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Why the fans are upset about Starbound

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Critwrench, Sep 17, 2013.

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  1. bartwe

    bartwe Code Cowboy

    Ok this is my last reply to this because i responded to this before. What are you basing your assertion on ? Do you have access to a parallel universe where the preorder didn't happen and the same amount of progress was made ?
    stabborazz, Skarn, Hugt and 15 others like this.
  2. Roxy

    Roxy 2.7182818284590...

    Not sure if this is directed at me saying it's easy to update the roadmap, I was just saying that updating it when you have the actual values is easy. But at the end I said "What would take longer is determining the progress of each subcategory though".

    I hope the roadmap does get updated again one day, though.
  3. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    He tried to answer it when he responded to me Teef, but I have to admit.. I don't see how it was speed up still.

    Beta in 2013 no matter what so..

    Money- Devs=late2013
    Money+ Devs=late2013
    then ... Money = 0.. not a factor? We didn't speed anything up?
    Gikkomelma, Pingeh and Gaikang like this.
  4. bartwe

    bartwe Code Cowboy

    Delays didn't occur due to changes to the plan, changes to the plan happen due to better insight into the game and delays.
  5. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Interesting. That actually makes a lot of sense.
  6. BigTeef

    BigTeef Aquatic Astronaut

    Please re-read what I said and don't jump to conclusions..

    y u lie to me
    Pingeh likes this.
  7. Lynx88

    Lynx88 Phantasmal Quasar

    Think of it like this. If they did not have the capital gained from the pre-orders, the beta release would have been no sooner than July 2014, instead of "by the end of 2013" it is now.
  8. Detaill

    Detaill Space Spelunker

    So this is simply a ruse?:

    Q. What if you don't get enough preorders, will the game be unfinished?

    A. No, the Starbound is going to make it out in 2013 no matter what. But by preordering you help it get here even faster.

  9. BigTeef

    BigTeef Aquatic Astronaut

    So in lamens terms, your free food will be ready in 15 minutes, however if you pay for the meal.
    We can use better ingredients to give you a better quality meal but it will take the same amount of time to prepare.

    Would this analogy be correct?
  10. bartwe

    bartwe Code Cowboy

    With the hind sight of these months of fulltime development i don't think that beta would be comparable.
  11. Detaill

    Detaill Space Spelunker

    So, the projected timetable for the beta release is the same, and where it says, "But by preordering you help it get here even faster," actually means "get here with an even better beta"?
  12. BigTeef

    BigTeef Aquatic Astronaut

    This is essentially what I was asking, but you cut off the bottom part of my post for some reason when you replied.
    Detaill likes this.
  13. Detaill

    Detaill Space Spelunker

    Basically, the point of Xander's and a few others is that the beta release is going to be released in late 2013, now, with or without preorders, because that is what was posted in the FAQ. The preorder money simply went to making it a "better" beta than it would've been without the preorder funds. The "faster" part shouldn't be there.
  14. bartwe

    bartwe Code Cowboy

    It was intended to be faster, we want the game released just as much as you. Stuff taking more time is equally frustrating for us, by our own initial estimates it should have been done a year ago, but the reality of it simply isn't like that. In the future we're unlikely to put out public estimates on things to avoid this issue.
  15. Sci-Fi Diplomat

    Sci-Fi Diplomat Phantasmal Quasar

    Preordering as put before in one of the countless threads like this, was, as the Developers put it, helping them to work on Starbound solely rather than having to take a day job as well. What this means for you lucky people out there, is that not only will we be seeing the game 7 months after you preordered (comparable to most mainstream game preorders) but you will also get a far superior game to what would happen if they gave it to us 2 months ago. (yes, there was even threads like this back then :facepalm:) So I think all this situation calls for is a little patience.
    Hippolv likes this.
  16. Detaill

    Detaill Space Spelunker

    I agree. That would be the best thing to do.
    Diagnosan likes this.
  17. BigTeef

    BigTeef Aquatic Astronaut

    So December, but instead of a shitty beta.
    We will get a good beta. Okay that's progress if anything.

    I say December because new-years is like January 1st, and it will be 2014 by that time.
    And I am also basing this on your streams because you mumble a lot, and I happen to be a good listener when I want too.
  18. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

    I'm sure plenty of others as well as myself who have a bit more patience would rather you did still put out public estimates, as some of us do fully understand why they often don't work out. But with people like some of the ones posting in this thread around it probably is better that you don't.

    Basically, like I said in a different way pages ago, "this is why we can't have nice things."
    Hippolv and Gaikang like this.
  19. Detaill

    Detaill Space Spelunker

    Yet again, it isn't a lack of patience. It is a lack of clarity. Well, was. Bartwe has answered the questions, at least enough to satisfy me. This entire thread was about the devs being confusing with their timeline. We all understand that coding an entire game from scratch takes a vast amount of time. We understand that 100%. But that is not what this thread is about.

    It is, basically, about 2 issues.

    1. Do the developers still stand by beta release sometime this year? Every indication of how to track the beta has been a shady misleading, at best. The daily updates are good, but they don't show where the team is on the overall status, and the only thing that does indicate this has almost been all but ignored entirely. Though, we understand, the developers can't give a 100% exact prediction. But we want them to come out and at least say that they don't know. We are tired of hearing "soon ;)". No one likes being mislead, and we dislike it even more when it is our own money that could've went to feeding, sheltering, clothing ourselves or simply towards some other sort of entertainment rather than going towards cloudy foreshadowing.

    2. If the preorder money was to speed up the development of the game but it would be released in 2013 with or without preorder funds, why is it already late into 2013 and no sign of beta is near? How much has $2 million actually effected development speed? I specifically say speed and not quality, because quality wasn't what was focused on in the FAQ.
  20. Gaikang

    Gaikang The Number of the Minibeast

    Yes. This, this is what we've been looking for, and a lot of other things you've said in this thread. Explaining yourself and the reality of the situation instead of ignoring it all and denying that things aren't going as well as intended. Bartwe, it's alright that things aren't going perfectly, just as long as you talk to us about it. That was the point. This is what we're looking for. Communication. We're finally getting somewhere. Thank you, I appreciate that you're taking time out of your day to talk with us.
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