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Why the fans are upset about Starbound

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Critwrench, Sep 17, 2013.

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  1. Daktaklakpak

    Daktaklakpak Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That's pretty much the typical community response I was expecting when I came to this thread.
  2. Fyreflyte

    Fyreflyte Pangalactic Porcupine

    Look at number of preorders. Look at registered users. Look at number of angry people in this thread. I've done this math before in other threads. Angry folks here comprise like 0.5% of preorders if I remember correctly. You are almost a non-issue. The demands you are making here are also quite unreasonable. Chucklefish is not making this game for you. They're making it for all of the 86,000+ people who preordered, as well as those who have yet to order it. And right now that majority is best served by them focusing on creating the game, not spending all their time trying to appease individual fans with exact logs of every piece of code they touch. They've given us (time and again) all the info we need to get a pretty decent view of when the game is coming out. They themselves don't know exactly when it will be in a fully playable state, which is why they're being vague. Their answer not being what you want to hear is not the same as them not answering.
    Trowzers likes this.
  3. XanderKrohn

    XanderKrohn Void-Bound Voyager

    HAH, you think I'm buttmad in the least? You think I'm typing this with anything other than a complete apathetic look on my face? I'm actually playing my Ps Vita while waiting for my laundry to finish. I just happen to have a serious peeve for people who try and use their irrelevant personal life as a leverage in their half-assed arguments.

    And words typed are just that. I just don't like the words you typed.
  4. hartraft

    hartraft Space Spelunker

    While I agree that there is confusion...I think once a BETA is realeased hopefully the issue of the final release will become moot. Only because everyone will finally be playing and potentially have a lot of content to tide them over.
    bartwe, Middleman93 and Casm like this.
  5. Vanishing

    Vanishing Zero Gravity Genie

    Ahh, sorry for the misunderstanding. In this case, I totally agree with your point in this reply, but do you agree they can communicate a little better like what OP said?
  6. Fyreflyte

    Fyreflyte Pangalactic Porcupine

    That's because, by and large, this community is composed of intelligent and well-researched individuals.
    greenman likes this.
  7. Stylµs

    Stylµs Phantasmal Quasar

    No no.. What I mean is that I feel some of the replies are perhaps counterproductive. To the point that some might take it personally and lose their creative motivation. I didn't mean ''shut up and deal with it.'' I just mean some degree of tact should be applied.
  8. Casm

    Casm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I fully expect this to be the case as well.
    Vanishing and hartraft like this.
  9. rustybeats

    rustybeats Void-Bound Voyager

    I probably couldn't say it that good if I tried. It seems like something is wrong with the development it's self. Is anyone having real life troubles interrupting the work flow? Is there bugs out the wazoo? Are the devs starving? has a wall been hit with development? I just want to know and other people do as well, we can help with suggestions and maybe even joining the team but the devs don't pay attention and keep to them selves or die hard fans attack those people. I'm a really bad offender of not reaching out for help or talking to people because I'm social inept and this has gotten me nowhere, as human beings we need other people to function, grow, complete goals, and strive to something better. People like you who baby the devs and defend them, never criticizing them or giving good advice just halt the bettering of our selves and becoming better or overcoming challenges. You can't learn and succeed without pain and criticizem.
  10. BigTeef

    BigTeef Aquatic Astronaut

    Bartwe this stuff is not directed at you or any other members of the staff personally, just one person in general.
    So I apologize that you have to step in for said person, seeing as he just refuses to communicate with us personally.
    Jim Jones and Kanthel like this.
  11. Vanishing

    Vanishing Zero Gravity Genie

    I am sorry, I stopped reading when I saw "Angry folks here comprise like 0.5% of preorders if I remember correctly". I am terribly sorry, it is wrong.
    Jim Jones and Pingeh like this.
  12. Roxy

    Roxy 2.7182818284590...

    Because all angry preorderers know about this thread, right? And they have to post about their anger to be officially counted in the happy:angry ratio of preorderers, right?

    I could do something a little less stupid than you just did and count the angry fans in this thread to the non-angry fans in this thread. Great math..
  13. Critwrench

    Critwrench Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Perhaps so, but many people have been saying 'Beta 2013, release 2014', and there is not much in the way of solid proof, or even Chucklefish-stated proof, to back them up or decry them. It is one question among a bevy of questions that it would be nice to hear a solid answer to, even if that answer is 'yes, we're still looking at a 2013 release as well'.

    EDIT: Again, though, this is not merely about release dates. There needs to be better communication overall-- perhaps a better way to say it would be more pointed, unified communication. Rather than having to scrounge for answers, it would be great to have a lot of questions answered in certain terms.
    DaviDeil likes this.
  14. rustybeats

    rustybeats Void-Bound Voyager

    I fucked up on that last post and got caught up with myself and forgot who I was talking to. I didn't mean to say "people like you who baby the devs" to you xander, that was aimed at other people who do that sort of thing. I should really be in bed and not arguing with people.
    Vanishing likes this.
  15. BigTeef

    BigTeef Aquatic Astronaut

    I avoid telling people they are wrong, because arguing with people on the internet is not my favorite pastime.
    But not only are you wrong.

    You are Bush wrong.
    Jim Jones, Pingeh, Kanthel and 7 others like this.
  16. Fyreflyte

    Fyreflyte Pangalactic Porcupine

    I like the part where you provide a strong counterargument supplemented with stats.
    They have over 80,000 preorders. How many people are complaining in threads on this entire forum? 100 maybe? Let's extrapolate that to say that for every person complaining here, there are 9 more seething away in silence. So 1000 upset customers out of 80,000. That's 1.25%. And that's making a big leap that there are that many people who are actually upset and are not here posting about it.

    Remember that the vast majority of the people who preordered aren't paying daily attention to the game's progress. They may check in weekly or monthly or not at all. You're assuming that everyone is as invested as you, and that's just not the case. I'm not saying all those extra people are rabid CF supporters, just that they don't care enough, or are patient enough to not be mad.

    Edit (to avoid clutter):
    Also no stats or counterargument.
  17. Gaikang

    Gaikang The Number of the Minibeast

    I appreciate that you're making some kind of attempt here and once again confirming that the beta is coming out this year, but we already know that you've said the beta will come this year. Whether you've said that or not really, really isn't the point. You're kind of just sidetracking the conversation instead of actually addressing our concerns, which is the typical Chucklefish response, and improper communication between us is exactly one of the problems we've brought up. If programming is more work than we imagine, elaborate on that point. Are your assigned projects taking longer than perhaps you thought they would? Do you think the beta should be delayed because it won't be ready in your opinion? Things like that. Help us to actually understand where you're coming from. If you have the time, let's have a real discussion.
  18. Skudge

    Skudge Void-Bound Voyager

    Won't amount to much in the end, really. That the peanut gallery won't get the answers that they want to hear will just add more fuel to their hilarious crusade of entitlement.
    ZanVaelius likes this.
  19. irongamer

    irongamer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Truthfully. I've followed the development of a lot of game studios. I believe what the OP is referring to, perhaps without knowing it, is the exposure to a fairly open development process. I guess it depends on your tastes. Do you prefer some errors and inconsistencies that happen in a more open presentation? Or do you prefer a more closed presentation which hides the errors and inconsistencies from view? Either way the deadline will not always be met. There may be sweet spot between those two, but I've seen few studios hit it.
    Trowzers likes this.
  20. Vanishing

    Vanishing Zero Gravity Genie

    Again, I stopped reading when I saw "I like the part where you provide a strong counterargument supplemented with stats." this time..Please, update your algorithm of calculating "angry to pre-order" ratio, more like along the lines of calculating the ratio of "angry to happy" in this thread.
    See how wrong you are?
    In fact, I can argue the same and say the ratio of "happy to pre-order" is so insignificant, and that proves almost everyone is angry.
    Is this stats and counter proof enough for your taste?
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