1. Please be advised of a few specific rules and guidelines for this section.

Outdated Whobound - Itempack Re-Authored

Tardis, Sonic Screwdrivers, Coats, Sandshoes, 3D-Glasses, Long Scarfes, Fezes, Bananagun + soon more

  1. Erethas

    Erethas Phantasmal Quasar

    Can you post the starbound.log content from the Starbound folder?
  2. soda00000

    soda00000 Void-Bound Voyager

    Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    Info: Loading Star::Configuration from '../../../starbound.config'
    Info: Done preparing Star::Root.
    Info: Client version 'Beta v. Enraged Koala - Update 8' Protocol: 643
    Info: Running from : /Users/tardis/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/Starbound.app/Contents/MacOS/starbound
    Info: Starting from the title screen
    Info: Initialized SDL
    Info: Initialized SDL Video
    Info: Initialized SDL Joystick
    Info: Initialized SDL Sound
    Info: Opened default audio device with 44khz / 16 bit stereo audio, 2048 sample size buffer
    Info: Loading Star::Root...
    Info: Loading Star::Configuration from '../../../starbound.config'
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: OpenGL version: '2.1 INTEL-8.24.11' vender: 'Intel Inc.' renderer: 'Intel HD Graphics 3000 OpenGL Engine' shader: '1.20'
    Info: Created initial window 1000x600
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: OpenGL version: '2.1 INTEL-8.24.11' vender: 'Intel Inc.' renderer: 'Intel HD Graphics 3000 OpenGL Engine' shader: '1.20'
    Info: Re-created window 1366x660
    Warn: Missing inventoryIcon for chestplant1, using default
    Warn: Missing inventoryIcon for barvent, using default
    Warn: Missing inventoryIcon for wreckvent, using default
    Info: Done loading Star::Root.
    Info: Writing Star::Configuration to '../../../starbound.config'
    Info: Acquiring universe lock file
    Info: Shutting down Star::Root
    Error: Fatal Exception Caught: StarException: Could not acquire lock for the universe directory
    0 starbound 0x000000010c7f87ca _ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2EPKc + 298
    1 starbound 0x000000010c53669a _ZN4Star14UniverseServerC2ERKNS_6StringEbRKNS_19CelestialCoordinateE + 1626
    2 starbound 0x000000010befa3ae _ZNSt3__110shared_ptrIN4Star14UniverseServerEE11make_sharedIJNS1_6StringEbEEES3_DpOT_ + 110
    3 starbound 0x000000010bef1595 _ZN4Star17ClientApplication6updateEv + 1349
    4 starbound 0x000000010bf0253c _ZN4Star19StarApplicationBase3runEv + 1900
    5 starbound 0x000000010bf000f1 SDL_main + 433
    6 starbound 0x000000010c03e180 -[SDLMain applicationDidFinishLaunching:] + 48
    7 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff89588e0c __CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ + 12
    8 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff8947c8dd _CFXNotificationPost + 2893
    9 Foundation 0x00007fff8087c7ba -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:eek:bject:userInfo:] + 68
    10 AppKit 0x00007fff8c769cf9 -[NSApplication _postDidFinishNotification] + 289
    11 AppKit 0x00007fff8c769a2c -[NSApplication _sendFinishLaunchingNotification] + 195
    12 AppKit 0x00007fff8c766916 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenEvent:] + 570
    13 AppKit 0x00007fff8c76636b -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] + 242
    14 Foundation 0x00007fff8089af0a -[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] + 294
    15 Foundation 0x00007fff8089ad7d _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler + 106
    16 AE 0x00007fff871e7e1f _Z20aeDispatchAppleEventPK6AEDescPS_jPh + 381
    17 AE 0x00007fff871e7c32 _ZL25dispatchEventAndSendReplyPK6AEDescPS_ + 31
    18 AE 0x00007fff871e7b36 aeProcessAppleEvent + 315
    19 HIToolbox 0x00007fff8b8b7161 AEProcessAppleEvent + 56
    20 AppKit 0x00007fff8c762246 _DPSNextEvent + 1026
    21 AppKit 0x00007fff8c761a2b -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 122
    22 AppKit 0x00007fff8c755b2c -[NSApplication run] + 553
    23 starbound 0x000000010c03e7d3 main + 1299
    24 starbound 0x000000010beed774 start + 52
    25 ??? 0x0000000000000001 0x0 + 1

    this right
  3. Erethas

    Erethas Phantasmal Quasar

    This issue isn't caused by the mod but here -> http://community.playstarbound.com/...in-a-weird-way-cant-lock-onto-universe.76694/ <-
    is a thread that might help you with that problem.
  4. soda00000

    soda00000 Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks it helped a lot:poke:
  5. Erethas

    Erethas Phantasmal Quasar

    Good to hear, hope you enjoy my mod :)
  6. Lord Kain

    Lord Kain Ketchup Robot

    I honestly don't see it, I typed in sonic to narrow it down and I just get war, 10 and 11. 2 handed and 1 handed only diamond I have is the Z version from K9
  7. Erethas

    Erethas Phantasmal Quasar

    that's odd... could you post the content of the starbound.log that can be found in the Starbound folder?
    Dumb question, but are you sure you are using the BW-Tardis? ;P
  8. Lord Kain

    Lord Kain Ketchup Robot

    Yeah i'm using the BW TARDIS unless there is another TARDIS with graffiti all over it :rofl:

    Now which starbound log I have 5 of them
  9. Erethas

    Erethas Phantasmal Quasar

    The one without the number at the end.
  10. Lord Kain

    Lord Kain Ketchup Robot

    Well see that's just it they all had one until I opened them in notepad now there is 1 file, 2 file, 3 file, 4 file and 5 file
  11. Erethas

    Erethas Phantasmal Quasar

    how about deleting them starting the game, open the bw-tardis and then send it :D That should do it.
    If it's ok for you I will try to sleep now, it's 4:22 am here in Germany and I am near death :p
    Just post it here I might see it when I temporarily wake up sometime later...
  12. Lord Kain

    Lord Kain Ketchup Robot

    ok i'll give that a try, thanks.

    Ok So I got a few diffrent things. Before I deleted the logs I got this one, aftwards are these two. Just giving you everything at this point :rofl:

    Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    Info: Loading Star::Configuration from '..\starbound.config'
    Info: Done preparing Star::Root.
    Info: Client version 'Beta v. Enraged Koala - Update 8' Protocol: 643
    Info: Running from : E:\Program Files (x86)\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Starbound\win32\starbound.exe
    Info: Starting from the title screen
    Info: Initialized SDL
    Info: Initialized SDL Video
    Info: Initialized SDL Joystick
    Info: Initialized SDL Sound
    Info: Opened default audio device with 44khz / 16 bit stereo audio, 2048 sample size buffer
    Info: Loading Star::Root...
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: Loading Star::Configuration from '..\starbound.config'
    Info: Created initial window 1920x1080
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: Re-created window 1920x1080
    Warn: Missing inventoryIcon for chestplant1, using default
    Warn: Missing inventoryIcon for barvent, using default
    Warn: Missing inventoryIcon for wreckvent, using default
    Info: Done loading Star::Root.
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: Re-created window 1920x1080
    Info: Writing Star::Configuration to '..\starbound.config'
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: Re-created window 1904x1042
    Info: Writing Star::Configuration to '..\starbound.config'
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: Re-created window 1920x1080
    Info: Writing Star::Configuration to '..\starbound.config'
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: Re-created window 1920x1080
    Info: Acquiring universe lock file
    Info: UniverseServer: Creating world alpha:-79311852:34421073:-5551251:8
    Info: Generating 2 dungeons
    Info: Generating a dungeon
    Info: Placing dungeon at (12928, 3061)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: bunkerpanel2 direction: 0 position: (13114, 2939)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: fluorescentlight direction: 0 position: (13084, 3024)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: fluorescentlight direction: 0 position: (13102, 3024)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: bunkerserver direction: 0 position: (13057, 3035)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: bunkerlightv direction: 0 position: (13070, 3038)
    Info: Generating a dungeon
    Info: Placing dungeon at (8876, 3052)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: bunkerpanel2 direction: 0 position: (9062, 2930)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: fluorescentlight direction: 0 position: (9032, 3015)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: fluorescentlight direction: 0 position: (9050, 3015)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: bunkerserver direction: 0 position: (9005, 3026)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: bunkerlightv direction: 0 position: (9018, 3029)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: woodsupport direction: 0 position: (83, 3068)
    Warn: Perf: UniverseServer::createWorld millis: 4565
    Info: UniverseServer: client connection made from local
    Info: UniverseServer: Sending Handshake Challenge
    Info: UniverseClient: Sending Handshake Repsonse
    Info: UniverseServer: Loading ship world received from client <User: Amadeus>
    Warn: Recovering SimpleDatabase at device: <unnamed temp file>
    Warn: Recovery finished
    Warn: "Interactable" object type is deprecated, and has been replaced by loungeable for beds and chairs, and by the base object class for all other uses. Attempting to determine which one is appropriate. Please update your config file, this fallback will be removed without further warning in a subsequent update.
    Warn: "Interactable" object type is deprecated, and has been replaced by loungeable for beds and chairs, and by the base object class for all other uses. Attempting to determine which one is appropriate. Please update your config file, this fallback will be removed without further warning in a subsequent update.
    Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Amadeus' <1> (Fifo <0X35c985a8>) connected
    Info: UniverseServer: Loading world db for world alpha:-46607160:-60834382:6481303:5:4
    Warn: Perf: ClientApplication::update millis: 5854
    Warn: Perf: StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.update millis: 5854
    Warn: Perf: StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop millis: 6002
    Warn: "Interactable" object type is deprecated, and has been replaced by loungeable for beds and chairs, and by the base object class for all other uses. Attempting to determine which one is appropriate. Please update your config file, this fallback will be removed without further warning in a subsequent update.
    Warn: "Interactable" object type is deprecated, and has been replaced by loungeable for beds and chairs, and by the base object class for all other uses. Attempting to determine which one is appropriate. Please update your config file, this fallback will be removed without further warning in a subsequent update.
    Info: UniverseServer: Shutting down world alpha:-79311852:34421073:-5551251:8 due to inactivity
    Info: UniverseServer: Shutting down world alpha:-46607160:-60834382:6481303:5:4 due to inactivity
    Error: Could not instantiate item '[dalekanium, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'dalekanium'
    CraftingPane::eek:nTooltip(Vector<int, 2u>)
    _Function_handler<bool (Vector<int, 2u>), CraftingPane::CraftingPane(weak_ptr<PaneManager>, shared_ptr<WorldClient>, shared_ptr<Player>, function<bool (Pane*)>, Variant, int)::{lambda(Vector<int, 2u>)#12}>::(_Any_data, Vector<int, 2u>)

    Error: Could not instantiate item '[dalekanium, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'dalekanium'
    CraftingPane::eek:nTooltip(Vector<int, 2u>)
    _Function_handler<bool (Vector<int, 2u>), CraftingPane::CraftingPane(weak_ptr<PaneManager>, shared_ptr<WorldClient>, shared_ptr<Player>, function<bool (Pane*)>, Variant, int)::{lambda(Vector<int, 2u>)#12}>::(_Any_data, Vector<int, 2u>)

    Error: Could not instantiate item '[dalekanium, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'dalekanium'
    CraftingPane::eek:nTooltip(Vector<int, 2u>)
    _Function_handler<bool (Vector<int, 2u>), CraftingPane::CraftingPane(weak_ptr<PaneManager>, shared_ptr<WorldClient>, shared_ptr<Player>, function<bool (Pane*)>, Variant, int)::{lambda(Vector<int, 2u>)#12}>::(_Any_data, Vector<int, 2u>)

    Error: Could not instantiate item '[dalekanium, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'dalekanium'
    CraftingPane::eek:nTooltip(Vector<int, 2u>)
    _Function_handler<bool (Vector<int, 2u>), CraftingPane::CraftingPane(weak_ptr<PaneManager>, shared_ptr<WorldClient>, shared_ptr<Player>, function<bool (Pane*)>, Variant, int)::{lambda(Vector<int, 2u>)#12}>::(_Any_data, Vector<int, 2u>)

    Error: Could not instantiate item '[dalekanium, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'dalekanium'
    CraftingPane::eek:nTooltip(Vector<int, 2u>)
    _Function_handler<bool (Vector<int, 2u>), CraftingPane::CraftingPane(weak_ptr<PaneManager>, shared_ptr<WorldClient>, shared_ptr<Player>, function<bool (Pane*)>, Variant, int)::{lambda(Vector<int, 2u>)#12}>::(_Any_data, Vector<int, 2u>)

    Warn: "Interactable" object type is deprecated, and has been replaced by loungeable for beds and chairs, and by the base object class for all other uses. Attempting to determine which one is appropriate. Please update your config file, this fallback will be removed without further warning in a subsequent update.
    Error: Could not instantiate item '[dalekanium, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'dalekanium'
    CraftingPane::eek:nTooltip(Vector<int, 2u>)
    _Function_handler<bool (Vector<int, 2u>), CraftingPane::CraftingPane(weak_ptr<PaneManager>, shared_ptr<WorldClient>, shared_ptr<Player>, function<bool (Pane*)>, Variant, int)::{lambda(Vector<int, 2u>)#12}>::(_Any_data, Vector<int, 2u>)

    Error: Could not instantiate item '[dalekanium, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'dalekanium'
    CraftingPane::eek:nTooltip(Vector<int, 2u>)
    _Function_handler<bool (Vector<int, 2u>), CraftingPane::CraftingPane(weak_ptr<PaneManager>, shared_ptr<WorldClient>, shared_ptr<Player>, function<bool (Pane*)>, Variant, int)::{lambda(Vector<int, 2u>)#12}>::(_Any_data, Vector<int, 2u>)

    Error: Could not instantiate item '[dalekanium, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'dalekanium'
    CraftingPane::eek:nTooltip(Vector<int, 2u>)
    _Function_handler<bool (Vector<int, 2u>), CraftingPane::CraftingPane(weak_ptr<PaneManager>, shared_ptr<WorldClient>, shared_ptr<Player>, function<bool (Pane*)>, Variant, int)::{lambda(Vector<int, 2u>)#12}>::(_Any_data, Vector<int, 2u>)

    Error: Could not instantiate item '[dalekanium, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'dalekanium'
    CraftingPane::eek:nTooltip(Vector<int, 2u>)
    _Function_handler<bool (Vector<int, 2u>), CraftingPane::CraftingPane(weak_ptr<PaneManager>, shared_ptr<WorldClient>, shared_ptr<Player>, function<bool (Pane*)>, Variant, int)::{lambda(Vector<int, 2u>)#12}>::(_Any_data, Vector<int, 2u>)

    Error: Could not instantiate item '[dalekanium, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'dalekanium'
    CraftingPane::eek:nTooltip(Vector<int, 2u>)
    _Function_handler<bool (Vector<int, 2u>), CraftingPane::CraftingPane(weak_ptr<PaneManager>, shared_ptr<WorldClient>, shared_ptr<Player>, function<bool (Pane*)>, Variant, int)::{lambda(Vector<int, 2u>)#12}>::(_Any_data, Vector<int, 2u>)

    Error: Could not instantiate item '[dalekanium, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'dalekanium'
    CraftingPane::eek:nTooltip(Vector<int, 2u>)
    _Function_handler<bool (Vector<int, 2u>), CraftingPane::CraftingPane(weak_ptr<PaneManager>, shared_ptr<WorldClient>, shared_ptr<Player>, function<bool (Pane*)>, Variant, int)::{lambda(Vector<int, 2u>)#12}>::(_Any_data, Vector<int, 2u>)

    Info: UniverseClient: Client disconnecting...
    Info: UniverseServer: Shutting down ship world for client 'Amadeus' <1> (Fifo <0X35c985a8>)
    Info: Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
    Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Amadeus' <1> (Fifo <0X35c985a8>) disconnected
    Info: NetSocket read loop shut down: Fifo::read called on closed Fifo
    Info: NetSocket read loop shut down: Fifo::read called on closed Fifo
    Info: Application quitting!
    Info: [ [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop", "Cnt#: ", 127780, "Sum(ms)", 2.14555e+006, "Avg", 16, "SAvg", 14, "Min", 7, "Max", 6002, "Last", 7, "Var(avg,us)", 1831.71, "VMax(ms)", 5987, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::run.innerloop", "Cnt#: ", 20962, "Sum(ms)", 2.0978e+006, "Avg", 100, "SAvg", 100, "Min", 100, "Max", 1190, "Last", 100, "Var(avg,us)", 76.9965, "VMax(ms)", 1090, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::run.sleeping", "Cnt#: ", 128198, "Sum(ms)", 2.0732e+006, "Avg", 16, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 39, "Last", 17, "Var(avg,us)", 15077.3, "VMax(ms)", 37, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.render", "Cnt#: ", 127815, "Sum(ms)", 774361, "Avg", 6, "SAvg", 3, "Min", 0, "Max", 729, "Last", 8, "Var(avg,us)", 4068.54, "VMax(ms)", 729, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::render", "Cnt#: ", 127762, "Sum(ms)", 773975, "Avg", 6, "SAvg", 3, "Min", 0, "Max", 729, "Last", 8, "Var(avg,us)", 4068.04, "VMax(ms)", 729, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.sleeping", "Cnt#: ", 517587, "Sum(ms)", 643681, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 12, "Last", 4, "Var(avg,us)", 243.619, "VMax(ms)", 11, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.postSleeping", "Cnt#: ", 454794, "Sum(ms)", 455048, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 3, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 0.558495, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsSwapBuffers", "Cnt#: ", 127763, "Sum(ms)", 440765, "Avg", 3, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 32, "Last", 5, "Var(avg,us)", 3449.83, "VMax(ms)", 32, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldClient::updateLighting", "Cnt#: ", 126899, "Sum(ms)", 289542, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 4, "Last", 3, "Var(avg,us)", 1281.67, "VMax(ms)", 3, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.update", "Cnt#: ", 128064, "Sum(ms)", 283952, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 5854, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1226.69, "VMax(ms)", 5854, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::update", "Cnt#: ", 128028, "Sum(ms)", 283850, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 5854, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1226.52, "VMax(ms)", 5854, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::render", "Cnt#: ", 126971, "Sum(ms)", 278780, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 2, "Min", 2, "Max", 227, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 200.589, "VMax(ms)", 190, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::updateRunning", "Cnt#: ", 126979, "Sum(ms)", 277309, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 0, "Max", 74, "Last", 3, "Var(avg,us)", 1185.9, "VMax(ms)", 69, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseClient::update", "Cnt#: ", 126916, "Sum(ms)", 263487, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 0, "Max", 73, "Last", 3, "Var(avg,us)", 1078.01, "VMax(ms)", 45, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldClient::update", "Cnt#: ", 126909, "Sum(ms)", 260067, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 0, "Max", 22, "Last", 3, "Var(avg,us)", 1050.41, "VMax(ms)", 19, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.preSleeping", "Cnt#: ", 62809, "Sum(ms)", 188667, "Avg", 3, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 12, "Last", 4, "Var(avg,us)", 1994.81, "VMax(ms)", 11, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::update", "Cnt#: ", 130217, "Sum(ms)", 98629, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 831, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 795.065, "VMax(ms)", 731, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::update.worldUpdate", "Cnt#: ", 130093, "Sum(ms)", 92435, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 831, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 748.103, "VMax(ms)", 731, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServer::update", "Cnt#: ", 130088, "Sum(ms)", 91484, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 187, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 740.045, "VMax(ms)", 187, "Parent", "" ], [ "Object::tickClient", "Cnt#: ", 1.73957e+007, "Sum(ms)", 82834, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 12, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 4.76176, "VMax(ms)", 12, "Parent", "" ], [ "Player::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 126911, "Sum(ms)", 16287, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 2, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 128.334, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldClient::queueUpdatePackets", "Cnt#: ", 127005, "Sum(ms)", 15340, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 2, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 120.783, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldStorage::update", "Cnt#: ", 32493, "Sum(ms)", 13796, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 172, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 424.584, "VMax(ms)", 172, "Parent", "" ], [ "MainInterface::update", "Cnt#: ", 126959, "Sum(ms)", 9560, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 68, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 75.2999, "VMax(ms)", 68, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::prepareTiles", "Cnt#: ", 379, "Sum(ms)", 8928, "Avg", 23, "SAvg", 15, "Min", 15, "Max", 32, "Last", 23, "Var(avg,us)", 7569.92, "VMax(ms)", 17, "Parent", "" ], [ "Object::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 1.97952e+007, "Sum(ms)", 6375, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.322047, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::readFullWorld", "Cnt#: ", 37, "Sum(ms)", 6215, "Avg", 167, "SAvg", 127, "Min", 126, "Max", 422, "Last", 169, "Var(avg,us)", 41756.8, "VMax(ms)", 296, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::updateLighting", "Cnt#: ", 126991, "Sum(ms)", 5928, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 2, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 46.6805, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::update.clientsIncomingPackets", "Cnt#: ", 130139, "Sum(ms)", 5489, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 407, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 42.1857, "VMax(ms)", 407, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadImage", "Cnt#: ", 11564, "Sum(ms)", 5270, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 66, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 455.119, "VMax(ms)", 66, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::createWorld", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 5090, "Avg", 2545, "SAvg", 4549, "Min", 525, "Max", 4565, "Last", 525, "Var(avg,us)", 2.02e+006, "VMax(ms)", 4040, "Parent", "" ], [ "Monster::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 42494, "Sum(ms)", 4896, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 5, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 115.216, "VMax(ms)", 5, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::renderParticles", "Cnt#: ", 380621, "Sum(ms)", 4783, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 12.5663, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadVariant", "Cnt#: ", 12019, "Sum(ms)", 4184, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 32, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 348.115, "VMax(ms)", 32, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadBaseImage", "Cnt#: ", 9394, "Sum(ms)", 4085, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 46, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 434.107, "VMax(ms)", 46, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::prepareSector", "Cnt#: ", 141, "Sum(ms)", 1815, "Avg", 12, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 150, "Last", 19, "Var(avg,us)", 12893.6, "VMax(ms)", 150, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.renderPost", "Cnt#: ", 127757, "Sum(ms)", 1747, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 21, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 14.011, "VMax(ms)", 21, "Parent", "" ], [ "DungeonDefinition::buildDungeon", "Cnt#: ", 6, "Sum(ms)", 1460, "Avg", 243, "SAvg", 642, "Min", 5, "Max", 692, "Last", 34, "Var(avg,us)", 420333, "VMax(ms)", 646, "Parent", "" ], [ "DungeonGenerator::generate", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 1417, "Avg", 708, "SAvg", 685, "Min", 685, "Max", 732, "Last", 732, "Var(avg,us)", 23500, "VMax(ms)", 47, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::shutdownInactiveWorlds", "Cnt#: ", 21148, "Sum(ms)", 1376, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1090, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 65.5854, "VMax(ms)", 1090, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::updateLighting.setColorMap", "Cnt#: ", 126945, "Sum(ms)", 1161, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 9.14569, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Renderer::setColorMap", "Cnt#: ", 126857, "Sum(ms)", 1079, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 8.50564, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::sync", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 918, "Avg", 918, "SAvg", 918, "Min", 918, "Max", 918, "Last", 918, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.SDL_PollEvent", "Cnt#: ", 127255, "Sum(ms)", 840, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 147, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 22.4431, "VMax(ms)", 147, "Parent", "" ], [ "Npc::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 6971, "Sum(ms)", 812, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 2, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 116.483, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::handleConnection", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 776, "Avg", 776, "SAvg", 776, "Min", 776, "Max", 776, "Last", 776, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::update.clientsOutgoingPackets", "Cnt#: ", 130078, "Sum(ms)", 458, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 10, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 3.52096, "VMax(ms)", 10, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsStart", "Cnt#: ", 127767, "Sum(ms)", 422, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 294, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 3.31071, "VMax(ms)", 294, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::generateMicroDungeons", "Cnt#: ", 58, "Sum(ms)", 340, "Avg", 5, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 62, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 5862.07, "VMax(ms)", 62, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsClear", "Cnt#: ", 127746, "Sum(ms)", 185, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1.44819, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::processInput", "Cnt#: ", 7427, "Sum(ms)", 161, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 24, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 21.6777, "VMax(ms)", 24, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::renderInit", "Cnt#: ", 9, "Sum(ms)", 161, "Avg", 17, "SAvg", 7, "Min", 7, "Max", 61, "Last", 7, "Var(avg,us)", 10888.9, "VMax(ms)", 54, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadFont", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 150, "Avg", 75, "SAvg", 149, "Min", 0, "Max", 150, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 75000, "VMax(ms)", 150, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadAudio", "Cnt#: ", 76, "Sum(ms)", 128, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 41, "Last", 38, "Var(avg,us)", 1671.05, "VMax(ms)", 40, "Parent", "" ], [ "LivingWorldAgent::update", "Cnt#: ", 32520, "Sum(ms)", 115, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 12, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 5.50431, "VMax(ms)", 12, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::updateTitle", "Cnt#: ", 751, "Sum(ms)", 87, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 42, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1259.65, "VMax(ms)", 42, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::renderNametags", "Cnt#: ", 126871, "Sum(ms)", 63, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 7, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.54386, "VMax(ms)", 5, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsFinish", "Cnt#: ", 127760, "Sum(ms)", 54, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.422668, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Player::tickSlave", "Cnt#: ", 127011, "Sum(ms)", 38, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.299187, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "ChatBubbleManager::update", "Cnt#: ", 126947, "Sum(ms)", 37, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.29146, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::doTriggeredStorage", "Cnt#: ", 21168, "Sum(ms)", 36, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1.70068, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Cinematic::render", "Cnt#: ", 127775, "Sum(ms)", 31, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 4, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.289572, "VMax(ms)", 4, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::renderDestroy", "Cnt#: ", 9, "Sum(ms)", 19, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 3, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 2111.11, "VMax(ms)", 3, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::convertBiomeMetaMaterials", "Cnt#: ", 141, "Sum(ms)", 11, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 78.0142, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::addClient", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 11, "Avg", 11, "SAvg", 11, "Min", 11, "Max", 11, "Last", 11, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::handleQueuedConnection.handshake.waitforresponse", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 10, "Avg", 10, "SAvg", 10, "Min", 10, "Max", 10, "Last", 10, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::handleQueuedConnection.handshake", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 10, "Avg", 10, "SAvg", 10, "Min", 10, "Max", 10, "Last", 10, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "Audio::parseWav", "Cnt#: ", 70, "Sum(ms)", 9, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 3, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 128.571, "VMax(ms)", 3, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::postProcessAudio", "Cnt#: ", 7, "Sum(ms)", 9, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 3, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1000, "VMax(ms)", 3, "Parent", "" ], [ "ChatBubbleManager::render", "Cnt#: ", 126893, "Sum(ms)", 6, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.0472839, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Cinematic::update", "Cnt#: ", 254692, "Sum(ms)", 5, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.0196316, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadBytes", "Cnt#: ", 31, "Sum(ms)", 3, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 96.7742, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::sendContextUpdates", "Cnt#: ", 21161, "Sum(ms)", 2, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.0945135, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Spawner::update", "Cnt#: ", 130094, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.00768675, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::dirtyCollisionCache", "Cnt#: ", 142, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 7.04225, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "ItemDrop::tickSlave", "Cnt#: ", 116, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 8.62069, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::sendPendingChat", "Cnt#: ", 21172, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::sendClockUpdates", "Cnt#: ", 21165, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::updatePvpTeams", "Cnt#: ", 21147, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::clients", "Cnt#: ", 588, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::updateSplash", "Cnt#: ", 285, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "ItemDrop::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 132, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::removeClient", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "Player::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.clientsOutgoingPackets", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Projectile::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldServer::Generator::generateTiles", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "NPCSpawner::step", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "DungeonGenerator::generateNearZero", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.worldUpdate", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Assets::loadFromDisk", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.glClear", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::updateLightMap.setColorMap", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.clientsIncommingPackets", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Assets::process", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "ColorMapQuadRenderer::setColorMap", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.sleeping", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "MuzzleFlashEffect::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldServer::Generator::generateEntities", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Assets::image", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "FlowingWaterAgent::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Object::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::updateLightMap", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::renderPerf", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "NPC::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.SDL_GL_SwapBuffers", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::render", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::renderParticles", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Assets::getImage", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "universe_time", "87396.9" ], [ "server_1306991323161664974_entities", "1924" ], [ "server_1306991323161664974_sectors", "426" ], [ "server_1306991323161664974_coordinate", "alpha:-79311852:34421073:-5551251:8" ], [ "server_1306991323161664974_world_time", "30.1737" ], [ "server_7080427944415911138_entities", "138" ], [ "server_7080427944415911138_sectors", "54" ], [ "server_7080427944415911138_coordinate", "null" ], [ "server_7080427944415911138_world_time", "2122.18" ], [ "universe_time_client", "87396.8" ], [ "client_entities", "138" ], [ "client_sectors", "36" ], [ "client_incoming_bps", "298" ], [ "client_outgoing_bps", "928" ], [ "client_worst_incoming", "48:180" ], [ "client_worst_outgoing", "43:478" ], [ "render_fps", "60.2287" ], [ "update_rate", "59.9406" ], [ "player_pos", "550.74 518.50" ], [ "player_vel", "0.00 -1.22" ], [ "player_aim", "550.46 517.79" ], [ "version", "Beta v. Enraged Koala - Update 8" ], [ "server_15960187654556902665_entities", "0" ], [ "server_15960187654556902665_sectors", "0" ], [ "server_15960187654556902665_coordinate", "alpha:-46607160:-60834382:6481303:5:4" ], [ "server_15960187654556902665_world_time", "30.0667" ] ]
    Info: Client shutdown gracefully
    Info: Shutting down Star::Root

    Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    Info: Loading Star::Configuration from '..\starbound.config'
    Info: Done preparing Star::Root.
    Info: Client version 'Beta v. Enraged Koala - Update 8' Protocol: 643
    Info: Running from : E:\Program Files (x86)\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Starbound\win32\starbound.exe
    Info: Starting from the title screen
    Info: Initialized SDL
    Info: Initialized SDL Video
    Info: Initialized SDL Joystick
    Info: Initialized SDL Sound
    Info: Opened default audio device with 44khz / 16 bit stereo audio, 2048 sample size buffer
    Info: Loading Star::Root...
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: Loading Star::Configuration from '..\starbound.config'
    Info: Created initial window 1920x1080
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: Re-created window 1920x1080
    Warn: Missing inventoryIcon for chestplant1, using default
    Warn: Missing inventoryIcon for barvent, using default
    Warn: Missing inventoryIcon for wreckvent, using default
    Info: Done loading Star::Root.
    Info: Acquiring universe lock file
    Info: UniverseServer: Creating world alpha:12862785:8050796:2146715:9:10
    Info: Generating 1 dungeons
    Info: Generating a dungeon
    Info: Failed to place a dungeon at (3827, 649)
    Info: Generating a dungeon
    Info: Placing dungeon at (2620, 642)
    Warn: Perf: UniverseServer::createWorld millis: 3207
    Info: UniverseServer: client connection made from local
    Info: UniverseServer: Sending Handshake Challenge
    Info: UniverseClient: Sending Handshake Repsonse
    Info: UniverseServer: Loading ship world received from client <User: Amadeus>
    Warn: Recovering SimpleDatabase at device: <unnamed temp file>
    Warn: Recovery finished
    Warn: "Interactable" object type is deprecated, and has been replaced by loungeable for beds and chairs, and by the base object class for all other uses. Attempting to determine which one is appropriate. Please update your config file, this fallback will be removed without further warning in a subsequent update.
    Warn: "Interactable" object type is deprecated, and has been replaced by loungeable for beds and chairs, and by the base object class for all other uses. Attempting to determine which one is appropriate. Please update your config file, this fallback will be removed without further warning in a subsequent update.
    Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Amadeus' <1> (Fifo <0x22eb6298>) connected
    Info: UniverseServer: Loading world db for world alpha:-46607160:-60834382:6481303:5:4
    Warn: Perf: ClientApplication::update millis: 4127
    Warn: Perf: StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.update millis: 4127
    Warn: Perf: StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop millis: 4243
    Warn: "Interactable" object type is deprecated, and has been replaced by loungeable for beds and chairs, and by the base object class for all other uses. Attempting to determine which one is appropriate. Please update your config file, this fallback will be removed without further warning in a subsequent update.
    Warn: "Interactable" object type is deprecated, and has been replaced by loungeable for beds and chairs, and by the base object class for all other uses. Attempting to determine which one is appropriate. Please update your config file, this fallback will be removed without further warning in a subsequent update.
    Info: UniverseClient: Client disconnecting...
    Info: UniverseServer: Shutting down ship world for client 'Amadeus' <1> (Fifo <0x22eb6298>)
    Info: Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
    Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Amadeus' <1> (Fifo <0x22eb6298>) disconnected
    Info: NetSocket read loop shut down: Fifo::read called on closed Fifo
    Info: NetSocket read loop shut down: Fifo::read called on closed Fifo
    Info: Application quitting!
    Info: [ [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop", "Cnt#: ", 3799, "Sum(ms)", 70984, "Avg", 18, "SAvg", 15, "Min", 6, "Max", 4243, "Last", 6, "Var(avg,us)", 5616.74, "VMax(ms)", 4228, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::run.sleeping", "Cnt#: ", 4242, "Sum(ms)", 65182, "Avg", 15, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 18, "Last", 17, "Var(avg,us)", 13658.9, "VMax(ms)", 17, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.sleeping", "Cnt#: ", 14922, "Sum(ms)", 31561, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 12, "Last", 10, "Var(avg,us)", 1115.07, "VMax(ms)", 11, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::run.innerloop", "Cnt#: ", 251, "Sum(ms)", 25106, "Avg", 100, "SAvg", 100, "Min", 100, "Max", 102, "Last", 100, "Var(avg,us)", 27.8884, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.preSleeping", "Cnt#: ", 3052, "Sum(ms)", 19578, "Avg", 6, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 12, "Last", 10, "Var(avg,us)", 5068.48, "VMax(ms)", 10, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsSwapBuffers", "Cnt#: ", 3795, "Sum(ms)", 15167, "Avg", 3, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 18, "Last", 4, "Var(avg,us)", 3994.99, "VMax(ms)", 18, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.render", "Cnt#: ", 3794, "Sum(ms)", 14759, "Avg", 3, "SAvg", 2, "Min", 0, "Max", 376, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 2770.69, "VMax(ms)", 376, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::render", "Cnt#: ", 3793, "Sum(ms)", 14756, "Avg", 3, "SAvg", 2, "Min", 0, "Max", 376, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 2771.16, "VMax(ms)", 376, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.postSleeping", "Cnt#: ", 11874, "Sum(ms)", 11993, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 3, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 10.0219, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::update", "Cnt#: ", 4617, "Sum(ms)", 10373, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 491, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 2274.42, "VMax(ms)", 475, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::update.worldUpdate", "Cnt#: ", 4608, "Sum(ms)", 10244, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 491, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 2255.43, "VMax(ms)", 475, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServer::update", "Cnt#: ", 4604, "Sum(ms)", 9790, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 77, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 2162.47, "VMax(ms)", 77, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.update", "Cnt#: ", 3861, "Sum(ms)", 9049, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 4127, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1604.77, "VMax(ms)", 4127, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::update", "Cnt#: ", 3861, "Sum(ms)", 9048, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 4127, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1604.51, "VMax(ms)", 4127, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::prepareTiles", "Cnt#: ", 198, "Sum(ms)", 4745, "Avg", 23, "SAvg", 15, "Min", 15, "Max", 43, "Last", 15, "Var(avg,us)", 6606.06, "VMax(ms)", 26, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldStorage::update", "Cnt#: ", 1151, "Sum(ms)", 4223, "Avg", 3, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 71, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 3668.98, "VMax(ms)", 71, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadVariant", "Cnt#: ", 11377, "Sum(ms)", 4073, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 31, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 358.003, "VMax(ms)", 31, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::createWorld", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 3727, "Avg", 1863, "SAvg", 3196, "Min", 520, "Max", 3207, "Last", 520, "Var(avg,us)", 1.3435e+006, "VMax(ms)", 2687, "Parent", "" ], [ "Npc::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 34515, "Sum(ms)", 3608, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 6, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 104.534, "VMax(ms)", 6, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::render", "Cnt#: ", 1458, "Sum(ms)", 3551, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 2, "Min", 1, "Max", 254, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 762.689, "VMax(ms)", 227, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldClient::updateLighting", "Cnt#: ", 1456, "Sum(ms)", 3521, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 3, "Last", 3, "Var(avg,us)", 1418.27, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::updateRunning", "Cnt#: ", 1491, "Sum(ms)", 3519, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 2, "Min", 0, "Max", 69, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 969.819, "VMax(ms)", 45, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadImage", "Cnt#: ", 8569, "Sum(ms)", 3333, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 27, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 388.61, "VMax(ms)", 27, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseClient::update", "Cnt#: ", 1492, "Sum(ms)", 3196, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 2, "Min", 0, "Max", 69, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 736.595, "VMax(ms)", 44, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldClient::update", "Cnt#: ", 1491, "Sum(ms)", 3056, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 0, "Max", 27, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 1232.73, "VMax(ms)", 26, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadBaseImage", "Cnt#: ", 8129, "Sum(ms)", 3050, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 21, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 374.831, "VMax(ms)", 21, "Parent", "" ], [ "Object::tickClient", "Cnt#: ", 202599, "Sum(ms)", 978, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 4.82727, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::prepareSector", "Cnt#: ", 100, "Sum(ms)", 941, "Avg", 9, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 42, "Last", 21, "Var(avg,us)", 9460, "VMax(ms)", 42, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::sync", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 523, "Avg", 523, "SAvg", 523, "Min", 523, "Max", 523, "Last", 523, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::handleConnection", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 431, "Avg", 431, "SAvg", 431, "Min", 431, "Max", 431, "Last", 431, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "Object::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 438374, "Sum(ms)", 402, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.917025, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::readFullWorld", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 400, "Avg", 200, "SAvg", 117, "Min", 117, "Max", 283, "Last", 283, "Var(avg,us)", 83000, "VMax(ms)", 166, "Parent", "" ], [ "DungeonGenerator::generate", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 374, "Avg", 187, "SAvg", 4, "Min", 3, "Max", 371, "Last", 371, "Var(avg,us)", 184000, "VMax(ms)", 368, "Parent", "" ], [ "DungeonDefinition::buildDungeon", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 356, "Avg", 356, "SAvg", 356, "Min", 356, "Max", 356, "Last", 356, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "Player::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 1487, "Sum(ms)", 303, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 203.093, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.renderPost", "Cnt#: ", 3799, "Sum(ms)", 207, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 19, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 54.488, "VMax(ms)", 19, "Parent", "" ], [ "MainInterface::update", "Cnt#: ", 1492, "Sum(ms)", 179, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 7, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 119.973, "VMax(ms)", 7, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.SDL_PollEvent", "Cnt#: ", 3853, "Sum(ms)", 171, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 94, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 1178.82, "VMax(ms)", 94, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadFont", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 155, "Avg", 77, "SAvg", 154, "Min", 0, "Max", 155, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 77500, "VMax(ms)", 155, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadAudio", "Cnt#: ", 16, "Sum(ms)", 135, "Avg", 8, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 52, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 8375, "VMax(ms)", 52, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::updateTitle", "Cnt#: ", 2078, "Sum(ms)", 104, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 54, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 425.409, "VMax(ms)", 54, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::renderInit", "Cnt#: ", 5, "Sum(ms)", 90, "Avg", 18, "SAvg", 6, "Min", 6, "Max", 59, "Last", 7, "Var(avg,us)", 11800, "VMax(ms)", 53, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::updateLighting", "Cnt#: ", 1460, "Sum(ms)", 73, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 50, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldClient::queueUpdatePackets", "Cnt#: ", 1492, "Sum(ms)", 67, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 44.9062, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::renderParticles", "Cnt#: ", 4370, "Sum(ms)", 43, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 9.83982, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::generateMicroDungeons", "Cnt#: ", 37, "Sum(ms)", 42, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 3, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 972.973, "VMax(ms)", 3, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::processInput", "Cnt#: ", 678, "Sum(ms)", 38, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 26, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 56.0472, "VMax(ms)", 26, "Parent", "" ], [ "LivingWorldAgent::update", "Cnt#: ", 1151, "Sum(ms)", 32, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 2, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 28.6707, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::update.clientsOutgoingPackets", "Cnt#: ", 4606, "Sum(ms)", 25, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 9, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 5.4277, "VMax(ms)", 9, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::renderNametags", "Cnt#: ", 1459, "Sum(ms)", 24, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 6, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 21.2474, "VMax(ms)", 4, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::updateLighting.setColorMap", "Cnt#: ", 1460, "Sum(ms)", 18, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 12.3288, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Renderer::setColorMap", "Cnt#: ", 1457, "Sum(ms)", 16, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 10.9815, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Cinematic::render", "Cnt#: ", 3798, "Sum(ms)", 11, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 4, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 4.47604, "VMax(ms)", 4, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::update.clientsIncomingPackets", "Cnt#: ", 4531, "Sum(ms)", 10, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 10, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 2.20702, "VMax(ms)", 10, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::handleQueuedConnection.handshake", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 10, "Avg", 10, "SAvg", 10, "Min", 10, "Max", 10, "Last", 10, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::addClient", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 10, "Avg", 10, "SAvg", 10, "Min", 10, "Max", 10, "Last", 10, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::handleQueuedConnection.handshake.waitforresponse", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 10, "Avg", 10, "SAvg", 10, "Min", 10, "Max", 10, "Last", 10, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "Audio::parseWav", "Cnt#: ", 11, "Sum(ms)", 8, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 3, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 727.273, "VMax(ms)", 3, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::postProcessAudio", "Cnt#: ", 6, "Sum(ms)", 7, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 3, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1000, "VMax(ms)", 3, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::renderDestroy", "Cnt#: ", 5, "Sum(ms)", 7, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 3, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 1400, "VMax(ms)", 3, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::convertBiomeMetaMaterials", "Cnt#: ", 99, "Sum(ms)", 6, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 60.6061, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsClear", "Cnt#: ", 3800, "Sum(ms)", 4, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1.05263, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Cinematic::update", "Cnt#: ", 5339, "Sum(ms)", 2, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.374602, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsFinish", "Cnt#: ", 3794, "Sum(ms)", 2, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.527148, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::doTriggeredStorage", "Cnt#: ", 261, "Sum(ms)", 2, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 2, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 11.4943, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "Player::tickSlave", "Cnt#: ", 1503, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.665336, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::sendContextUpdates", "Cnt#: ", 259, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 3.861, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::dirtyCollisionCache", "Cnt#: ", 100, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 10, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadBytes", "Cnt#: ", 24, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 41.6667, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Spawner::update", "Cnt#: ", 4604, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsStart", "Cnt#: ", 3797, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "ChatBubbleManager::update", "Cnt#: ", 1483, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "ChatBubbleManager::render", "Cnt#: ", 1455, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::clients", "Cnt#: ", 508, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::updateSplash", "Cnt#: ", 294, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::sendPendingChat", "Cnt#: ", 261, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::updatePvpTeams", "Cnt#: ", 261, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::shutdownInactiveWorlds", "Cnt#: ", 260, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::sendClockUpdates", "Cnt#: ", 259, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::removeClient", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "Player::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::updateLightMap.setColorMap", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldServer::Generator::generateTiles", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.clientsOutgoingPackets", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.clientsIncommingPackets", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.worldUpdate", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Assets::process", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.sleeping", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "MuzzleFlashEffect::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "ColorMapQuadRenderer::setColorMap", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Projectile::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldServer::Generator::generateEntities", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Assets::image", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.SDL_GL_SwapBuffers", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "NPCSpawner::step", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "DungeonGenerator::generateNearZero", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "FlowingWaterAgent::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Assets::loadFromDisk", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.glClear", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Object::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Assets::getImage", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::renderParticles", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::updateLightMap", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::render", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::renderPerf", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "NPC::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "universe_time", "87444.9" ], [ "server_1602364545308424985_entities", "169" ], [ "server_1602364545308424985_sectors", "50" ], [ "server_1602364545308424985_coordinate", "alpha:12862785:8050796:2146715:9:10" ], [ "server_1602364545308424985_world_time", "26.1867" ], [ "server_7080427944415911138_entities", "138" ], [ "server_7080427944415911138_sectors", "54" ], [ "server_7080427944415911138_coordinate", "null" ], [ "server_7080427944415911138_world_time", "25.3507" ], [ "universe_time_client", "87444.7" ], [ "client_entities", "138" ], [ "client_sectors", "42" ], [ "client_incoming_bps", "306" ], [ "client_outgoing_bps", "777" ], [ "client_worst_incoming", "13:142" ], [ "client_worst_outgoing", "13:423" ], [ "render_fps", "60.2631" ], [ "update_rate", "59.9348" ], [ "player_pos", "526.00 518.50" ], [ "player_vel", "0.00 -1.22" ], [ "player_aim", "524.71 517.50" ], [ "version", "Beta v. Enraged Koala - Update 8" ], [ "server_15960187654556902665_entities", "0" ], [ "server_15960187654556902665_sectors", "0" ], [ "server_15960187654556902665_coordinate", "alpha:-46607160:-60834382:6481303:5:4" ], [ "server_15960187654556902665_world_time", "25.5997" ] ]
    Info: Client shutdown gracefully
    Info: Shutting down Star::Root

    Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    Info: Loading Star::Configuration from '..\starbound.config'
    Info: Done preparing Star::Root.
    Info: Client version 'Beta v. Enraged Koala - Update 8' Protocol: 643
    Info: Running from : E:\Program Files (x86)\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Starbound\win32\starbound.exe
    Info: Starting from the title screen
    Info: Initialized SDL
    Info: Initialized SDL Video
    Info: Initialized SDL Joystick
    Info: Initialized SDL Sound
    Info: Opened default audio device with 44khz / 16 bit stereo audio, 2048 sample size buffer
    Info: Loading Star::Root...
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: Loading Star::Configuration from '..\starbound.config'
    Info: Created initial window 1920x1080
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: Re-created window 1920x1080
    Warn: Missing inventoryIcon for chestplant1, using default
    Warn: Missing inventoryIcon for barvent, using default
    Warn: Missing inventoryIcon for wreckvent, using default
    Info: Done loading Star::Root.
    Info: Acquiring universe lock file
    Info: UniverseServer: Creating world alpha:42995519:-89865614:-17484802:4:2
    Info: Generating 1 dungeons
    Info: Generating a dungeon
    Info: Placing dungeon at (3539, 642)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: tombthing2 direction: 0 position: (3924, 544)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: tombstatueavian direction: 0 position: (3928, 544)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: tombthing4 direction: 1 position: (3788, 593)
    Warn: Perf: UniverseServer::createWorld millis: 3291
    Info: UniverseServer: client connection made from local
    Info: UniverseServer: Sending Handshake Challenge
    Info: UniverseClient: Sending Handshake Repsonse
    Info: UniverseServer: Loading ship world received from client <User: Amadeus>
    Warn: Recovering SimpleDatabase at device: <unnamed temp file>
    Warn: Recovery finished
    Warn: "Interactable" object type is deprecated, and has been replaced by loungeable for beds and chairs, and by the base object class for all other uses. Attempting to determine which one is appropriate. Please update your config file, this fallback will be removed without further warning in a subsequent update.
    Warn: "Interactable" object type is deprecated, and has been replaced by loungeable for beds and chairs, and by the base object class for all other uses. Attempting to determine which one is appropriate. Please update your config file, this fallback will be removed without further warning in a subsequent update.
    Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Amadeus' <1> (Fifo <0x21d3ffe8>) connected
    Info: UniverseServer: Loading world db for world alpha:-46607160:-60834382:6481303:5:4
    Warn: Perf: ClientApplication::update millis: 4406
    Warn: Perf: StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.update millis: 4406
    Warn: Perf: StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop millis: 4534
    Warn: "Interactable" object type is deprecated, and has been replaced by loungeable for beds and chairs, and by the base object class for all other uses. Attempting to determine which one is appropriate. Please update your config file, this fallback will be removed without further warning in a subsequent update.
    Warn: "Interactable" object type is deprecated, and has been replaced by loungeable for beds and chairs, and by the base object class for all other uses. Attempting to determine which one is appropriate. Please update your config file, this fallback will be removed without further warning in a subsequent update.
    Info: UniverseClient: Client disconnecting...
    Info: UniverseServer: Shutting down ship world for client 'Amadeus' <1> (Fifo <0x21d3ffe8>)
    Info: Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
    Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Amadeus' <1> (Fifo <0x21d3ffe8>) disconnected
    Info: NetSocket read loop shut down: Fifo::read called on closed Fifo
    Info: NetSocket read loop shut down: Fifo::read called on closed Fifo
    Warn: Perf: ClientApplication::update millis: 1591
    Warn: Perf: StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.update millis: 1591
    Warn: Perf: StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop millis: 2027
    Info: Application quitting!
    Info: [ [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop", "Cnt#: ", 2041, "Sum(ms)", 42610, "Avg", 20, "SAvg", 16, "Min", 15, "Max", 4534, "Last", 19, "Var(avg,us)", 8372.86, "VMax(ms)", 4519, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::run.sleeping", "Cnt#: ", 1771, "Sum(ms)", 27350, "Avg", 15, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 18, "Last", 17, "Var(avg,us)", 13487.3, "VMax(ms)", 17, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.sleeping", "Cnt#: ", 7202, "Sum(ms)", 15744, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 12, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 1186.06, "VMax(ms)", 11, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::run.innerloop", "Cnt#: ", 145, "Sum(ms)", 14504, "Avg", 100, "SAvg", 100, "Min", 100, "Max", 102, "Last", 100, "Var(avg,us)", 34.4828, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::update.worldUpdate", "Cnt#: ", 2498, "Sum(ms)", 13635, "Avg", 5, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 579, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 5532.03, "VMax(ms)", 553, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::update", "Cnt#: ", 2505, "Sum(ms)", 13615, "Avg", 5, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 579, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 5499, "VMax(ms)", 553, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServer::update", "Cnt#: ", 2494, "Sum(ms)", 13013, "Avg", 5, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 104, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 5291.5, "VMax(ms)", 104, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.preSleeping", "Cnt#: ", 1833, "Sum(ms)", 10289, "Avg", 5, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 12, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 4593.56, "VMax(ms)", 11, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.render", "Cnt#: ", 2040, "Sum(ms)", 9385, "Avg", 4, "SAvg", 3, "Min", 0, "Max", 504, "Last", 3, "Var(avg,us)", 3734.31, "VMax(ms)", 504, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::render", "Cnt#: ", 2039, "Sum(ms)", 9375, "Avg", 4, "SAvg", 3, "Min", 0, "Max", 504, "Last", 3, "Var(avg,us)", 3732.22, "VMax(ms)", 504, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsSwapBuffers", "Cnt#: ", 2043, "Sum(ms)", 8823, "Avg", 4, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 15, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 4318.65, "VMax(ms)", 15, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::update", "Cnt#: ", 2107, "Sum(ms)", 8329, "Avg", 3, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 4406, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 3611.3, "VMax(ms)", 4406, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.update", "Cnt#: ", 2102, "Sum(ms)", 8319, "Avg", 3, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 4406, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 3617.03, "VMax(ms)", 4406, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldStorage::update", "Cnt#: ", 623, "Sum(ms)", 7831, "Avg", 12, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 94, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 12569.8, "VMax(ms)", 94, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::prepareTiles", "Cnt#: ", 241, "Sum(ms)", 6713, "Avg", 27, "SAvg", 17, "Min", 15, "Max", 41, "Last", 23, "Var(avg,us)", 10518.7, "VMax(ms)", 24, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.postSleeping", "Cnt#: ", 5371, "Sum(ms)", 5457, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 3, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 16.0119, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadVariant", "Cnt#: ", 11258, "Sum(ms)", 4097, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 32, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 363.919, "VMax(ms)", 32, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::createWorld", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 3759, "Avg", 1879, "SAvg", 3279, "Min", 468, "Max", 3291, "Last", 468, "Var(avg,us)", 1.4115e+006, "VMax(ms)", 2823, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadImage", "Cnt#: ", 8355, "Sum(ms)", 3285, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 34, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 392.34, "VMax(ms)", 34, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadBaseImage", "Cnt#: ", 7932, "Sum(ms)", 2885, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 34, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 362.834, "VMax(ms)", 34, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::render", "Cnt#: ", 755, "Sum(ms)", 2044, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 2, "Min", 2, "Max", 265, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 1321.85, "VMax(ms)", 236, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::updateRunning", "Cnt#: ", 787, "Sum(ms)", 2035, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 2, "Min", 1, "Max", 70, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 1663.28, "VMax(ms)", 43, "Parent", "" ], [ "Monster::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 18523, "Sum(ms)", 1882, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 101.603, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseClient::update", "Cnt#: ", 790, "Sum(ms)", 1802, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 69, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 2263.29, "VMax(ms)", 42, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::prepareSector", "Cnt#: ", 101, "Sum(ms)", 1749, "Avg", 17, "SAvg", 14, "Min", 0, "Max", 81, "Last", 31, "Var(avg,us)", 28792.1, "VMax(ms)", 79, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldClient::updateLighting", "Cnt#: ", 756, "Sum(ms)", 1698, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 3, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 1246.03, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldClient::update", "Cnt#: ", 789, "Sum(ms)", 1666, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 28, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 1434.73, "VMax(ms)", 25, "Parent", "" ], [ "Npc::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 27782, "Sum(ms)", 1522, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 6, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 54.7837, "VMax(ms)", 6, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::handleConnection", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 645, "Avg", 645, "SAvg", 645, "Min", 645, "Max", 645, "Last", 645, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::sync", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 615, "Avg", 615, "SAvg", 615, "Min", 615, "Max", 615, "Last", 615, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "DungeonGenerator::generate", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 553, "Avg", 553, "SAvg", 553, "Min", 553, "Max", 553, "Last", 553, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "DungeonDefinition::buildDungeon", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 545, "Avg", 272, "SAvg", 542, "Min", 0, "Max", 545, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 272500, "VMax(ms)", 545, "Parent", "" ], [ "Object::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 299956, "Sum(ms)", 517, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1.72359, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Object::tickClient", "Cnt#: ", 107808, "Sum(ms)", 492, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 4.56367, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::generateMicroDungeons", "Cnt#: ", 57, "Sum(ms)", 377, "Avg", 6, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 34, "Last", 3, "Var(avg,us)", 6596.49, "VMax(ms)", 34, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::readFullWorld", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 298, "Avg", 149, "SAvg", 117, "Min", 117, "Max", 181, "Last", 181, "Var(avg,us)", 32000, "VMax(ms)", 64, "Parent", "" ], [ "Player::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 790, "Sum(ms)", 271, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 2, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 341.772, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.renderPost", "Cnt#: ", 2039, "Sum(ms)", 219, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 30, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 121.138, "VMax(ms)", 30, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadAudio", "Cnt#: ", 13, "Sum(ms)", 150, "Avg", 11, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 62, "Last", 62, "Var(avg,us)", 11538.5, "VMax(ms)", 62, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadFont", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 149, "Avg", 74, "SAvg", 148, "Min", 0, "Max", 149, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 74500, "VMax(ms)", 149, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.SDL_PollEvent", "Cnt#: ", 2103, "Sum(ms)", 126, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 66, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1079.89, "VMax(ms)", 66, "Parent", "" ], [ "MainInterface::update", "Cnt#: ", 787, "Sum(ms)", 119, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 2, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 151.207, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::updateTitle", "Cnt#: ", 1030, "Sum(ms)", 114, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 64, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1071.84, "VMax(ms)", 64, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::renderInit", "Cnt#: ", 5, "Sum(ms)", 91, "Avg", 18, "SAvg", 7, "Min", 7, "Max", 59, "Last", 7, "Var(avg,us)", 11200, "VMax(ms)", 52, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::updateLighting", "Cnt#: ", 754, "Sum(ms)", 54, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 71.618, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldClient::queueUpdatePackets", "Cnt#: ", 787, "Sum(ms)", 31, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 39.3901, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::processInput", "Cnt#: ", 285, "Sum(ms)", 29, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 14, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 101.754, "VMax(ms)", 14, "Parent", "" ], [ "LivingWorldAgent::update", "Cnt#: ", 627, "Sum(ms)", 26, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 4, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 51.0367, "VMax(ms)", 4, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::renderNametags", "Cnt#: ", 756, "Sum(ms)", 23, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 6, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 44.9735, "VMax(ms)", 5, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::update.clientsIncomingPackets", "Cnt#: ", 2477, "Sum(ms)", 20, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 10, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 8.07428, "VMax(ms)", 10, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::renderParticles", "Cnt#: ", 2259, "Sum(ms)", 15, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 6.64011, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Renderer::setColorMap", "Cnt#: ", 754, "Sum(ms)", 12, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 15.9151, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::updateLighting.setColorMap", "Cnt#: ", 753, "Sum(ms)", 12, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 15.9363, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::addClient", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 10, "Avg", 10, "SAvg", 10, "Min", 10, "Max", 10, "Last", 10, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::handleQueuedConnection.handshake.waitforresponse", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 10, "Avg", 10, "SAvg", 10, "Min", 10, "Max", 10, "Last", 10, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::handleQueuedConnection.handshake", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 10, "Avg", 10, "SAvg", 10, "Min", 10, "Max", 10, "Last", 10, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::convertBiomeMetaMaterials", "Cnt#: ", 101, "Sum(ms)", 8, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 79.2079, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::postProcessAudio", "Cnt#: ", 6, "Sum(ms)", 8, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 3, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1000, "VMax(ms)", 3, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::renderDestroy", "Cnt#: ", 5, "Sum(ms)", 7, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 3, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 1400, "VMax(ms)", 3, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadBytes", "Cnt#: ", 23, "Sum(ms)", 6, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 5, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 260.87, "VMax(ms)", 5, "Parent", "" ], [ "Audio::parseWav", "Cnt#: ", 8, "Sum(ms)", 6, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 2, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 750, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::update.clientsOutgoingPackets", "Cnt#: ", 2492, "Sum(ms)", 4, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1.60514, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Cinematic::render", "Cnt#: ", 2042, "Sum(ms)", 4, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 3, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 3.42801, "VMax(ms)", 3, "Parent", "" ], [ "ChatBubbleManager::update", "Cnt#: ", 786, "Sum(ms)", 3, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 3.81679, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Projectile::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 320, "Sum(ms)", 3, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 9.375, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsClear", "Cnt#: ", 2037, "Sum(ms)", 2, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.981836, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsFinish", "Cnt#: ", 2042, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.489716, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsStart", "Cnt#: ", 2041, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.489956, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::doTriggeredStorage", "Cnt#: ", 146, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 6.84932, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::dirtyCollisionCache", "Cnt#: ", 101, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 9.90099, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Cinematic::update", "Cnt#: ", 2891, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "Spawner::update", "Cnt#: ", 2503, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "Player::tickSlave", "Cnt#: ", 803, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "ChatBubbleManager::render", "Cnt#: ", 753, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::updateSplash", "Cnt#: ", 287, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::clients", "Cnt#: ", 275, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::sendContextUpdates", "Cnt#: ", 146, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::updatePvpTeams", "Cnt#: ", 146, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::shutdownInactiveWorlds", "Cnt#: ", 145, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::sendClockUpdates", "Cnt#: ", 145, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::sendPendingChat", "Cnt#: ", 144, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::removeClient", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "Player::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Projectile::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "NPCSpawner::step", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.worldUpdate", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "DungeonGenerator::generateNearZero", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.clientsOutgoingPackets", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Assets::loadFromDisk", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldServer::Generator::generateTiles", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.glClear", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "ColorMapQuadRenderer::setColorMap", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::updateLightMap.setColorMap", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.clientsIncommingPackets", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Assets::process", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.sleeping", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "MuzzleFlashEffect::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldServer::Generator::generateEntities", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Assets::image", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "FlowingWaterAgent::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Object::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::updateLightMap", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::renderPerf", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "NPC::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.SDL_GL_SwapBuffers", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::render", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::renderParticles", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Assets::getImage", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "universe_time", "87415.1" ], [ "server_3076041366509281356_entities", "481" ], [ "server_3076041366509281356_sectors", "298" ], [ "server_3076041366509281356_coordinate", "alpha:42995519:-89865614:-17484802:4:2" ], [ "server_3076041366509281356_world_time", "14.6537" ], [ "server_7080427944415911138_entities", "138" ], [ "server_7080427944415911138_sectors", "110" ], [ "server_7080427944415911138_coordinate", "null" ], [ "server_7080427944415911138_world_time", "13.6567" ], [ "universe_time_client", "87414.9" ], [ "client_entities", "138" ], [ "client_sectors", "42" ], [ "client_incoming_bps", "236" ], [ "client_outgoing_bps", "827.173" ], [ "client_worst_incoming", "48:120" ], [ "client_worst_outgoing", "43:440" ], [ "render_fps", "60.0226" ], [ "update_rate", "59.5461" ], [ "player_pos", "526.00 518.50" ], [ "player_vel", "0.00 -1.22" ], [ "player_aim", "527.83 517.58" ], [ "version", "Beta v. Enraged Koala - Update 8" ], [ "server_15960187654556902665_entities", "198" ], [ "server_15960187654556902665_sectors", "64" ], [ "server_15960187654556902665_coordinate", "alpha:-46607160:-60834382:6481303:5:4" ], [ "server_15960187654556902665_world_time", "14.1487" ] ]
    Info: Client shutdown gracefully
    Info: Shutting down Star::Root
    Last edited: May 3, 2014
  13. Erethas

    Erethas Phantasmal Quasar

    I don't see anything wrong there... could you post a screenshot of the crafting interface when looking at the sonics?
  14. Erethas

    Erethas Phantasmal Quasar

  15. Lord Kain

    Lord Kain Ketchup Robot

    I'll try your hot fix, and if the problem is still there I'll take a screenshot and thank you for helping =)

    Okay no go on the hot, here's a screen

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 3, 2014
  16. Erethas

    Erethas Phantasmal Quasar

    That is very strange...
    Let's see if there is anything I missed :S
  17. Lord Kain

    Lord Kain Ketchup Robot

    So strange eh? Everything else is there, including the Z version just not the standard.
  18. Erethas

    Erethas Phantasmal Quasar

    Ok now I feel dumb, I wanted people to get into a higher Tier-level before they can craft the special sonic (Since it's an item that isn't from the show people should have to do a bit more for it)
    Is that still a fair limitation or should it be always there?
  19. Lord Kain

    Lord Kain Ketchup Robot

    Well since i'm playing a Doctor Who OC and I could see other people doing the same, perhaps not. Because don't get me wrong I love the Doctor's but I also like my own version (Getting a custom one build in real life), but by the same token is it stronger then the normal ones or just a different casing?
  20. Erethas

    Erethas Phantasmal Quasar

    Something is quite wrong with that Sonic... ok trying to resolve that and will make it available for everyone :D

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