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Why the fans are upset about Starbound

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Critwrench, Sep 17, 2013.

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  1. Middleman93

    Middleman93 Star Wrangler

    As far as money goes, and hopefully this is all I'll contribute to this thread, the amount of money they receive can only factor into the development speed so much. Beyond a certain point, it becomes fluff, because they can only work so fast. Money doesn't magically make them code faster, nor does it magically make additional coders/programmers/artists/whatever appear. Even if they are passively accepting new people onto the team, they're going to be very selective, and I suspect that almost every applicant will not make the cut. Financially speaking, there are important things to note about how much the development has been able to speed up since pre-orders opened.

    - New people have been hired. Not ten dozen, but still.

    - The developers can work on Starbound full-time without killing themselves by starving or working a full-time job in addition to full-time work on Starbound.

    Also, as far as I'm aware, Bartwe is making the Starbound code library from scratch, meaning that any new programmers hired would not know how it was set up. This means training would be required, probably done by Bartwe since he'd know it the best, meaning that we'd go for who knows how long before Bartwe could actually begin working again.

    My final thought on the development speed: as many times as it has been said, it can not be said enough that they work on the game even in their spare time.

    Apart from the financial aspect and the speed of the development, I can at least see where you're coming from. I won't necessarily agree, but you have valid points in there. Kudos on your post.
  2. BigTeef

    BigTeef Aquatic Astronaut

    I have told people about the differences but I was ignored and still called a child, so I stopped posting walls of text and just make smart-ass remarks as means of communication.
    lou102, Jim Jones, M C and 5 others like this.
  3. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    But Im not angry at all :/

    Im just being patient. Why do fans have to be portrayed as angry all the time? Heres an idea.

    Maybe YOU are angry. And a few other folks who agree with you in this thread. Im prefectly fine, minus the annoyance of being objectified because someone wants to make a point. I understand your well written thread, but please manage a little more context okay? :)
    Trowzers and Loxy like this.
  4. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

    I'm really sorta stunned that people are still surprised at this. The term "VALVe/Blizzard time" was invented specifically because of the fact practically every other thing they, or really game developers in general, make didn't come out on time.* This might sound like a bad thing, but it's really not: Too many titles are too rushed and come out halfassed as it is, even despite this. Like I said, you can have it good, or you can have it fast. Rarely you can have both, but only rarely.

    *Admittedly, VALVe is a lot better about this than they used to be.
    Trowzers, IchiroXx and irongamer like this.
  5. rustybeats

    rustybeats Void-Bound Voyager

    And I really want that edible can perfect soda yet with my patient waiting I still don't have anything to show for it.
  6. Roxy

    Roxy 2.7182818284590...

    Many people don't have as much real life stresses/problems as you and many people care about Starbound more than you. I mean.. it sounds pretty silly if developers were able to think (hypothetically) "Hey we can do anything we want, even make preorders for a game and then not say anything for years, it's okay because the people who preordered have much bigger concerns such as studies, employment, bills and mortgage!".

    Could you please at least try and read the first sentence in OP's post? Please? When did he ever accuse EVERYONE of being angry?

    I think he already acknowledged he was angry many times. He doesn't need to "manage a little more context", you need to actually read the post before making assumptions, that is if you don't want to look like a complete fool.
    Galahaund, Noobih, Zody and 3 others like this.
  7. rustybeats

    rustybeats Void-Bound Voyager

    Because half life 3 should take the amount of time it's taken of course.
    LeifGram and Pingeh like this.
  8. Vanishing

    Vanishing Zero Gravity Genie

    I have read through the whole post, and I agree with OP, spot on.
    The time and effort OP put into this thread should earn the attention of the devs in my opinion.
    Jim Jones, Zody, LeifGram and 3 others like this.
  9. Vanishing

    Vanishing Zero Gravity Genie

    Seriously? How many lines of code is a blizzard title?
  10. BigTeef

    BigTeef Aquatic Astronaut

    You are not prepared.
  11. Detaill

    Detaill Space Spelunker

    You're missing OP's point. We don't want the game rushed or pushed into beta just to release it. We want COMMUNICATION about whether the beta is even going to be launched when they said or not. If not, fine, but SAY SOMETHING about it. The vast majority of us would be perfectly fine with beta being pushed back, if they communicated it with us well in advance. But they haven't told us a single sentence on how the beta is actually looking, time wise.
    Zody likes this.
  12. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

    You mean EP3. And I like to joke that EP3's constant state of delay is the reason VALVe has mostly had their crap together in other areas: They're putting all their VALVe time towards one game.
  13. XanderKrohn

    XanderKrohn Void-Bound Voyager

    Mega-Props to you, man. Never have I seen such a well-constructed "rant" (very heavy scare quotes) that dictated my exact thoughts for me.

    Most of these stupid daily updates mean absolutely nothing because they're never put in perspective of a whole, and when that's the case it becomes very easy to make it seem like something is being accomplished when it's not.

    I got TONS done today: I got up, got dressed, opened my door, walked down the hall, walked down the stairs, opened the fridge, grabbed some milk, opened the cupboard, got some cereal, ect...

    You get the point.

    I guess my main complaint was that -at the worst- I figured it would be the end of summer when the beta came out. Now it's looking like we'll be lucky if it hits before December.
    LeifGram, Gilley, Gaikang and 2 others like this.
  14. Dominuskaiser

    Dominuskaiser Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Because Duke Nukem Forever was a good delayed game.
    In regards of what OP said I agree and I also feel that sometimes the communication is quite harsh even insulting,as I saw a few twits from Tiy getting snappy at people,I can understand when you get insulted that you get snappy at even your customers,but just being asked "Where did my money go into all this?" and get some "It's none of your busisness" for me is quite a problematic issue as even the owner of all of this and the one who should be holding all together is loosing the mood out of the simplest of questions,even if asked a million times,you just don't snap at your own backers,even less in a public source.
    Zody, LeifGram, Gaikang and 3 others like this.
  15. rustybeats

    rustybeats Void-Bound Voyager

    It's hard to say if it's 3 or just episode 3 because we have never been told anything about it, and what is the half life 3 become now? A joke on par with duke nukem forever. Now what other developers haven't given us any information and have released two different games during the wait for the game the fans really want?
    Pingeh likes this.
  16. Vanishing

    Vanishing Zero Gravity Genie

    I have seen that tweet, and at that time I thought to myself, is this really Tiy? If he is, is he worth my support.
    Zody and Dominuskaiser like this.
  17. Detaill

    Detaill Space Spelunker

    I don't think Tiy is the best with PR situations, honestly.
    Dominuskaiser likes this.
  18. Bandethor

    Bandethor Pangalactic Porcupine

    I don't know why people just don't wait it out things take time and they are communicating with daily updates there only human and can work so fast and do so much at least there doing what there doing they could be like most and not give any information on anything for months on end
  19. Vanishing

    Vanishing Zero Gravity Genie

    I don't think you have read the post, it is rather insulting.
    Zody and Detaill like this.
  20. Casm

    Casm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The OP makes some very excellent points and I agree with many (probably all) of them. While I happen to be a very patient person, many people may have pre-ordered the game based solely on the assumption that it would in fact get the game into their hands faster. At this point, while there's no definitive way to prove one way or the other, it certainly seems like that wasn't the case. It may be true that without those number of pre-orders, the game wouldn't come out as quickly as it currently is now but again, the OP makes a valid point in saying that we haven't been properly informed one way or the other.

    Many game companies avoid making definitive promises and keep things vague intentionally to avoid this kind of upset. However, and I hate to say this to make Chucklefish sound devious, but it seems like these promises were made simply to boost pre-orders sales without any means of following through with them. When you make a promise that a beta and game will be released 'this year' and with your pre-orders, the game will be out even faster, those people that are in fact pre-ordering expect results and honestly, are kind of entitled to them. I mean, it is what was promised.

    Any reasonable level-headed person understands that delays happen and not everything goes according to plan. However, the lack of valid information as to the reasons behind said delays are problematic. Those people that pre-ordered the game with the sole intent of getting it released faster deserve to know why that isn't happening. While the daily updates are fantastic and greatly appreciated, it doesn't explain what's delaying the game when the opposite should have been true and we should actually be getting it sooner as opposed to later.

    The people that supported Chucklefish via pre-order were given a promise in return. That they'll get the game this year and with their pre-orders, even sooner. So far, Chucklefish has failed to deliver on that promise. While I'll reiterate that I'm very patient and I don't mind waiting, there's plenty of reason for people to be upset. In a sense, they aren't getting what they paid for.
    Zody, LeifGram, Gaikang and 2 others like this.
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