Dev Blog Witchmarsh: Daily Update #60

Discussion in 'Developer Updates' started by Pirate-rob, Apr 4, 2018.

  1. Pirate-rob

    Pirate-rob Phantasmal Quasar

    Greetings and happy Easter Investigators!

    First time writing the daily update from work since I've missed the last few due to easter and being dead tired after work, so I felt I needed to give you guys an update. Still been working on talents, finally got them all converted to the new system. The 'only' thing left to do now is to actually make the talents in the game currently work, which means making them supply stats or provide their unique effect. Then after that, and a bit of polish, the talents system should be complete! The only time we'll need to revisit talents is when we add new ones or start working on the level up screen (so you can get more talents as you reach higher levels).

    'Recent' Day's progress:
    - Completed Talent system.
    - Converted talents to new system.

    Thanks for reading!
      Tsuruda likes this.
    • Tsuruda

      Tsuruda Title Not Found

      Thank you (and @Flapdoddle ) for taking the time to do these updates, they are a huge improvement from the radio silence of a few years ago. And keep up the good work \o/
        Captain Rage likes this.
      • Pirate-rob

        Pirate-rob Phantasmal Quasar

        Thank you! I sometimes struggle to write the updates, as it would sometimes simply read "I did the same work as yesterday" or if I got no real work done, then it feels bad to write an update. But I'm glad you guys appreciate it :)
          Captain Rage and Tsuruda like this.

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