Chat Wilfrey's Maelstrom!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sir Wilfrey, Dec 19, 2015.


Are you properly prepared? What did you bring, in futile hopes of survival?

  1. Memes, glorious memes!

  2. I bring tidings of bacon and coffee!

  3. Lol, what are you doing this time?

  4. This isn't a bright idea, bro! (I know that fully well, but feel free to offer constructive crits)

    0 vote(s)
  5. I dunno... like.. some water, maybe?


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  1. Sir Wilfrey

    Sir Wilfrey Spaceman Spiff

    *Shifts slightly, still staring at Firepaw* I just wanna try some cat.... nothing harmful...
  2. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova

    It is if you're referring to him. I mean, I'd be glad to prepare you some cat, but not this one.
    Kaede Grimwater and Sir Wilfrey like this.
  3. Firepaw Da Cat

    Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

    Should I be worried you have, and can prepare, cat for him to eat?
  4. Sir Wilfrey

    Sir Wilfrey Spaceman Spiff

    heh... heheheh... HEHEHEHEHEHEHh... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! Okay I need to go to bed before I lose it. I'll be up around 8 or 9 am.
  5. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova

    Goodnight, Wilfrey.
    Kaede Grimwater and Sir Wilfrey like this.
  6. Firepaw Da Cat

    Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

    Good night man! :3
  7. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova

    And no, you shouldn't be worried... Just because I said I could prepare it doesn't necessarily mean I have it now.
  8. Sir Wilfrey

    Sir Wilfrey Spaceman Spiff

    *Drags cat behind him sleepily*
  9. Firepaw Da Cat

    Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

    Okay good. I really think we should stop talking about stuff like this because Kitty doesn't like this sort of thing
    Woah, hey, when did you even get a cat?
  10. Nibolas O Anelbozas

    Nibolas O Anelbozas Spaceman Spiff

  11. Sir Wilfrey

    Sir Wilfrey Spaceman Spiff

    Naughty bird man.
  12. Nibolas O Anelbozas

    Nibolas O Anelbozas Spaceman Spiff

    wait no!
    Kaede Grimwater and Sir Wilfrey like this.
  13. Sir Wilfrey

    Sir Wilfrey Spaceman Spiff

    Wait yes! *Dies of laughter*
  14. Nibolas O Anelbozas

    Nibolas O Anelbozas Spaceman Spiff

    You're not even fleshy why would you joke with something like that?!
  15. Sir Wilfrey

    Sir Wilfrey Spaceman Spiff

    I may be a Novakid with multiple Phd's, but I'm a childish Novakid with multiple Phd's. Consider yourself lucky you didn't say "Wilfrey No!".
  16. Nibolas O Anelbozas

    Nibolas O Anelbozas Spaceman Spiff

    Okay then, okay okay. I'm feeling lucky already
    Kaede Grimwater likes this.

    ZAYABUCKET Spaceman Spiff

    *Exists again* Hello!
  18. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova

    And he's a bush again.
    ZAYABUCKET likes this.
  19. Sir Wilfrey

    Sir Wilfrey Spaceman Spiff

    Added Lore For Laurin Alkane And Wilfrey Xenon. Mysterious lore is mysterious. So many hints as to Wilfrey's past. Spoopy.
    Alkanthe and Firepaw Da Cat like this.
  20. IJustWantTheModsBrah

    IJustWantTheModsBrah Orbital Explorer

    Sir Wilfrey likes this.
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