Modding Discussion [WIP] [Polling] HX Dungeon Builder

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Yanrishatum, Dec 21, 2013.


Did I need to continue work on this builder?

  1. Yes

  2. No.

  3. Consent. Yes.

  4. Disapproval. No.

  5. Fffloran like.

    0 vote(s)
  6. Fffloras wants to ssstab this filthy metal man. (No)

    0 vote(s)
  1. Yanrishatum

    Yanrishatum Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi. A litle while ago, I started to make a visual dungeon builder for Starbound. It will be written in HaXe + OpenFL and target Windows platform (I think Linux/Mac build is possible, but I don't use this platform, so I can't test it).
    But today I found, that SickBoy already started to work in this direction. And it's possible, not only he and I working on this.
    My Builder is required to be placed in Starbound root folder, and it will work directly with the assets folder. So, all blocks and objects will be loaded, include not vanilla items.
    Right now I have only base prototype for loading blocks/stairs from assets folder and basic stuff for .dungeon decoding.
    Oh, enought text.
    I started this topic to discuss about this:
    Did I need to continue my work, or this is will be just waste of time? (I have other cool projects to work on, and wasting time by working on unnecessary projects are critical)

    Formal info about planned builder:
    • Visual creation of dungeons
    • Direct work with assets in starbound folder, e.g. support of not-vanilla blocks
    • Windows platform
    • Possible Linux/Mac releases
    • Cool Starbound-style interfaces. Like this:[​IMG]
    • (Image not from this program, but another program, I maked for my friend on Flash. But interface in builder will be same.)
    Flash release are not possible, because Flash security restrictions don't allow to read folder contents, only direct files reading.
    I think that's all. Again, I don't know: did I need to continue my work, or it is not claimed, and it will be waste of time?
    And sorry for my English.
    Soup, out.
  2. Campaigner

    Campaigner Giant Laser Beams

    So basically, you can make a dungeon layout, and the program will export working files so that your dungeon can exist in the world somewhere?

    I approve. I can't wrap my head around those tiny png files.
  3. Yanrishatum

    Yanrishatum Void-Bound Voyager

    Don't sure, that I understood your right. This builder will give you a visual creation of dungeon (random encounter/natural formations/etc) with in-game look of tiles (I'll try to make it look at close to ingame view as possible) and objects. You can make both new dungeon, with automatic generation of pngs/.dungeon files and use existing .dungeon file to extend dungeon/formation variations.
    In easy way: You don't need to mess with JSON/pngs/keyfiles, you just launch editor and build dungeon with visual interface.
    IDEA: Make switch between viewing tiles and real solid-colored result png view.
  4. manaprime

    manaprime Seal Broken

    I say you and Sickboy work together on this. Two head are better than one and you never know you two mite make something great.
  5. Yanrishatum

    Yanrishatum Void-Bound Voyager

  6. manaprime

    manaprime Seal Broken

    Well have you taking a look at? And if so do you think you can make a better one. Don't stop just because some else made one before you. It dose not hurt to have more than one tool that do the same thing. Plus you will get experience make it and in return do better on the next mod you make.
  7. Yanrishatum

    Yanrishatum Void-Bound Voyager

    Single experience I'll got in this project is only experience with HaXe, which I didn't really need. I'm a pragmatic. If there already a tool, that do all the same, that my tool is planned to do, why did I need to make this tool? And I didn't think, I'll did it better, than it done in starstructor.

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