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Why is Tiy changing things we were promised? (Also, why our money is sort of evaporating)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Sishio, Jun 26, 2013.

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  1. Arrem

    Arrem Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I think the best way you could've handled this thread is just waiting on posting until you understood it instead of jumping in and flailing about like a moron thinking we're attacking Chucklefish for asking for clarification of the conflicting information they themselves have given us. At least then you wouldn't have had this sort of post.
  2. Sishio

    Sishio Big Damn Hero


    I could be working on -my- game right now (Though I won't because it's 104 F here)

    I'm not pushing to get it done. Which is why it it'll take longer.
    Skippy3 likes this.
  3. Skippy3

    Skippy3 Pangalactic Porcupine

    This game really doesn't have as much to work on as people are making it out to be, though I'm really not going to go into that, as I'm sure I'd get alot of blind hate. As for evidence, this game has been in production for what? Two years now?
  4. Drakearth

    Drakearth Phantasmal Quasar

    For your informations Pets are post beta reguardless
    Skippy3 likes this.
  5. TheSpoon

    TheSpoon Big Damn Hero

    Why don't the people wanting clarification on the release date consider that chucklefish genuinely *CANNOT* set a release date at this point in development?

    Chucklefish have a lot left to do before starbound is beta ready. Look at the roadmap, look at the daily updates. The things chucklefish are doing with starbound, the randomly generated everything, the infinite replay ability, a deep story, multiple races, etc, you can't just look at that and say 'yeah, that'll take a day/week/month to put in'. Why? Because so much can go wrong in game development. Chucklefish might have to go and redo a feature to it's up to par with the rest of the game, like rewriting objects descriptions for each race. Or they might come across a bug which takes one of their programmers 9 hours to fix. A artist might have a wedding and need to take a few days off work. Some other team member might get sick and is unable to work for a number of days. See what i'm getting at?

    All these things change how long it takes to implement whatever feature(s) chucklefish is working on at that time. The fact that the chucklefish team is all working remotely, through skype and google offices or whatever makes it even harder to predict what features will be complete by when. Chucklefish *can't* set a release date because they have no idea how long it'll take them to get starbound to beta. For example, adding in missions in starbound might turn out to be relatively straight forward, and take the team a week to implement. Or some developers might need time off to deal with every day life, and they would end up taking 2 weeks instead of 1. Or they might have to rewrite some other major parts of the game, like monster spawning so it doesn't interfere with missions, and that could add *another* week onto development. If chucklefish went out and said 'missions will only take a week to implement', but they take three weeks to put it in, they would risk the community getting pissy.

    The missions example is just a small example of what could happen to every single feature yet to be implemented. And there is a lot yet to be implemented. So much, in fact, that the only thing they could do is give a very rough estimate, which is what they did. 2013. If they set a month for the beta to be released in, and a collection of events such as devs getting sick, painful hours spent debugging, redoing features that aren't good enough keeps chucklefish from reaching that deadline, the community would get angry. Chucklefish doesn't want us to get angry.

    The devs will give us a release date for the beta when they can. Information regarding how long the beta will go for, etc, will most likely come with the beta, That's all there is too it.
    sa_Spog and Marokutai like this.
  6. Sishio

    Sishio Big Damn Hero

    I'm sorry, I think we've gotten to the point where I can't understand any of your post.

    Can, can you fix this? Find a better translator?
  7. Arrem

    Arrem Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Then why did they offer it. If they honestly have no clue when they will be able to launch their own game then they shouldn't have put it up for sale, especially with promises of "out in 2013" and "pre-order for beta access"
    Drakearth likes this.
  8. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    For the love of god. They aren't asking for a concrete release date, they want to know whether or not Chucklefish still thinks they can make a 2013 release or not.
  9. Heresy

    Heresy Master Chief

    Next it'll be there's 6 years more of the devtime of Starbound.
  10. Skippy3

    Skippy3 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Took me a while to figure it out, but I think he/she was saying something along the lines of
    "I'm sure if they dropped a ton of extra features to release the beta sooner, you would all just complain about the small amount of stuff, lack of space wars, lack of pets, etc. What will the release of beta change? Will it speed up the speed of the game's production? I don't understand."
  11. Sishio

    Sishio Big Damn Hero

    That's all true. But I'm fairly certain that they'd be able to tell us whether they expect to have the FULL GAME done within 2013 or not. It's a wide timeframe and we'd really just like clarification on that and the stretch goal thing

    Also, I just realized, they pretty much said "We'd add these stretch goals in after release anyways, the stretch goals are just to get it in before release".

    If it's post release, what's the difference? Would that make the stretch goals a sham?
  12. Arrem

    Arrem Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I believe he is saying that if people play the game as it is now they will complain that it lacks features, and is laboring under the common misconception of what "beta" means.
  13. Tleno

    Tleno Spaceman Spiff

    Whoah. Whoah. Whoah. No offence, but I have never seen such bold confession of beeing a superbiased, fallacious dellusionist.

    I mean, seriously, you don't offer any real justification of wheter or not it is an apt comparision. Also, you have to admit they ARE getting closer to release, altrough the release date is unclear.

    Ussually, whenever someone crosses a dangerous area, he does it because he's sure he'll be fine and that he'll save a lot of time. And this is indeed an apt comparission: You can either go the long way, that is, just wait for game to come out and buy it then, or you can rush trough the unsafe area, and preorder it, altrough there is always a risk of beeing dissatsfied with what you get or end up with developers getting into some financial trouble or turning out to be fraudsters.

    Also, I never intended the candy part to do anything with a child. I actually consider these claims on this thread to be as absurd as excuses of a fully grown, sane man complaining for beeing molested by some candy guy. I have to admit, your reaction that how terrible it is for thinking that way about children boohoohoo without any statement proving it's a child makes you look like some sort of "subtle" troll.

    You do realise there is ALWAYS a risk and you can't blame the others for it? If you loose money in a bad investment, and not because of a fraud or something, but simply because recession happened and company went bankrupt, whose fault will it be for you loosing the money if it was clear from begining there is, indeed, a possibility of recession?
    Marokutai likes this.
  14. Marokutai

    Marokutai Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    What I really meant with my earlier posts was how ungrateful people seem to be. OP could gotten clarification just by tweeting Tiy instead of making a thread that is prone to drama, and you can fuck yourself for basically calling me a moron for saying that it is the persons fault for pre-ordering a game without any dates and then getting aggravated when they aren't being told a piece of info yet regularly are updated on how the progress is coming along for the game.
    Tleno likes this.
  15. Marche100

    Marche100 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well actually, they did. They said that the game would be released at the end of 2012. Then they said Q1 2013. And then that the beta would be released in 2013.
  16. Tleno

    Tleno Spaceman Spiff

    Indeed, just starting this wholen thread was guaranteed to start a debate like this. Tiy and the rest are, hhonestly, way more open than msot of devs with their daily updates, it's obvious you could just ask them for clarification.
    Marokutai likes this.
  17. KirasiN

    KirasiN Existential Complex

    Perhaps Tiy secretly found out that half life 3 will get released this year! So instead of losing sales, he decided to postpone the final release to 2014, that would make perfect sense.

    Jokes aside, I am disappointed to see this thread turn into..this. It started out nice and civil, yet then it turned into an online equivalent of my 3 little sisters yelling and insulting each others intellect.
    Alexforgreenz likes this.
  18. Drakearth

    Drakearth Phantasmal Quasar

    Eh it happens because people are too enthusiastic to defend the developers.
  19. TheSpoon

    TheSpoon Big Damn Hero

    In my post i said; 'the most they can give is a rough estimate. 2013'. That's not a release date, that's a rough estimate. They said 2013 because they are confident that they will get out a beta in 2013. I was talking about how they can't give us a release day or release month. That would be too inaccurate. Putting it up for sale was a good move, and the decision to put it on sale was so that members of the team could quit their day jobs and work on starbound full time, speeding up development.

    Whoops. Even then, my post still applies. Just replace the 'they can't give us a release date because x, x and x' parts with 'they don't know whether or not it'll be out in 2013 because of x, x and x'.
  20. Well that escalated rather quickly.

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