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Why pick human?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Shminx, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. Phyrex

    Phyrex Parsec Taste Tester

    for the same reason people like to play aliens. to escape reality and immerse themselve is a different life than the one they thread everyday
  2. Kistaria Prime

    Kistaria Prime Cosmic Narwhal

    Madness... why for you betray the Florans? WHY?! I... I was gonna have your seedlings... *sob*
  3. Pardos

    Pardos Pangalactic Porcupine

    ...Implying she'll use it to sucide, that I said that it wouldn't work and that she didn't just hit you with it.
    ..,I do know that you Florans are Hermaphrodites. But still...since when are you in a relationship with...her?
    Back to Sousuke. Yeah, I think the hypothesis that she might suicide suddenly became somewhat more likely.
  4. Profound Madness

    Profound Madness Big Damn Hero

    .. Oh dear, Kistaria. I didn't mean to betray anyone, I was just implying that a bottle of that filthy stuff would be enough to kill one of us, silly.
  5. Kistaria Prime

    Kistaria Prime Cosmic Narwhal

    ~sniffle~ ;-;
  6. Awesomized

    Awesomized Oxygen Tank

    Wait a second, she said she would make cat-nip babies with me!
  7. Sordak

    Sordak Void-Bound Voyager

    the problem with humans is not that humans are boring. but that in a setting where there are other races BUT humans.
    Humans are always made boring.
    Because they have to be the self insert stand in and therfor are not allowed to have any kind of interresting culture about them.

    The only setting with multiple races that actually does humans well is elder scrolls.
    but look at it. Look at settings that do not have any races but humans. Youll see that humans come in all kinds of flavores with all kinds of cultures and crazy antics.
    But as soon as you throw i dont know orcs and elves in there humans will become generic medieval british people with no personality.
    or in that case just space dudes.
  8. FireStrike

    FireStrike Star Wrangler

    i hope you Florans like the sound of burning tree cause something bad is coming for you. :laugh:
    MasacruAlex likes this.
  9. Edaniel

    Edaniel Subatomic Cosmonaut

    ProfoundMadness likes this.
  10. Kistaria Prime

    Kistaria Prime Cosmic Narwhal

    I drive a terran spaceship. Burning trees is the least of my problems. Besides, they'll be clearcut for new trees when I start terraforming the universe.
    ProfoundMadness likes this.
  11. SpaceSprawler

    SpaceSprawler Star Wrangler

    Some people like playing the default. I know that in each Elder Scrolls game, I play the default race. Morrowind as a dark elf, Oblivion as an imperial, Skyrim as a nord...

    Why did I pick the glitch? I have a huge love for medieval culture, especially when it's taken with an idealistic and optimistic view. Knights and quests and kings with everyone saying thee and thou and thy.

    My first choice, before seeing the glitch, though, was to be a human. Because humans get to be like this:

  12. MasacruAlex

    MasacruAlex Phantasmal Quasar

    Because I'm a human? ANd i'ts interesting to put myself into the character in a weird cosmos; I love roleplaying and I like to roleplay the character. You are also not limited so you can use alien stuff later on and so on and it makes it even more interesting once again, also could always start a new game as a different race, but will go for the human at first I pretty much think so.

    Might as well try Florans after or at 1st because I love nature :p
  13. Exkaiser

    Exkaiser Big Damn Hero

    If I were to pick a human, I think my reason would be because they are the only species that has invented underpants.

    Those other races just don't understand how comfy they are.
  14. MachoBandit

    MachoBandit Pangalactic Porcupine

    I find other races hard to mast*rbate to.
  15. ShadedBlade

    ShadedBlade Phantasmal Quasar

    I hope they are more modern humans. Modern is good. I don't much care what race I am if I'm going for immersion, (Hey, in TES, I've been an Argonian since Daggerfall!), I will play as a human because, as some people have pointed out, they are under-represented underdogs who for all intents and purposes should be wiped out by some other race. But I love the feel of the "outnumbered, outgunned, but not going to give up!". Independence Day, Battle Los Angeles, those type of movies. Its humanities nature to destroy anything that is impeding or oppressing them, there is nothing humans can't overcome if they set their minds to it.

    ...I feel like a traitor otherwise... QQ

    Quite a noble reason indeed, Exkaiser.
  16. Dadrick

    Dadrick Aquatic Astronaut

    Why pick humans? Because we're awesome!
  17. coldReactive

    coldReactive Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Aw, I'd help you battle weedkiller any day. <3
  18. MiloXXI

    MiloXXI Big Damn Hero

    I'm a space racist!
  19. Rekalty

    Rekalty Friend of the Night

    Humans are good and all... but:
    SpaceSprawler and Kreuz Drache like this.
  20. budsygus

    budsygus Pangalactic Porcupine

    Stretch goal: NEW RACE! Decapodians.

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