [along with the usual stuff you find over on nexus] and they're all working in perfect harmony. I'm willing to bet even the butchery mod if it still existed wouldn't crash in this SMAPI though since i got the monster girls farm animal pack that might be.....unpleasant.
                              • Jinxiewinxie

                                Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                                There is a config with the mod.

                                There's an option to remove the path completely inside the config.
                                  KittyCas likes this.
                                • Jinxiewinxie

                                  Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                                  Here's an updated file that fixes the doghouse tiles ^_^

                                    Attached Files:

                                    KittyCas and taintedwheat like this.
                                  • KittyCas

                                    KittyCas Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    :facepalm: Duh, that's what "removepathalltogether" meant xD I feel like an idiot now haha. But I got it, thank you! :DD
                                      Jinxiewinxie likes this.
                                    • RisingManes

                                      RisingManes Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      Does anyone know how to fix this?

                                        Attached Files:

                                      • taintedwheat

                                        taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                                        ...Fix what?
                                        • RisingManes

                                          RisingManes Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                          The everything is off-center. Shouldn't the additions be several blocks to the left of this?

                                          Using SMAPI version, by the way.

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