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Why pick human?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Shminx, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. Zinerith

    Zinerith Cosmic Narwhal

    Because I like to imagine I'm playing the game through my own perspective, and it is me that is doing all this awesome stuff.
    Rainbow likes this.
  2. Scourgeclaw

    Scourgeclaw Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Humans are typically experts of nothing, but proficient in everything, making them ideal combatants and leaders. That and roleplay reasons:
    All of my OC's are of a species of felines, foxes or canines, none of which translate to any other races in game ( with the exception of one or two), so I just convert them to humans who are, again, the most general.

    The only reason I'll play something else is if the humans in Starbound are just a bunch of Halo (UNCS) references. Seriously Chucklefish, if thats what you're doing with the human background, PLEASE, just let me write their backstory, I'll make it interesting, I swear D:
  3. Juxtor

    Juxtor Phantasmal Quasar

    My first character will be a human because I feel it will be the most identifiable. Although we haven't had official information regarding human tech level etc I believe they will have a fairly futuristic feeling to them overall which I find appealing. That being said, I am looking forward to the unique aspects and styles of all the races and I have already designed a male and female of each race (except the new Novakids) and I intend on playing as every one of them at some point.
  4. Caidoz

    Caidoz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's more interesting to discover all the weird alien stuff rather than to be it yourself.
  5. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    I'm most comfortable with a Human character. None of the other races really appeal to me all that much in terms of culture or cosmetics.

    Not to mention Humans are the master species. Thats always there.
    DontheDon and Serenity like this.
  6. Khrono

    Khrono Big Damn Hero

    People relate easier to humans - which is why every alien is humanoid and not a formless blob. Also some people find the other races ugly. Personally I was going human until they announced Novakids
  7. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Because I am more human than human.
    DontheDon and Bomb like this.
  8. No, the reason every alien is humanoid is becuase they need to fit all the in-game clothing and armors.
  9. FrumpyB

    FrumpyB Void-Bound Voyager

    You haven't seen me... until now! Stand even more corrected, good sir! :laugh:


    And also, I sometimes choose to be human to best represent my likeness in games, although I can't find noses big enough for my character :-/.
    Aural Automaton likes this.
  10. Khrono

    Khrono Big Damn Hero

    I'm sure if that wasn't the case we would have centaurs and blobs and floating triangles - said no one ever.
    c2h5oc2h5 likes this.
  11. No.

    I remember plenty of threads that suggested non-human races, and some people to this day are still ticked that all the races look the same.
  12. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Sir are you a space bigot lol
  13. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    I'm somewhat confused as to why you didn't ask ME that.
    Charon likes this.
  14. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    You are not a space bigot you are the god emperor
    Charon likes this.
  15. Um... How?
  16. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    It's a joke relating to "all the races look the same." Space bigotry does not even exist...yet. No reason to get your jimmies rustled.
  17. A.N.T.I.

    A.N.T.I. Spaceman Spiff

    So you can have fun by killing yourself a bunch of times and seeing the death animation of humans!
  18. TheTimeLord

    TheTimeLord Existential Complex

    I wonder...
    I wonder about you..
  19. It doesn't even make sense from a joke standpoint...
    olisr likes this.
  20. Kyber

    Kyber Phantasmal Quasar

    You'll come to find he lets his cat choose from an assorted list of responses.

    Why pick human? Because when I run into another human on a planet in the middle of the universe, I don't want them to scream and hide from me.
    Honestly, I like the glitch at first glance, but until we know if each race has any immediate (not armor based) advantages, it's hard to choose.

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