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Why pick human?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Shminx, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. Manry

    Manry Void-Bound Voyager

    I always pick humans if I don't like the other races.
    But I really like Glitch and I can trick myself into thinking I'm a badly burned guy in a life support suit.
  2. Earl Asplund

    Earl Asplund The Number of the Minibeast

    That's quite the simple request, because I (Lloyd) am human of course! I simply couldn't see it any other way, though my Starbound colleagues will undoubtedly be of different races, so that we may do further study upon one another.


    For science!
  3. Silly

    Silly Sandwich Man

    Because I am a human. :DD
  4. Phyrex

    Phyrex Parsec Taste Tester

    im gonna play a human because :
    #1 : i dont want to play as a walking KFC chicken stick
    #2 : im not into communist monkeys at all (or just monkeys for that matter)
    #3 : same for walking plants
    #4 : glitch are medieval, that kinda put me off (i played enough terraria >_>)
    #5 : hylotl...see both avians and glitch. playing a medieval sushi isint really what i want.

    so basicly, i wanted to play high-tech, and most likely only human will give me that feel (at least at the beginning, but thats still a big part).
  5. Cyriel

    Cyriel Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'll make a human because there's enough of them, so if one or two die, easily replaced.

    Also i am one... At least i think i am... Stick with what you know first right ?
  6. Startopia

    Startopia Void-Bound Voyager

    Because if I weren't a bumbling human I couldn't roleplay being Roger Wilco space janitor!
    Noobih, blind sniper and EddyOkapi like this.
  7. Sophisticated Mayhem

    Sophisticated Mayhem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    A hooman?

    But seriously, I'll probably be human first because of our natural need to claim everything we see. It's like roleplaying, but not!
    ProfoundMadness likes this.
  8. MexicanBandito10

    MexicanBandito10 Aquatic Astronaut

    The reason I would play a human, in this game specifically, is because I like to play the race that is in the middle. Not regressed to the Medieval ages, or in the future, or a fish man, or a bird lady. I like to be who I am; A mid-way in technology, naive, ignorant race that still has things to discover. Also, they look as if they will be the outcast. They're humans, well, we ARE humans, and we are a race that probably wouldn't fair well with extraterrestrial contact. Some of us would want to kill the E.T's, some would want study them and some would want for them to be part of our society. That would cause political and societal stress, which sorta spices up things, most likely causing there to be different branches of government fighting for power over the main society of humans, and there would be rebels not agreeing with any of the "governments". Basically, I would like to be a human in this game because of our unique personalities that we have in real life, and our unique ability to think separately from everyone else and not have one hive mind. I like to think that humans in Starbound would be involved in wars, political campaigning, intergalactic political matters and small skirmishes, where the government tried to wipe out the rebels, but that causes political stress among the galaxy because of the mass genocide of the Rebels and war breaks out. There ya go, complicated, but simple. :)
  9. skaree

    skaree Astral Cartographer

    I tend to base what race or skillset I choose in games on a roleplaying standpoint.

    While all of the other races really do look fascinating what immediately popped in to my head was a backstory for a human. Therefore I will play a human... during the final release that is. I imagine during the beta I will try all of the other races at least a little bit, but I will eventually settle on human.
  10. Zeal

    Zeal Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Humans are... really boring. I mean look in the mirror we ARE human. Why spend hours and hours of time playing as one if you have the option to be some solar being or something actually remotely INTERESTING :D
  11. Moonbear

    Moonbear Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The character feels more relatable, bit more of an immersion factor. "I'm going to die since I'm out food!" or "This fish thing is going to die since I'm out of food". Plus being a sole survivor for a human colony sounds cool.
  12. Miss Andry

    Miss Andry Cosmic Narwhal

    let me stop you there and let you know there's about 4 pages of answers to that question already
  13. Swirly

    Swirly Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I can see finding the alien races new and interesting, but humans to consider humans boring? A quick look into almost any corner of these very forums will show that human beings are anything but! Some of us like to fight, or to make jokes, or to create things, or to squeal over vanity pets. Some of us are extremely vocal, and ask questions. Others are perfectly happy lurking in the shadows and participating as an observer. And some of us can't fathom playing as a human ;). Sometimes we do good things for bad reasons, and sometimes we do bad things for good reasons. Sometimes we do stuff just because. We can be selfish one second, and generous the next. I would hardly call a single species that is so unpredictable, and is simultaneously doing all of this stuff, and much more "boring".

    Of course, being able to find humans boring is interesting in its own way too.
  14. Witness

    Witness Giant Laser Beams

    Humans are the most flexible race in most games, with least of the philosophy and attitude forced onto them, usually. They're generally seen as diverse and are the most immersive to regular player because not only they're - obviously - what general playerbase is closest to but also a basis for every other playable species in Starbound, which is usually some plant, animal or mechanized race of humanoids (please notice HUMANoids).

    Additionally, some players who dislike wacky and cutesy theme of Starbound will want to put on heavily adorned power armors and start exterminating all the sillyness they'll find with massive firepower and battlecries praising God-Emperor of Mankind - playing any race but human in such situation is just dowright unfitting.

    Edit: Modified a post a bit before seeing people answering. Still, the main thought remains the same.
  15. Ruin

    Ruin Existential Complex

    I can only roleplay with humans. I can only see myself in a similar looking human. I can only appreciate growth, and development as a human. I will never, under no circumstance, play a different race with serious intent.
  16. BlessedHeretic

    BlessedHeretic Seal Broken

    I wonder if there will be a slaving mechanic for players to exploit if they over power a village to force them to mine for resources or grow food as tribute. If not, violent purges sound like fun.
  17. Amarth

    Amarth Industrial Terraformer

    For many people excitement is built on immersion, and for many this immersion is most enjoyable when it's an instant gratification, when you play as a human in a video game you step over many fundamentally obvious boundaries, one of which is psychological, what this species thinks, feels, likes, dislikes its intellectual capacity etc, etc. because we are human we can skip straight to immersing ourselves in the universe, being human curiosity leads us forward and it's easy to be what you already are, and experience the world as if it where you, yourself there in the game being you!
  18. We don't need an in-game background or history of humans to connect with them. We are humans. We know our history, have emotions for each other, identify each other by name and appearance, and thusly do the same with the human characters in Starbound. I will play as humans first because I am around people everyday, and I like people :)
  19. UristMcSpaceDwarf

    UristMcSpaceDwarf Zero Gravity Genie

    As with all threads concerning humans, this one needs more God-Emperor of Mankind.


    Look at that. Why'd you want to play some filthy xeno when you could be playing humans, the only race deserving of the galaxy?

    ++Thought For The Day: Purge The Alien.++

    (nevermind the fact I'm playing Glitch)
    xXWAGXx and Gefreiter like this.
  20. R3MI

    R3MI Phantasmal Quasar

    I think that a main selling point for humans and one that almost won me over, is the ability to empathise with the character a bit more and feel like you are creating the story yourself. If you play the game through as a quite ordinary looking human character (Not ten miles wide shouldered marines with chainsaws on their guns and aggression issues) Then you can feel that the character is the average Joe but also the average human with average emotions, and due to the protagonist of the story being your character, you can mold him into how you feel that the hero could act. Sometimes i will definitely get stuck as to how my character captain Hawkward avian extraordinaire will act in some situations because i am working from a fairly blank pallet, and it is most likely that i will end up attributing human characteristics to him as i'm not sure how an avian would act if a giant floran ship crashed into his house, maybe he would invite them over for dinner? Who knows, but its most likely the average player would say that Mr Hawkward would be pretty darn angry, adding human attributes to him :p

    So my point of why is quite simply to help mold the protagonist and empathise with him :p Of course this depends on how the hero is treated in the game but we wont know about that until the game comes out now will we? ;)

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