Will there be an option to play scenario against our friends?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Gacek1855, Feb 16, 2018.

  1. Gacek1855

    Gacek1855 Space Hobo

    Hi, I have found WarGroove recently and I am impressed with it. But I wonder whether will there be a feature that I missed so much in similar games. Will there be the possibility of playing scenarios against/with other players? For example, after you have beaten scenario (no matter it is self-created or not) you would unlock possibility to play it against another player. Of course in some cases that would be unbalanced, but it would let you change win conditions or even add side quests to the multiplayer match. I think that it would improve the experience from multiplayer and the game in general. Just think of how players would have to change their strategies in order to beat their opponent.
    So to sum up, will there be such feature?
      Last edited: Feb 17, 2018
    • ppm4587

      ppm4587 Aquatic Astronaut

      I think that with the map editor it could be posible, without too much problems.

      Don't worry about this.
      • Bamboozler

        Bamboozler Space Penguin Leader

        The level and campaign editors should be able to let people do this. However I'm not sure about the standard campaign that comes with the game.

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