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Why pick human?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Shminx, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. Profound Madness

    Profound Madness Big Damn Hero

    How much weedkiller do you need to kill a florian, I wonder? Probably quite the bit.
  2. FoxBLU

    FoxBLU Phantasmal Quasar

    Whole bottle, I'd assume, something like acid to them, ever see the movie signs? with like the alien and the glass of water? never mind...
    coldReactive likes this.
  3. coldReactive

    coldReactive Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    People other than me watched signs? I also noticed someone daying "CO2 Laser" Wouldn't that make them fall in love with you instead...? It outputs CO2, right?
  4. FoxBLU

    FoxBLU Phantasmal Quasar

    Oh yes, I quite liked it aswell

    "Swing away" hnnnnnnggg
  5. Edaniel

    Edaniel Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I think you just trying to sell us this goddamn gun. :lod:
    Dagorran and ProfoundMadness like this.
  6. Flevalt

    Flevalt Pangalactic Porcupine

    I know someone who prefers the human race in every game cause he likes the classy style.
    Humans are just that. They're nothing special but playing them and achieving something special with them makes it all the more exciting for that exact reason.
    Also you can feel with humans since you are one. If you'd end up in another universe you'd also want to stand on the humans side since you are one. Who knows how you'd be treated at other races places.
  7. Pardos

    Pardos Pangalactic Porcupine

    ...Well... Uhm, yeah. Y'know, I built it myself, and it's an excellent self defense weapon against florans. It instantly ignites anything it's aimed at. And...well, it's illegal everywhere but in Novakid territory. So, in case you want to buy it, I sell it at the Black Market for 10 bucks. Unless you are a cop. Then it's 20.
  8. Labhras

    Labhras Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Personally, if I were to play a human, it'd be because I don't view them as just our race. To me, they're just another race in the character customizer.
  9. coldReactive

    coldReactive Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Aw, I thought it would shoot out CO2. Maybe I'll make my own CO2 gun and have it so I can befriend Florans. I honestly, would be the only human to actually side with a non-human race to beat back humans. Why? Humans are really annoying, egotistic, self-centered, narcissistic, etc. But since I have to live in this Earth....
  10. Pardos

    Pardos Pangalactic Porcupine

    It's a C02 laser gun. If you want a straight C02 gun, I sell those as well. It was hard to get the marijuana for the oxygen converter, wich makes it not really cheap. You know, t's kind of an extinct species these days...Let's say, 120 bucks.
  11. coldReactive

    coldReactive Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You know... I am a human, I can just breathe out CO2....
  12. Pardos

    Pardos Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ah, but it isn't really efficient, is it? Besides, the C02 produced by the C02 gun also has a relaxing effect on floran nerves (even if it is addictive...), wich amkes it easier to...uhm, seduce them... You guys do know that florans are of both genders simultaneously, right?
  13. Flevalt

    Flevalt Pangalactic Porcupine

    Human girl to Floran male: "You don't love me. You only want my CO²"
  14. Pardos

    Pardos Pangalactic Porcupine

    ...I guess that's a no.
  15. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    Pfft. PFFFT. Carnivorous plants, you guys crack me up. You're tribals, go up against the Humans, get the fire sword of the God Emperor.

    Yeah I know, doesn't change that I could take a torch to a Floran and they'd still catch alight. Fire resistant isn't the same as immune to fire.
  16. Edaniel

    Edaniel Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Floran male to Human girl: "Darling... Y'know, today you look very delicious."
  17. Pardos

    Pardos Pangalactic Porcupine

    *activates headset* Yeah guys, I know I called you twice today, but I'd like to request astral support. NO, IT'S NOT TO HELP A FLORAN OUT! Sheesh. I doubt the regular thermic laser will get the job done, through. Try to activate the proton beam and transform this guy into some C02.
  18. misterzag

    misterzag Void-Bound Voyager

    I've always preferred to stick with humans. I do not mind playing an alien but it really has to fit me I guess. Than again, I can with ease just make an alien and be gone with it... I guess it depends on the situation. I do not feel I need to be something to justify myself but I do appreciate being a human. :p
  19. Flevalt

    Flevalt Pangalactic Porcupine

    Human girl to Floran male: "Not now darling. I still have to take Stegosaurus for a walk."

    Sounds like a perfectly healthy relationship.
  20. Mukin

    Mukin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i dont pick human i choose a glich
    UristMcSpaceDwarf likes this.

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