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Why is Tiy changing things we were promised? (Also, why our money is sort of evaporating)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Sishio, Jun 26, 2013.

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  1. Lynx88

    Lynx88 Phantasmal Quasar

    Are you a game developer then, to say that they've had more than enough time to complete the game? 1 hour might be *just* enough for an experienced programmer to make very small and simple games.

    Starbound's scope extends far more than "simple" games like minesweeper or pong. From the developer's goals it is a very complex game with tons of back-end stuff running, even without procedurally generated creatures and environments. More complex games = more bugs = more required development time. Starbound has more features and functionality than many AAA games out there.

    Even the non-code elements take up a lot of time. An example is in the last 2 daily updates about item descriptions. Tiy said each race would give a different comment on the same object.

    Can you even imagine writing 6000 descriptions?

    And from their update just several days ago:
    This may seem like gobbledygook to you but its a very important part of the game, as the renderer handles the graphics and graphical behaviour of things ingame, and stuff like this is never easy or simple.

    Really, when I said people who think game development is easy should try making a game themselves, i'm serious. Do it. If you think you can do better, and do it faster, prove it.
    Kyle873, RedScarWolf and Marokutai like this.
  2. Tleno

    Tleno Spaceman Spiff

    I actually already wrote a comment on Tiy's forum page linking to this thread. So yeah...
  3. Marokutai

    Marokutai Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Try posting it when you see Tiy on and you would've gotten an answer I don't doubt it, but there aren't any dev's on....
  4. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    Eh, I rarely if ever see devs post on threads such as these.

    He'd be better off trying in IRC.
    Marokutai likes this.
  5. LordHavoc

    LordHavoc Phantasmal Quasar

    I'd be interested to see what Tiy was responding to on the second screenshot(the reddit one). Without context that image can be severely misinterpreted.
    Arch-Mage Zandor and Marokutai like this.
  6. Drakearth

    Drakearth Phantasmal Quasar

    I do still have a point. I'm pretty sure that this thread wont be leaving the front page anytime soon. It should and will be here by the time that the devs are online.
  7. natelovesyou

    natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

    Right, but I don't need a tone to know that telling someone to go ahead and fuck themselves is never okay. It's also very easy to assess the reactions of others - barring general and inevitable disagreements, the main cause of distress and chaos here has sprouted from insulting and degrading just because two parties don't see eye to eye. I don't think it's an issue of ASSuming... when a good amount of posts seemed to blatantly show that a poster was offended or being offensive, it's pretty easy to tell.
  8. Marokutai

    Marokutai Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks to all of our precious posts :whoop:
  9. Marokutai

    Marokutai Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Try going back and seeing what he said that caused me to tell him that?
  10. backeby

    backeby Big Damn Hero

    Honestly, stop bickering :)

    I was one of the first to preorder the night the site was released, from the beginning it was very clear that the beta is to be released in 2013, that's what we paid for. That date can be the 31st december, nothing wrong with that. It's still within their promise. Your talk about "money evaporating" is just silly, the game is evolving and getting developed every single day. From my perspective, our money is multiplying. It's an investment.

    Consider this, any AAA-title have hundreds of developers working for 4+ years on their games, Starbound is developed by an indie company with a SMALL amount of a few devs. They haven't been at it for 2 years yet, and look at the sheer size of the content so far. My suggestion to all of you: calm down.
  11. natelovesyou

    natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

    Didn't see your edit till now. Yes, I saw his post. Look, neither side is innocent here. I just think we can get our point across and have our cake and eat it too, you know? Be the better man, so to speak, act and not be acted upon. We DO have to be accountable for ourselves, instead of blaming someone else for why we did or said something.
    Marokutai likes this.
  12. Tleno

    Tleno Spaceman Spiff

    This man is now my hero.
  13. Evithlia

    Evithlia Weight of the Sky

    and even so i can wait for more one year, people complaints like " i paid and my only reason to live it's gaming and starbound " i don't know why people are in such a hurry.... i want a well cooked cake not a raw one or a tastless... imagine Starbound like a Kickstarter project and even it's payment method was kickstarter like, they can take the time they want to make the game.... besides they said 2013 release date we're still in june..
    Marokutai and backeby like this.
  14. Awesomized

    Awesomized Oxygen Tank

    - Forum complaints
    Marokutai and Evithlia like this.
  15. Ferigad

    Ferigad The Number of the Minibeast

    The last time Tiy became active and posted in several topics to answer some community members was when the bomb blow up that they would make a live-play on Insomania Gaming Festival for that youtube guys in august... some community people reacted a bit dissapointed to get that from a third-party source instead of chucklefish. I think you won´t see any bigger devoloper reactions in the forum without another incident like that.

    Oh and i guess, when they would devolope the game without the community money, and instead with money from a single big rich publisher, you would only have half of that kind of topics around here. Like it or not, but if you take the peoples money, you get the peoples opinion. It´s a package deal. :p
  16. Awesomized

    Awesomized Oxygen Tank

    Bartwe, OmnipotentEntity and whats-his-name-with-the-fancy-writer-hat, are VERY active.
  17. AzViz

    AzViz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Actually, the were never intented to be in release of beta, they were intented to be in release of the full game.
    Alot of people on the forums seem to have gotten the wrong idea of this...
  18. LordHavoc

    LordHavoc Phantasmal Quasar

    Plus we have bacon to amuse us
    Awesomized likes this.
  19. backeby

    backeby Big Damn Hero

    If you're a supporter of this game, then you'll stick with it, no matter what. Even if some part of it was delayed, the Chucklefish team are only humans, stop expecting everything and anything at your own whims..

    The people that are complaining and can't handle the wait, go get your refunds (you know you can right?), but don't come back and tell me that you supported this game.
    Fizz and Awesomized like this.
  20. Biscuit Sawce

    Biscuit Sawce Pangalactic Porcupine

    Judging from the last time I was here, the comments are getting a bit out of hand. Please guys, lets cooperate and respect other people's thoughts and opinions and just stay calm. Our community as a whole will be effected by this no matter what so keep it positive guys. Also, if you have nothing to say, then don't even post it. Not trying to be rude or mean about this but its the truth. Stay respectful everyone!

    PS: This post will barely do anything to stop the problem anyways because its going to be buried or skipped over anyways, but at least I'm giving my thoughts. Lol. "I did all I could!"- Tf2 Spy
    Grey Owl and Luna like this.
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