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Why is Tiy changing things we were promised? (Also, why our money is sort of evaporating)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Sishio, Jun 26, 2013.

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  1. AzViz

    AzViz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    They've never changed the release date.
    The day of pre-orders it said 2013. And now it says 2013. Nothing has changed, and nothing will.
  2. Arrem

    Arrem Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This thread was never about handling the wait, it was about changing information and asking for clarification on that changing information.

    People seem to think that this is people complaining that its taking too long. That's not it at all. It's about being told one thing and now being told another.

    And if you are so blindly in love with chucklefish to not ask a single question about their practices or their comments of late, well, one who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. One who asks no questions is a fool forever.
  3. Drakearth

    Drakearth Phantasmal Quasar

    And so the thread is consumed by the hugbox, a magical entity where people are ok with "waiting years for a game" , "Where chucklefish can do no wrong." "Where everything is fine and dandy".
    Shh shh now be silent and take the blue pill. All will be just right you wont have to worry about people saying anything against you anymore, no one will say anything or question the developers ever again.
    LeifGram likes this.
  4. AzViz

    AzViz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    He never said this, all that the green box says is that beta is 2013.
    It doesn't say release isn't 2013, you're reading way to much into it.
    Marokutai likes this.
  5. Drakearth

    Drakearth Phantasmal Quasar

    refer to this post.
  6. Ferigad

    Ferigad The Number of the Minibeast

    He meant that Tiy sayed it would be a beta in 2013, not a release in 2013, in his last statement. He didnt mentioned it at all. But i think it´s a bit extreme to think now it could mean it would be a release of 2014. I think he dont have always to say "Beta and Release will be in 2013". On the other hand, as long as the blackhole about gamedates, betadates and releasedates are still exists, it will just growth and swallow all the nice hugs and hugboxes :p

    A simple workover of the FAQ`s on the main homepage would end half of the topics.

    I dont even know the hardwarespecs on that game except for windows...and linux! It´s one thing to pray to every daily news as it would be a part of the holy bible, but i, for my part, don´t get any real information about the parts that really matters for me as a consumer.
  7. Fizz

    Fizz Big Damn Hero

    Is it just me or did you forget the main important factor here? They are not perfect and/or machines, They can make mistakes that can lead them taking more time into what they're working on. They can not predict the exact release date, A developer then should know that changing the date would be normal. Even if they would give us an exact date they can release it there is no guarantee that they will be able to deliver until they are finish with what they want to put in.

    ~I mean think about it
    backeby likes this.
  8. doguso

    doguso Big Damn Hero

    Release was declared 2013. Tiy even stated that it WILL be released this year. Just because Beta is going to be released end of 2013 doesn't mean release won't be also. You're trying to extrapolate data that doesn't exist.

    Beta here will not be a 3-8 month process because Chucklefish isn't going to release a shoddy, ill-content beta. It's going to be *mostly* finished when beta comes out. Thus beta will probably last 1, maybe 2 months max before release. Hell, beta is going to be more of a pre-release just because everyone keeps asking for the release.

    Tiy hasn't changed any information at all, you're just misinterpreting it based on other games/companies that Tiy is trying to NOT be like.
  9. Sokina

    Sokina Heart of Gold

    Just a little notice / Public Service announcement to everyone.

    No more insults. None. That includes blatant insults. That includes passive-aggressive ones. That includes "not technically an insult" insults. That includes heavily implied insults. That includes hitting-below-the-belt insults. I don't care which side of the argument you are on, I'm not going to deal with 15 thousand reports just because these kind of threads brings out the worst in people. This is General Discussion. Not General Argument. Not General Immaturity, or General Bickering. First, last, and only warning. Act like adults/teens or risk being treated like children. I'm just saying. There's valid points in here and whoever reads this thread shouldn't have to sift through tons of needless aggression to see them.

    On Topic: What I see in the OP's images:

    1st image: "Release confirmed for 2013:" We've seen it a lot, and I have no reason to doubt it. Especially with a lot of the daily updates focusing around optimization, compatibility, and bug fixing.
    2nd image: "Beta confirmed for 2013:" If release is in 2013, which I have no reason to doubt, then beta would also be in 2013. I see no "Release 2014" in there. Yes, the wording is awkward, unintentionally confusing, but it does not explicitly denounce a 2013 game release. It simply confirms 2013 beta.
    3rd image: I recall them saying Novakids would not be playable in the beta, when it was first announced. I could be wrong, but that's what I recall them saying.

    Play nice plz.
  10. Ferigad

    Ferigad The Number of the Minibeast

    Allready over 60.000 different hardware and software settings out there if you count the users that pre-ordered. You really think beta will work like a cloakwork when it hit´s the costumers? I mean the idear behind early days of betas was to get a game as compatible and bugfree as possible when the hardware marked became bigger and bigger. To hit the marked with a flawless product is simply a illusion. Even the best financed games out there, like rift, devoloped with 50 mil, wasnt able to release a client that is 100% compatible with all costumers hardware. It´s fine to have a very complexe game ready in the end, and a other thing when it doesnt work on half of the costumers pc´s because you did only small-scale testing with only a handfull of pc´s.

    Summary: I dont think it will be a short beta. And i hope they got a good error-report tool when it´s time for a beta.
  11. Sizzle

    Sizzle Phantasmal Quasar

    This is an insanely active topic and I don't have the time or patience to read pages 2-8, so here is my thoughts on this topic (sorry if my opinions have been said before).

    1. Welcome to the Indie development world mate. It's suppose to be unprofessional, tardy, sloppy and vulgar. If you don't like it, go and support Activision, Ubisoft and all those other AAA companies with shitloads of money.
    2. The roadmap will tell you the game is 75% completed, that leaves 25% to be finished in 6+ months. I see this as being a very real and reasonable goal. Perhaps you should take more notice of this developer roadmap before asking the question "are we even going to have a game this year!?". You are causing some form of doubt into the Starbound community because of your statements that have little information or evidence.
    3. I would like to see a screenshot or footage of Bartwe saying that Nova Kids aren't being implemented until after release. From the news i've been following the Novakids are being included in every aspect of the game, including the newly implemented "exploration" features.
    4. If you buy a pre-order than your investment is not losing money. That is a ridiculous statement. I have purchased GTA 5 pre-order yes? I did that back in March/April and I do not think I am losing money each day it's not out. You obviously don't understand the actual stupidity of that statement.
    5. When you pre-ordered the game, it's more of a kickstarter then it is an over-the-counter purchase. We are funding the development of the game, thats the only reason why they released pre-orders so early, because they needed the funding! Without it, no money, no game. Stop being so bloody self-ish.

    I hope the OP and the people who support his argument read this post and consider my opinion. I know you guys are impatient and angry because you haven't received a game yet. But complaining and ranting on the forums isn't going to suddenly speed up the programming and designing processes of making a game! GOD!
  12. Bloody<3

    Bloody<3 Big Damn Hero

    dude i don't know how often Arrem told in this forum, but this thread isn't about not having the game in our hands already. It's about things clearly left as a fact and now it seems like they are changing from FACT to a maybe. Not more or less
    Marokutai likes this.
  13. Shippo

    Shippo Existential Complex

    Developers delay games. It happens. Even big studios end up delaying games. It's unfortunate, but you just have to deal with it.
  14. Walross

    Walross Pangalactic Porcupine

    Allow me to crank open my solid steel Shitstorm-resistant umbrella.
    Marokutai, dhxmg and AzViz like this.
  15. Brixmon

    Brixmon Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm not going to name names, but it looks like a lot of people on this thread have missed the original point, which was not:
    "Chucklefish seems to be changing up their release dates, we want a concrete release date now!"
    The original point was:
    "Chucklefish seems to be changing up their information, we'd like a little clarification on that so everyone can be on the same page and we can know what we're getting into by pre-ordering."
    As Sokina said, any and all forms of insults only set the thread backwards. The request here is for clarification about the changing up of the information (including release date), not the information itself.
    To re-iterate, I'm not trying to point fingers at anyone here. ...even if someone somehow interprets it as such.

    EDIT: I'm not trying to take sides here either, or for that matter even get involved much in this thread. I just think some people need to know exactly what was asked here, whether or not I'd be asking that question as well, because the truth is that I don't know. I'm not sure if I agree with the OP or the people who disagree with it. I'm neutral.
    Grey Owl likes this.
  16. Quantum

    Quantum Spaceman Spiff

    You got room under there?
    AzViz likes this.
  17. Dal

    Dal Phantasmal Quasar

    I don't have any problems with the release date or the developers, I can wait patiently and have a nice time reading the forum and playing other games.

    F*CK me right? ;)
    Marokutai, Kyle873, Walross and 3 others like this.
  18. Cosmin Negoita

    Cosmin Negoita Phantasmal Quasar

    No, nobody is fing u...Actually, I wish everyone was like that.
    Evithlia and Dal like this.
  19. Sishio

    Sishio Big Damn Hero

    I realise that it wasn't outright confirming a 2014 release. It's vague. So is the novakid thing, which is why I made this thread. This isn't a "OMG RELEASE CONFIRMED 2014 FEAR MONGERING GO" thread. It's a "Can you please clarify these two things because they sound like they could mean X" thread.
  20. Drevun

    Drevun Void-Bound Voyager

    I dont really see much of an issue here personally, its just a game. You'll play it and one day you'll get bored. It seems like they want to have content for every kind of player. I'm just afraid they'll have nothing left to add once they do release the game, and honestly that doesn't seem like a bad thing. Simply if you can't wait, you shouldn't have pre-ordered.
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