Dev Blog Witchmarsh: Daily Update #8

Discussion in 'Developer Updates' started by Pirate-rob, Dec 5, 2017.

  1. Pirate-rob

    Pirate-rob Phantasmal Quasar

    Greetings Investigators!

    Not a huge update today, today was rather busy for me which killed my time. Decided we had to replace the sound system currently in use in game, which means going and changing every instance of sound playing. On the plus side, this means we'll have more control over sounds and music in the game.

    Today's progress:
    - Began switching out the old sound system for the new one.

    Thanks for reading, sorry for the smaller update today!
    • Khramium

      Khramium Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      Naa dude, dont be worried about the small posts, this is a really cool thing and I hope you can keep it up!
        Pirate-rob likes this.
      • Pirate-rob

        Pirate-rob Phantasmal Quasar

        Thanks, I'm glad some people appreciate it :)
        I hope to keep these up until I go on vacation, then I will hopefully resume them next year!

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