Dev Blog Witchmarsh: Daily Update #74

Discussion in 'Developer Updates' started by Flapdoddle, Jul 20, 2018.

  1. Flapdoddle

    Flapdoddle Witchmarsh Developer

    Greetings investigators!

    Today I'm taking a break from levels and cutscenes. Instead, I've been working on optimisation, animations and a bunch of under-the-hood stuff. Like fixing the Gentleman class, who was missing chunks of his animation/weapon code.


    I also knocked up a very quick bio for the fellow. Quick reminder: you can write your own biographies for your characters, if you so wish. :) The default bio puts their surname (also changeable) into the text - so here I've picked one of my favourites, Eveleth: a nod to an old friend of the project.

    I also updated the default namegen for many of the investigators.

    And one final note. Having the Gentleman on your team unlocks some distinctly British dialogue choices.


    Today's Progress:
    - Optimised the investigators throwing animations.
    - Added new thrown weapon functionality for 5 investigators.
    - 1 new thrown weapon.
    - Made the Gentleman class playable again. Worked on their character creation, ability & animation code.
    - Wrote a new bio for the Gentleman.
    - Lots of work on the character namegen.

    Thanks for reading!
      Tsuruda likes this.
    • Tsuruda

      Tsuruda Title Not Found

      I really do like class/perk/skill threshold/talent specific dialogue choices. Even if they do not serve any mechanical functionality, I do enjoy the flavor it brings. Keep'em coming :D
      • Witness

        Witness Giant Laser Beams

        Agreed, variety of dialogue choices taking into consideration character aptitudes and player attitudes, even if they do not change things significantly outside of fluff - is one of the best things underlining "RP" in "RPG".

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